Definetely need to rework cave opening mechanism, should probably toughen the nearest caves over time to create an incentive to knock them out.
Nice to see the talent system work as intended.
Archon replacing Zealot/Sentry/Stalker is a problem. Perhaps I can make some talents to boost those units.
Thanks for bug reports :D
Sentries do have some niche use, I think I built 2 one for defending 1 for offensive. Crushing grip is good for boss mobs (quillgors especially, and the very shield regen is good for archons, and hp regen good for zealots. A buff to zealots would see more sentries due to zealot's 100 hp.
I'm not sure solarite works as an strategic mechanic, as its use remains fairly one-dimentional. You get income for econ greed, then use the epic income to get a tech advantage which you convert into army advantage which you increase further with army solarite tech. Feels like a flatout buff rather than a strategical, as by the time you swap you no longer need the econ advantage.
Okay tried it again after my initial complaints. Manged to beat it on hard with an immortal/archon deathball. Spent solarite on resource income boost first, so quickly got 3 forges+ tech up and running, switched to army-based solarite afterwards. Focussed on teleporting to kill the caves first so I only got 2 dropperlords. Made the game feel a lot easier.
Closing order of caves.
Caves opening on units created is probably too abusable. For example, I purposefully didn't hit the first cap until just before I closed cave 6. On the other hand, caves opening on units created is painful if you lose a lot of units early (zealot heavy strats), setting you back farther. Similarly, players have an incentive to close the stronger caves first.
Some of the caves may need reworking to allow more units to hit them, or so you can put a few immortals off on the side to constantly whittle down hp. Cave 3 in particular.
Bug found: opening both menu's and closing one keeps one menu open but the game unpauses.
I have a lot of problems with the maps design. Why do rocks gain 500 hp per cave sealed? There is no warning about caves becoming aggressive when attacked. Attacks scaling from 3 zerglings to 2 ultralisks is not OK when the player does not know about it and tries to seal one off early. The mastery allowing high templar to cost 150/50 instead of 50/150 is utterly broken given a generally larger mineral bank than vespene bank, making high archons be more useful than zealots and stalkers. There doesn't seem to be a natural progression, game is extremely easy, then has a epic difficulty spike requiring huge map control/multitasking when those pesky droplords start heading out. (Why are they damage immune for so long? Why does psi storm only do 1 damage/tick to them instead of 10?)
The best way to play this is to build up as high as you can go before the first base mines out, port to seal off the ovie spawn caves, then win.
Caster full energy does not work on archons with psistorm after merging.
The shield mastery causes units to warp in with 20 shield missing
Minor nitpick, but ending punctuation is missing from a lot of lines.
A bunch of the overlords may not send units to base, causing incredible lag
Edit (because this does deserve some praise):
The observer hero pairs well with the psi thingy, and does allow some cool tactical maneuvers and can give you multiple points to return to, which is useful on this highly linear map.
All the later caves feel somewhat unique, even if there's too many of them to assign them specific names (There's two dropperlord caves and 3 ling caves, for example)
The auto-researching tech upgrades makes units more exciting faster. However, this does come at a strategical depth cost, as getting these upgrades are too cheap not to get, especially since you need to tech up to unlock your full unit roster.
- I was testing two days auto sacrifice and it was okey. The supplicant use that ability only if alarak has damaged health.
seems like Auto-sac activates when he takes any hp damage, which is a bit soon tbh. Needs to be like critical or half health. It's hard to see visually if you're getting hp healing out of that.
- I will check these slayers. Maybe I will change their shield ability to something more useful and new.
Yeah more testing has revealed that ALL their cooldowns activate when one activates heal.
As for whether shield healing is useful? I'm going to say "not really" because blink micro exists. I mean it's useful if you want to put them back in combat right away or as a skill floor for ppl who don't blink micro, but other than that not that big a deal tbh.
I didnt nerf main base resource limit ^^
I see, it's just that the hybrid are tough to take down in large numbers with only 30-40 stalkers + alarak. That's def good, makes them as frightening as they should have been tbh. Will have to take more than 1 base next time.
Havn't managed to find myself some time to play the full map (mission 5), but I think the resource limit on the main base was a good nerf to players, and does up the difficulty as they need to defend multiple points sooner. Still think that destruction wave remains a little strong due to it's low cooldown and lack of long range units that aren't as affected by it, and that you can mine out everything before activating the drill. But please take this with a grain of salt because I didn't get much father than grabbing a second base.
When you select a bunch of stalkers and use capacitor, if ANY of them have damaged shields, it activates it for ALL stalkers, not just the ones damaged.
I don't think auto-sacrifice is working right? My shields weren't even broken and supplicants got sacc'd, losing out on half that healing.
So, now that we've had 3 complete skin sets announced and another 3 being released with the next warchest, i'm curious about what people think. So, two questions
1) Do you wish that you had those skins earlier, to boost the cool factor of a faction you had?
2) Do you have a dream set of skins for a (past or planned) campaign that you wish was released, and what?
Mapsters 4.5 for Mapcraft 2017 has been significantly updated. Very interested in feedback for anyone who has time. Just about 20 days til contest ends.
Some changes of note:
- The end is an actual boss fight now, far different than it was before. So much improved. Type "boss fight" without quotes after you choose difficulty if you want to skip straight to it for testing purposes.
- Changed the supply max to 100, and added an addition second level upgrade for the healing bots. This makes it easier to keep a fully healed up army.
- Changed the tanks impact indicator to make it more distinct from the grenade ability indicator. So hopefully that'll help the player to know to dodge the tank attacks.
- Lots of other various things I don't remember :P
"boss fight" should probably activate all upgrades....
anyways the 2nd upgrade for the healing bots now makes them healing grenades, and making the single target heal rather pointless (except on heavily damaged marauders or heroes). Throw one in front of your army, crowd around it, and shoot for 25 healing and then you can keep moving (saving you time)
Drop pods are interesting, but in the end it's a pain to keep selecting new units that can be on the other side of the ship and try to group them with you.
Ghost dude's epic cloak on wound means that it's actually generally better to keep dying (which you will anyways, due to the sheer hp of everything that spawns)
In reply to ScriptlyChallanged:
Okay tried it again after my initial complaints. Manged to beat it on hard with an immortal/archon deathball. Spent solarite on resource income boost first, so quickly got 3 forges+ tech up and running, switched to army-based solarite afterwards. Focussed on teleporting to kill the caves first so I only got 2 dropperlords. Made the game feel a lot easier.
Closing order of caves.
Caves opening on units created is probably too abusable. For example, I purposefully didn't hit the first cap until just before I closed cave 6. On the other hand, caves opening on units created is painful if you lose a lot of units early (zealot heavy strats), setting you back farther. Similarly, players have an incentive to close the stronger caves first.
Some of the caves may need reworking to allow more units to hit them, or so you can put a few immortals off on the side to constantly whittle down hp. Cave 3 in particular.
Bug found: opening both menu's and closing one keeps one menu open but the game unpauses.
I have a lot of problems with the maps design. Why do rocks gain 500 hp per cave sealed? There is no warning about caves becoming aggressive when attacked. Attacks scaling from 3 zerglings to 2 ultralisks is not OK when the player does not know about it and tries to seal one off early. The mastery allowing high templar to cost 150/50 instead of 50/150 is utterly broken given a generally larger mineral bank than vespene bank, making high archons be more useful than zealots and stalkers. There doesn't seem to be a natural progression, game is extremely easy, then has a epic difficulty spike requiring huge map control/multitasking when those pesky droplords start heading out. (Why are they damage immune for so long? Why does psi storm only do 1 damage/tick to them instead of 10?)
The best way to play this is to build up as high as you can go before the first base mines out, port to seal off the ovie spawn caves, then win.
Edit (because this does deserve some praise):
The observer hero pairs well with the psi thingy, and does allow some cool tactical maneuvers and can give you multiple points to return to, which is useful on this highly linear map.
All the later caves feel somewhat unique, even if there's too many of them to assign them specific names (There's two dropperlord caves and 3 ling caves, for example)
The auto-researching tech upgrades makes units more exciting faster. However, this does come at a strategical depth cost, as getting these upgrades are too cheap not to get, especially since you need to tech up to unlock your full unit roster.
seems like Auto-sac activates when he takes any hp damage, which is a bit soon tbh. Needs to be like critical or half health. It's hard to see visually if you're getting hp healing out of that.
Yeah more testing has revealed that ALL their cooldowns activate when one activates heal.
As for whether shield healing is useful? I'm going to say "not really" because blink micro exists. I mean it's useful if you want to put them back in combat right away or as a skill floor for ppl who don't blink micro, but other than that not that big a deal tbh.
Havn't managed to find myself some time to play the full map (mission 5), but I think the resource limit on the main base was a good nerf to players, and does up the difficulty as they need to defend multiple points sooner. Still think that destruction wave remains a little strong due to it's low cooldown and lack of long range units that aren't as affected by it, and that you can mine out everything before activating the drill. But please take this with a grain of salt because I didn't get much father than grabbing a second base.
When you select a bunch of stalkers and use capacitor, if ANY of them have damaged shields, it activates it for ALL stalkers, not just the ones damaged.
I don't think auto-sacrifice is working right? My shields weren't even broken and supplicants got sacc'd, losing out on half that healing.
So, now that we've had 3 complete skin sets announced and another 3 being released with the next warchest, i'm curious about what people think. So, two questions
1) Do you wish that you had those skins earlier, to boost the cool factor of a faction you had?
2) Do you have a dream set of skins for a (past or planned) campaign that you wish was released, and what?
Shame to see you go. I loved the viacre ch.2 as a concept, and the map you were making was a great improvement upon it.
In reply to Bilxor:
In reply to Veratai: