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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    1. Possibly a Mac issue
    This issue might be only happening with Mac users. Maybe I am wrong, but when I tried to copy the XML code, nothing happened. No option to copy it showed up. When I tried copying it using Control C, it did not work either. Maybe I am doing it the wrong way. Is there a certain way that XML Code needs to be copied? Just in case it remains the case that it is not working for Mac users, could there be a work around to copying the XML?
    2. Okay. I will keep note of this though just in case.
    3. Proceeding with that method.
    As much as I would really love the drop-down and fading in, its ultimately overhanging command panel that is what I was really looking for and maybe the race consoles. Since I am guessing that the XML code is more than likely unable to be copied for Mac users at this time and doing this via parallels would be too time consuming at this time, I would like to know how this can be done via the dialog item portrait way. Currently, I have all of the actors, viable and triggers from that demo copied into the main file to give this a try. When I tried to adept it in the dialog item portrait way, nothing showed up. Initially I tried linking both the model actor that holds the command panel visual and the actor that creates the command panel visual. Same result for both. Here is a look at my setup:
    Now I purposely have not hidden the border of the portrait yet just cause I am new at this and wanted to be careful what I was altering. When I have it set up this way though, a portrait with nothing visible in it shows up.
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    Alright. After lots of testing, trial and error and resizing different models, I finally managed to get all of the Co-op like command panels showing up properly, but I've run into some major road blocks. This currently as of now is only working in the demo map. Here is some of the next questions:


    1. How to copy the XML to my main file?


    One of the big issues that I ran into is that I noticed you cannot directly copy and paste XML nor the layouts in a similar manner like other data objects. So I tried to recreate them from scratch in my main file. When I saved and came back to try and copy the XML and other data they just disappeared.


    2. What is the purpose of using Notepad for XML related tasks?


    I recall you mentioning about this earlier. One thing I should point out is that I am using a Mac, but I have parallels which can run notepad. Since it is difficult for me to switch between parallels and the Mac, it would be more ideal if this is not required.


    3. Can using regular Dialog item Portraits work?


    Instead of using Ui Layouts, could it be possible to simply use a dialog item portrait, remove the boarder then setup the UI model within it? Could there also be another way to display the UI command panels without Layouts or dealing with xml? I ask since this seems especially complicated to do in order to just produce a few UI panels.


    Going to stick with these questions for now before moving forward.

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    posted a message on A number of questions about complicated issues that I need some help with. [Project Critical/FinalTouches]

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

     Alright. I've finally managed to get a model attached to another unit the right away and it seems to be moving with the unit as it should. I've also figured out how to get its animations working properly. I do have one question in this regards.
    1. How to get the turret to turn when attacking?
    The only thing that does not seem to be working right is the turret's ability to turn. I've tried adding a spore crawler turret to it for now. Nothing is happening with this so I wondered what the process for getting this set up would be?
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    Hopefully its not a little too late today for response, but I have one question for today.
    1. Positioning of the Models for the Portraits.
    I wanted to ask about positioning of the models and how the model is set to face the unit. When I tried to add the Dehaka UI Mission Screen it showed up, but it appeared to be displaying it from the side and it was showing it was very tiny. This was dispite having the scale set to 17. How would I get UI planes like those positioned properly so they are facing the screen and large enough like the aiur bridge model.
    EDIT: The purifier screen was the one I used I mean. This is a picture of what it looked like when I switched it in, but it appeared to be animating properly although not fully showing.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    In regards to 1, that was really smart thinking. I didn't even realize it was a bridge model when looking at it for the first time. Very good choice of model. Here are the new questions I have.


    1 and 9. What exactly needed to be changed in the XML code, to change the model?


    I was actually talking about an earlier thread that I asked about how to make dialog portraits.  I realized something now though that wasn't clear immediately. The ui layout that you specified is basically a portrait with a model animation that is playing not counting the buttons. So its no wonder. That demo map basically explains how do what I asked you about, but except with ui layouts. The question I have though. What exactly needs to be done in XML code to change the model? I am new to the XML code so lots of this is hard to understand, but I am trying to make sense of it.


    4. Any references?


    Do you know someone that you could refer me to who might know how this is done. Even though it is quite complicated(mainly since I don't know how its done) I would really like to figure this out if possible, since it would really add to the experience. One thing I was noticing that might make things extra complicated is the races. If doing something like this requires getting custom races to work at a fully functional level, that will make things much harder since I will also have to fix the voices and resource icon along with the console. 


    5. Portait Complications

    So I am basically trying to make a model of Sylvanas Windrunner appear as a button. When I had set up the portrait, only her feet can be seen in the picture and I wondered what would be the right way to set it up so her full model could be seen. 

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    posted a message on A number of questions about complicated issues that I need some help with. [Project Critical/FinalTouches]


    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    Alright. I think this will solve the problem. I am going to try this soon. Here is two new questions.
    1. Getting Taylormouse's Models working.
    I am trying to use this model from Taylormouse. It has been downloaded many times apparently, but when I tried to import this into the editor, it said that the core file was not found. I tried multiple times more, trying to make sure I got the file loaded in right. Hasn't been working. Since Taylor mouse has not been active for a while, I thought I might ask you about this. Maybe there is something I need to load this into the editor that I don't have. This is also happening with other of Taylormouse's model's I've tried.
    2. Getting Attachments done the right way.
    Okay so this is probably the 3-4th time I've asked you about how to properly attach a model to another unit the right way so that it follows the unit as it moves. Unlike those other times, I am ready to dedicate full energy and focus to this and won't be postponing this until the issue is figuring out once and for all. I would like it if you could explain from the beginning how this is done. I know that there needs to be an SOP attachment and some sort of model actor to make this work. I want to know about this so I can start creating some very interesting types of custom units.
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    1. Good to know
    Okay. That is a relief. My plan was to have them very similar the ones in co-op however it occurred to that there could be many other available panels I don't know about like that Protoss looking one you have in the demo. My next question would be, where might be a good place to check for more similar types of frames like that one which aren't in co-op. I might find there are some I like better. Also, if you don't mind my asking, what sort of data in the cutscene editor would I need to copy? Or would just copying the xml suffice?
    1.2 Ha. I am not surprised.
    Well, if it was causing problems like that, it was probably for the better. It would nice to have a worker ui previewer. At any rate, if it was too easy to get build UI frames in SC2, then it wouldn't be as impressive.
    4. More information
    Would you mind going into detail about this method? I would absolutely love to get these new console skins working properly on certain factions as well as certain Warcraft ones. That would really help out with providing distinction between the factions.
    5.1. Simply testing is all.
    I was deleting stuff to see what happens if stuff and such part is deleted to learn the demo.
    5.2-5.3 Okay. I am going to study these more.
    5.4 Brilliant
    It is a really satisfying feeling to learn something you've been walking to learn for a while and effectively apply it in a way that helps you. This is exactly how I felt when I finally got the faction screen working and learned how to effectively make all kinds of missile weapons with varied effects. Hopefully, I'll be able to understand UI frames and apply this stuff to something that works well.
    6. Noted
    8. Very helpful. 
    Its still gonna be kinda difficult, but hopefully once I very clearly understand how to apply and adapt that demo you showed me, I can do this.
    I do have just one more question for now. This question is one I asked a while ago, but this time I think I have sufficient knowledge to step further into it.
    9. Understanding how to set displayable models within dialogs.
    A while ago I asked you about how I could set up displayable models like this. You sent me a demo map and told me that I needed a dialog item portrait. I was having some complications with dialog item portraits and ultimately did not figure it out, but now I know how this is done. This time I won't give up until I understand how it is done, but I cannot find the original thread we discussed this on and the demo map you sent me. Lets keep it simple at first though before getting into multi threading to reduce render time. Fundamentally what would I need to do to have a model displayed that is not a standard portrait model, but maybe something like a marine or zergling for starters. Here is a picture of my current dialog item portrait setup for Fenix.
    So far this seems to work nicely and is getting a model to be displayed for Fenix as should be although I wonder if the repeating to keep it existing is really the best way to keep it up.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on A number of questions about complicated issues that I need some help with. [Project Critical/FinalTouches]

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

     Np. I think will be able to figure it out eventually. My next question is about getting turrets to turn. You see I have a structure that doesn't have a special turret model like siege tanks or missile turrets. I simply want the entire structure to turn facing the structure that it is attacking. So far, I've have already confirmed it is turnable and its weapon is fully functional, but it won't turn. What is needed to get the entire structure turning towards its target like spore crawlers?
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    Alright. Going to follow up with some questions about what has been posted:

    1. Complications with Allied Commanders


    So I've found those Layoutfiles that you are talking about in the Allied Commanders data file. However I face a major issue though. Downloading this mod is almost complete overwriting all of the work done on infested, swarm, Khala and Raynor's Raiders factions. This is why I have been reluctant to get that file downloaded for a while as there is so many changes and days of work put into each of those factions. Redoing all of the work that would be overwritten would take quite a long time. I was wondering if there was a way to curtail this or maybe only get certain parts of the allied commanders data? I noticed that the XML code of the layout files the Co-op ui can be copy and pasted, but I am just not sure if I will need something else to copy from the cutscene editor or any other important data. If I copy all that XML and create new layouts in the same order, would it be able to work? Although I am still debating whether I should just try to add allied commanders and redo all that work since more and more content is gonna be gradually added to that anyway and I am just packing on file space by copying it instead.


    1.2-3. No way to preview a UI?


    So I am aware that for imagines and models, you can click to preview that image of model to see what it looks like, but with UIs? Does one basically need to implement a working Layout see what it looks like? This is not exactly the most ideal of ways, but if its the only way I will try to learn how.


    4. Race Consoles


    Okay I understand this now and this made things a lot clearer. What would the place to look for the race consoles as well as those from the new warchest and co-op?


    5. Experimenting Results


    While I was experimenting with the demo you sent I noticed that the panel would simply stop working whenever I deleted:

    1. Dialog -Create a Panel for dialog (Last created dialog) using the template 1test/Mainframe

    2. Dialog -Hook up an existing Portrait called Portrait in dialog item Dialog Item 1

    3. Anything having to do with the actor.

    And the model dialog was a given. So fundamentally I am trying to learn to get this part to work first. Did you create all the XML code for that mainframe file yourself or did it come from another source? 


    6. Informative

    I think I get this. I remember seeing the medic beam doing something like this, but had no idea why. This just takes a bit of time for me to grasp I think. Like many once confusing things in the editor, I'll probably come to understand this as I need to use it.


    7. Might need something else

    I know its possible, but I am not sure exactly how, but I've seen arcade games using dialog portraits with moving lips. I am going to a bit of experimentation first.


    8. What about hero ui panels with boss bars?


    I've wanted to have these added for a very long time, but I have not been sure how to do this. These I assume wouldn't have a command panel, but I am not sure if they would have a portrait either.

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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

     I thank you for that example in number 3. That example has been extremely helpful and was just wanted I needed to begin understanding UI frames properly as well as how this whole thing is set up. There is a whole bunch of questions I have pertaining to this and other things. It is as follows:
    1 and 2. How to search and find for a desired UI frame?
    I know about how to enter the UI editor, but what I am not sure about is how to find a specific UI frame that I have seen in game. How would I know how to identify this? When I check the UI editor, I am seeing XML code despite not being in XML mode so I am unsure how to know if what I am looking at is the desired UI frame.
    3. Understanding what is a model and is not
    I've seen console models under the models tab that clearly serve to be apart of the UI. What I wanted to know was if that overhanging panel in the demo map you gave me is a model or an image. Of course if its a model, it would include images, but I am not sure exactly what.
    4. Where can I find the models and/or images for the overhanging co-op panels.
    I have been looking for these using multiple search entries, but have yet to find them.
    5. How does one find the string for this highlighted action?
    Its in XML clearly. I am very new to this XML of course, but trying to learn. I want to see if I can understand how these strings are created.
    6. What does this do?
    Specifically the part that says::global.1testname::self. What is the purpose that this serves? I have not used such actions before so I am wondering. It does seem important though.
    7. Talking Portraits(Lips)
    So I've come a long way to understanding portraits since I last spoke to you about this. I am now able to create dialog item portraits with talking animations(almost). The problem I am facing is that using the "Talk animation" to be sent to the actor is not working. This is not working on portraits like nova, ray nor and stukov, but is working with zagara and alarak. I would like to know how to get a portrait like those to use talking animations. None of the portraits that involve lips moving are working by the talk animation.
    Going to leave it at this for now, but I have many more questions to come about this.
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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    Okay. I it is finally working after lots and lots of trial and error. Thank God. So happy that issue is resolved now. There is so old issues that I would like to try and revisit now. 


    1. Bugs when setting custom races



    There are 12 races in this mod and I have an actual new race created under the races section.


    However when I for example try to set the player race via triggers to a race like Purifier Protoss, it shows up with Terran race ui and is not displaying supply count although the supply is working. I am absolutely certain that I copied purifier Protoss from the basic Protoss race. What I would like to know is how I can get the race Ui working for these custom races. 


    2. How do I know what layouts to use?



    For one of my races, I want it to look like the warcraft undead ui, but I don't know where to find this ui nor am I sure entirely how to replace this with all the default race ui. In that data megathread, you gave me a link to a thread about this, but when I had a look, the person who posted did not explain exactly how to do it. She had links and an example map there. Sadly neither were working. I was hoping since you said that you know more about triggers now that you might be able to help me understand this better at this time.


    3. What am I doing wrong here?

    This is an attempt to create a co-op like command panel for primal. I feel like this should be working, but it isn't. The dialog shows up, but nothing on the command panel. I doubled checked to make absolutely sure that the unit is indeed getting created and does have the abilities listed under it. Despite this, the buttons are not being created.

    I created this based on this advice I read on this forum:


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    About 4. Here is my attempt.

    I am very lost, but I made an attempt at this none the less. Notice the part that says player group. The viable I used was a local variable called player_var set to integer>array>number of players constant type. When I tried this, absolutely nothing happened. I wondered what I might be doing wrong here?


     Another thing I meant to ask about is the error with the icons. 

    The highlighted image is one of the icons that is experiencing problems, but I is clearly located under assets/textures that you'll notice. I wondered what else might be causing this problem. It should be noted that this problem started happening after I began clearing out a number of files to reduce storage space.

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    posted a message on A number of questions about complicated issues that I need some help with. [Project Critical/FinalTouches]

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    1.1-1.3. Going to be working on these today.


    Here is my new question:

    2. Pictures are showing up different colors and tints than originally taken in game.

    I took some pictures to display for the in game factions that the mod has. When I uploaded these pictures though, they all showed up a different tint then what I originally took. I double checked just to make sure. The pictures I am talking about are the ones placed under Battle.net info>screenshots and how to play. I wondered if there might be any way of preventing the tints from changing or fixing this. This is not the worst issues in the world, but if it can get solved relatively easily, then I would definitely like to try.


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    posted a message on A number of questions about complicated issues that I need some help with. [Project Critical/FinalTouches]

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    1. This is what I was thinking of doing, but I am not quite sure how to set it up in terms of how the search will call the worker to a point. So here is what I am gathering:

    1.1 Make a search ability

    1.2 Have that search ability. But do I have it use a search effect first on the minerals, then search again to order the worker?

    1.3 I was noticing that the gather ability for workers is an effect-cast ability. This means it would first need to be selected then search again for minerals or am I missing something?

    Can you also elaborate a bit more about the modify unit method? It sounds somewhat less complicated. What would I need to input in a modify unit effect for it to work?

    2.  I am going to give this a try soon. Just wanted to ask about 1 before evening rolls around.

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    posted a message on A number of questions about Trigger related issues

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

    1. I am just now starting to get a bit of a grasp of how to do things in the UI editor. Now I understand the help list item creation and the create tip trigger action. I am going to keep note of this. Once I resolve the majority of trigger related issues that don't involve the ui editor and xml, I am going to try to understand that part.


     2. Very very helpful! Worked perfectly and learning this allows me to apply it to other situations. I didn't realize this is how the or comparison worked.
    3. Very helpful also. I also noticed a number of other useful options while checking the combine string multiple function. No doubt this will be extremely useful in the future.
    I have another question that I forgot to ask before. This question is similar to number 2 in some ways as it involves some complications with cleardefaultmeleeunits.
    4. How to specify "All players" under player melee options.
    Currently the enable melee unit options say "Melee - enable melee option for player (Triggering player)". I want to have the melee option enabled for "All players" when the timer hits zero. It simply is not working for triggering player because no one player is triggering it. I don't see an all players function for this. What I wanted to know is how one could specify this action to fire for all players when the timer hits zero? 
    Posted in: Triggers
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