Is there any possibility for someone to make an M3 Importer/Exporter for MakeHuman? I can see a lot of potential for creativity there, and apparently MakeHuman is free.
Yeah but I don't have 3DS Max, I can't spare $3500 anytime soon. I'll just stick with Blender, my modeling skills are still growing little by little. :)
Was there ever any way to convert .mdx models into .m3 using text apps like notepad? I know it's strange and that previous SC2 update helps a lot, but there are still a lot of good custom stuff on the Hive Workshop. I figured to start by dragging and dropping, but then what? Edit some text to convert the model to .m3? Sorry if I'm making a duplicate request.
I'd like to start with three Pokemon requests: Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil. I know these may be kinda odd, but I've already made a suitable map here: Johto Region Demo If fulfilled, I may begin the next piece of the Johto Region. Thanks much!
If you've been to the Hive Workshop, the users "Fingolfin", "Illidan(EvilX)", and "olofmoleman" each have a pretty large collection of Star Wars models. I could show you a way how to convert them into .m3, but it may only prove useful if you know how to animate.
Actually sounds like a good idea, since the WC3 assets mods were just released. One "bridge" is complete, so maybe we should move on to importing the D3 stuff.
Alright, so I did. But he hasn't seen my private message yet. He hasn't checked in here since last May.
We can only wait until Jeromnimo restores the M3 exporter. I too wish he'd do that next. :\
Is there any possibility for someone to make an M3 Importer/Exporter for MakeHuman? I can see a lot of potential for creativity there, and apparently MakeHuman is free.
Any way to earn a scholarship through here for a tech school that has a game design program? UAT or similar?
Yeah but I don't have 3DS Max, I can't spare $3500 anytime soon. I'll just stick with Blender, my modeling skills are still growing little by little. :)
Was there ever any way to convert .mdx models into .m3 using text apps like notepad? I know it's strange and that previous SC2 update helps a lot, but there are still a lot of good custom stuff on the Hive Workshop. I figured to start by dragging and dropping, but then what? Edit some text to convert the model to .m3? Sorry if I'm making a duplicate request.
I'm so late and may be going off-topic, but is there any way to make an alpha channel area of a texture transparent? Here's an example:
Is there anyway to do this with Blender? Or is there a .m2 importer for Blender?
@ImperialGood: Go
Well that's a very good point. And of course I don't always have to upload stuff to the Arcade.
@ImperialGood: Go
What happened to the Transformers project?
I'd like to start with three Pokemon requests: Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil. I know these may be kinda odd, but I've already made a suitable map here: Johto Region Demo If fulfilled, I may begin the next piece of the Johto Region. Thanks much!
If you've been to the Hive Workshop, the users "Fingolfin", "Illidan(EvilX)", and "olofmoleman" each have a pretty large collection of Star Wars models. I could show you a way how to convert them into .m3, but it may only prove useful if you know how to animate.
@TaylorMouse: Go
How did I miss this great looking model earlier?
@Zolden: Go
Actually sounds like a good idea, since the WC3 assets mods were just released. One "bridge" is complete, so maybe we should move on to importing the D3 stuff.
@TaylorMouse: Go
What if we don't have 3DS Max?