I'd like to open a co-op map to see the triggers. Is there anywhere I can get a reasonably recent, unlocked one to look at? The maps have been updated over the years, and I don't want to put tons of effort into trying to emulate the old and inferior, so it must be from at least 2019.
So trying to copy the individual triggers, I see that it just does nothing. In order for it to actually copy a trigger, I have to select everything in the main window to the right and copy that, but that only gives me the content of one entry. Is there really no way to select the text of all the triggers at once?
And what is that crap in the "view scripts" window then? Just the libraries? Just one library?
Was trying to learn triggers. Opened mod with a lot of co-op triggers. Selected all in trigger window below the library window, copy. Pasted to a text program.
Now, for example one of the entries I can see in the editor is cCX_PlayerMasteryLevel = 0 <int[cCC_MAXPLAYERS]>. However, searching my new text document for any of that doesn't find anything. The text editor doesn't find so much as "PlayerMastery". Now, there are 154 pages of text in the pasted text document, so clearly it copied something. What it did copy is exactly the same as what the "script view" gave me when I used it on an empty mod with the co-op dependencies.
But the mod I selected the triggers in has huge lists of triggers in the trigger window. The "view scripts" dropdown in the non-empty mod produces a window with exactly the same content as the blank mod with co-op dependencies.
Why does it not show me these scripts in script view or copy them when I select copy?
I think I figured it out heh. The "model" I want to select for the actor is a data entry that the editor calls a model, but isn't an actual model file, so I need to copy the data entry for that model. I don't actually work on the mod too much and haven't confirmed yet, but if I don't come back to discredit this theory, this is it.
When I use the "Commander Mengsk" Blizzard mod as a dependency, I can use such things as the "ghostmengsk" model, which is the ninja-looking ghost.
However, I can't use the "Commander Mengsk" mod for my final product because of the dependency nonsense in the co-op mods (I posted about this below; nobody was able to solve it).
Saving the "Commander Mengsk" mod as a folder and looking inside, I don't see any texture or model files. The only reference I see to the ghostmengsk model is in the "preload.xml" file, where it calls:
The editor won't let me import "preload.xml" into my mod because it has a reserved name. Also, finding the file in the "preload" command under the mod menu in the editor did nothing. I suppose I could extract it and import the whole model into the mod, but it seems like I should just be able to point to the existing one.
Yeah, I don't think you can remove the includes after they've already been loaded.
That leaves me with only one way to make the fixed dependency - to reconstruct the starcoop mod.
So if anyone left around here knows a way to un-obfuscate starcoop with a reasonable amount of work, I'll check back here occasionally hoping for a solution; otherwise, I'm out.
So I think maybe the starcoop mod is obfuscated or something, and I doubt I'll put in the time to figure out how to make a fixed version of it, but I thought of a possible solution:
Starcoop uses a file that #includes Stetmann and Mengsk. If anyone knows how to un-include them, then I can make a mod that depends on all 3 in a sane chain and removes the #includes. That would duplicate the co-op functionality and also have Stetmann and Mengsk show up in the editor.
So if anyone knows how to make a mod that removes the #includes for Stetmann and Mengsk, let me know because I think that will solve it.
It always remembers my tabs, so I can verify that there's something you can do to make it happen. Since I've never messed with it, I can't tell you what that is.
I just double-checked and the Allied Commanders dependency behaves exactly like the Co-op Maps dependency. It calls Stetmann and Mengsk with an #include file and although their stuff is loaded, it does not appear in the editor. I'm pretty sure Allied commanders is just an empty mod that calls the other 3 mods.
Your faction wars mod comes from a time before they stupidly split the co-op stuff into 3 mods and called 2 of them with an #include file instead of having it load so that you can look at it in the editor.
I'll take a look at the melee pvp one. Edit: Checked it out and it also stops short of Stetmann and Mengsk, which is where the problem is. I like your commander selection method though.
My next stab at it will be to load up the 3 co-op mods (starcoop, Commander Stetmann, and Commander Mengsk), rename them, and have them chain off each other in a sane way. I just procrastinate because I don't know how to open starcoop directly, so I have to reconstruct it from CascView. I am probably reconstructing it wrong and that is probably why my previous attempt failed.
If you know how to open starcoop, which they call "Co-op mission dependency", that would help immensely. It's like the voidmulti, voidcampaign, etc. mods in that it doesn't appear in the "open" dialog window in the editor that I can see. (so if you know how to get, for example, voidmulti, open in the editor, the same method should work for starcoop)
I should add that I can think of one way to open starcoop - to find it in the bnet cache. However there are 200 s2ma files in the bnet cache and I don't want to check each one.
I know there are few modders left for this old game, but surely there's someone left who wants a coop mod with Stetmann and Mengsk in the editor and knows how to get it to happen.
I made another attempt, copying the contents of the xml and txt files in the Stetmann and Mengsk mods into the base co-op mod I made. Everything shows up fine in editor, but triggers to spawn starting units didn't work in my map.
So, since nobody seems to know, I guess my plan is to:
-make a blank mod
-copy into it the files from the starcoop directory that I can find with CascView. I'm hoping this is the correct content used by the co-op missions dependency.
-delete the "includes" file that calls the "Commander Stetmann" and "Commander Mengsk" mods at runtime.
-remove the lines that call commandertychus.xml and futurecommanders.xml
-copy the body of the text of commandertychus.xml and futurecocmmanders.xml piece by piece into the various standard xml files like unitdata and upgradedata.
-use the merge files command in the starcraft editor to combine the resulting mod, (which should be just like starcoop but without Mengsk and Stetmann) with the Stetmann and Mengsk mods.
I'm hoping this will produce a dependency mod that is equal to the "starcraft missions" or "starcoop" dependency, but with Stetmann and Mengsk's units showing up in the editor.
If anyone knows whether this will work, or if there is an easier way, please enlighten me!
Edit: First attempt at merging the mod files gives a ton of errors with stuff like files are not identical (no shit). Does the merge file feature not actually merge mod files? I've never used it before, but "merge files" seems like it should combine the contents of each xml, etc. Is that not the case?
also I did a google search for rtc completion demo and didnt find it, and the open function in the map editor doesn't show it under blizzard documents.
I don't understand what you're saying. If you're saying the commander mods get loaded later, well, that's the problem I'm having because the later commander units don't show up in the editor. Are you saying I can just copy the body of each xml, for example, units.xml from the Stetmann mod, and paste the text at the end of units.xml in one of the other mods, until I've added them all together?
Also, there are a couple xmls, Tychus.xml and futurecommanders.xml, that have a hodgepodge of data that belongs in a lot of different xmls. Do I have to go through these and cut and paste the units part into units.xml, the upgrades part into upgrades.xml, etc? How do I deal with these?
I want to make a co-op commander mod, but the co-op maps dependency, "starcoop", calls multiple mods with "includes" calls so that some of the information, particularly all of Stetmann and Mengsk, don't show up in the editor. I can't specifically add the Stetmann and Mengsk official mods as dependencies in order to make them show up in the editor, because doing so doubles all their stuff in-game, including graphics models.
I think the solution is to take the stupidly-split Blizzard co-op mods and combine them into one mod that I can use as a dependency. I wanted to open each of the blizzard mods in the editor and merge them with the "merge files" command in the file menu, then remove the file that calls to "#include Commander Stetmann", etc.
However, I can't find out how to open the co-op maps dependency, named "starcoop". File->open will bring up a list with the Stetmann and Mengsk mods, and the Allied Commanders mod, but not starcoop. The Allied Commanders mod seems to be a dummy mod that just calls the others, but perhaps I have it backwards and Starcoop is the dummy mod.
Anyway, if anyone can explain to me how to make a co-op dependency that has all the co-op data visible in the editor, please enlighten me!
I'd like to open a co-op map to see the triggers. Is there anywhere I can get a reasonably recent, unlocked one to look at? The maps have been updated over the years, and I don't want to put tons of effort into trying to emulate the old and inferior, so it must be from at least 2019.
So trying to copy the individual triggers, I see that it just does nothing. In order for it to actually copy a trigger, I have to select everything in the main window to the right and copy that, but that only gives me the content of one entry. Is there really no way to select the text of all the triggers at once?
And what is that crap in the "view scripts" window then? Just the libraries? Just one library?
Was trying to learn triggers. Opened mod with a lot of co-op triggers. Selected all in trigger window below the library window, copy. Pasted to a text program.
Now, for example one of the entries I can see in the editor is cCX_PlayerMasteryLevel = 0 <int[cCC_MAXPLAYERS]>. However, searching my new text document for any of that doesn't find anything. The text editor doesn't find so much as "PlayerMastery". Now, there are 154 pages of text in the pasted text document, so clearly it copied something. What it did copy is exactly the same as what the "script view" gave me when I used it on an empty mod with the co-op dependencies.
But the mod I selected the triggers in has huge lists of triggers in the trigger window. The "view scripts" dropdown in the non-empty mod produces a window with exactly the same content as the blank mod with co-op dependencies.
Why does it not show me these scripts in script view or copy them when I select copy?
I think I figured it out heh. The "model" I want to select for the actor is a data entry that the editor calls a model, but isn't an actual model file, so I need to copy the data entry for that model. I don't actually work on the mod too much and haven't confirmed yet, but if I don't come back to discredit this theory, this is it.
When I use the "Commander Mengsk" Blizzard mod as a dependency, I can use such things as the "ghostmengsk" model, which is the ninja-looking ghost.
However, I can't use the "Commander Mengsk" mod for my final product because of the dependency nonsense in the co-op mods (I posted about this below; nobody was able to solve it).
Saving the "Commander Mengsk" mod as a folder and looking inside, I don't see any texture or model files. The only reference I see to the ghostmengsk model is in the "preload.xml" file, where it calls:
<Asset path="assets\coop\mengsk\units\ghost_mengsk_coop\ghost_mengsk_coop.m3" Type="Model"/>
The editor won't let me import "preload.xml" into my mod because it has a reserved name. Also, finding the file in the "preload" command under the mod menu in the editor did nothing. I suppose I could extract it and import the whole model into the mod, but it seems like I should just be able to point to the existing one.
How do I get my mod to use that model?
Yeah, I don't think you can remove the includes after they've already been loaded.
That leaves me with only one way to make the fixed dependency - to reconstruct the starcoop mod.
So if anyone left around here knows a way to un-obfuscate starcoop with a reasonable amount of work, I'll check back here occasionally hoping for a solution; otherwise, I'm out.
So I think maybe the starcoop mod is obfuscated or something, and I doubt I'll put in the time to figure out how to make a fixed version of it, but I thought of a possible solution:
Starcoop uses a file that #includes Stetmann and Mengsk. If anyone knows how to un-include them, then I can make a mod that depends on all 3 in a sane chain and removes the #includes. That would duplicate the co-op functionality and also have Stetmann and Mengsk show up in the editor.
So if anyone knows how to make a mod that removes the #includes for Stetmann and Mengsk, let me know because I think that will solve it.
It always remembers my tabs, so I can verify that there's something you can do to make it happen. Since I've never messed with it, I can't tell you what that is.
yeah, they stopped caring about our ability to mod co-op about the time their co-op map contest ended I think,
I just double-checked and the Allied Commanders dependency behaves exactly like the Co-op Maps dependency. It calls Stetmann and Mengsk with an #include file and although their stuff is loaded, it does not appear in the editor. I'm pretty sure Allied commanders is just an empty mod that calls the other 3 mods.
Your faction wars mod comes from a time before they stupidly split the co-op stuff into 3 mods and called 2 of them with an #include file instead of having it load so that you can look at it in the editor.
I'll take a look at the melee pvp one. Edit: Checked it out and it also stops short of Stetmann and Mengsk, which is where the problem is. I like your commander selection method though.
My next stab at it will be to load up the 3 co-op mods (starcoop, Commander Stetmann, and Commander Mengsk), rename them, and have them chain off each other in a sane way. I just procrastinate because I don't know how to open starcoop directly, so I have to reconstruct it from CascView. I am probably reconstructing it wrong and that is probably why my previous attempt failed.
If you know how to open starcoop, which they call "Co-op mission dependency", that would help immensely. It's like the voidmulti, voidcampaign, etc. mods in that it doesn't appear in the "open" dialog window in the editor that I can see. (so if you know how to get, for example, voidmulti, open in the editor, the same method should work for starcoop)
I should add that I can think of one way to open starcoop - to find it in the bnet cache. However there are 200 s2ma files in the bnet cache and I don't want to check each one.
I know there are few modders left for this old game, but surely there's someone left who wants a coop mod with Stetmann and Mengsk in the editor and knows how to get it to happen.
I made another attempt, copying the contents of the xml and txt files in the Stetmann and Mengsk mods into the base co-op mod I made. Everything shows up fine in editor, but triggers to spawn starting units didn't work in my map.
So, since nobody seems to know, I guess my plan is to:
-make a blank mod
-copy into it the files from the starcoop directory that I can find with CascView. I'm hoping this is the correct content used by the co-op missions dependency.
-delete the "includes" file that calls the "Commander Stetmann" and "Commander Mengsk" mods at runtime.
-remove the lines that call commandertychus.xml and futurecommanders.xml
-copy the body of the text of commandertychus.xml and futurecocmmanders.xml piece by piece into the various standard xml files like unitdata and upgradedata.
-use the merge files command in the starcraft editor to combine the resulting mod, (which should be just like starcoop but without Mengsk and Stetmann) with the Stetmann and Mengsk mods.
I'm hoping this will produce a dependency mod that is equal to the "starcraft missions" or "starcoop" dependency, but with Stetmann and Mengsk's units showing up in the editor.
If anyone knows whether this will work, or if there is an easier way, please enlighten me!
Edit: First attempt at merging the mod files gives a ton of errors with stuff like files are not identical (no shit). Does the merge file feature not actually merge mod files? I've never used it before, but "merge files" seems like it should combine the contents of each xml, etc. Is that not the case?
also I did a google search for rtc completion demo and didnt find it, and the open function in the map editor doesn't show it under blizzard documents.
I don't understand what you're saying. If you're saying the commander mods get loaded later, well, that's the problem I'm having because the later commander units don't show up in the editor. Are you saying I can just copy the body of each xml, for example, units.xml from the Stetmann mod, and paste the text at the end of units.xml in one of the other mods, until I've added them all together?
Also, there are a couple xmls, Tychus.xml and futurecommanders.xml, that have a hodgepodge of data that belongs in a lot of different xmls. Do I have to go through these and cut and paste the units part into units.xml, the upgrades part into upgrades.xml, etc? How do I deal with these?
I want to make a co-op commander mod, but the co-op maps dependency, "starcoop", calls multiple mods with "includes" calls so that some of the information, particularly all of Stetmann and Mengsk, don't show up in the editor. I can't specifically add the Stetmann and Mengsk official mods as dependencies in order to make them show up in the editor, because doing so doubles all their stuff in-game, including graphics models.
I think the solution is to take the stupidly-split Blizzard co-op mods and combine them into one mod that I can use as a dependency. I wanted to open each of the blizzard mods in the editor and merge them with the "merge files" command in the file menu, then remove the file that calls to "#include Commander Stetmann", etc.
However, I can't find out how to open the co-op maps dependency, named "starcoop". File->open will bring up a list with the Stetmann and Mengsk mods, and the Allied Commanders mod, but not starcoop. The Allied Commanders mod seems to be a dummy mod that just calls the others, but perhaps I have it backwards and Starcoop is the dummy mod.
Anyway, if anyone can explain to me how to make a co-op dependency that has all the co-op data visible in the editor, please enlighten me!