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    posted a message on How to make liberator allowed to attack both air and ground units within the area only?

    I'm not sure I fully understand, but from a quick look into the editor on how the concord cannon works and the effects used by the Liberator to determine valid targets for it, you would need to modify, not only the weapon's target filters in weapon field of the concord cannon, but you also need to find an effect called "Liberator Target Morph Search Area" that is used by the liberator when it morphs to apply a buff to ground units in range of the concord cannon to determine which of them can be attacked, then you need to go to the "Search Filters" field within the effect I mentioned above and change the "ground" field from "required" to "allowed".


    The validator used by concord cannon is a behavior validator that validates which nearby units have the buff type behavior named "Liberator Target Morph AG Attackable" to determine which units the cannon can attack and this behavior is applied after the liberator uses the morph ability through the linked search area effect I mentioned before, to apply that buff to all the valid targets for the concord cannon weapon.


    Another possible solution would be to remove the validator from the effect "Liberator AG Missile LM Set" used by the concord cannon and modify the range field within the concord cannon to adjust it to the desired area and modify the target filters to whatever you want to be able to attack.

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    posted a message on Vision Blockers

    The only idea that comes to my mind to achieve this, would be to give the clouds a buff with a periodic search area effect that grants nearby units another buff with the "cloak", "detector" and "resistant" fields checked within "behavior: modification" "behavior: state flags", then set "behavior: modification" "unit: detect", for the buff applied to the units, to a value equal to the radius of the search area effect used by the cloud object to apply the buff and finally go to the "behavior: modification" "unit: detect filters" field and set the type "resistant" to "required".


    This will make all units within the cloud's area of effect invisible, but allows them to see other units that are within the cloud as well, by cloaking them but giving them the ability to detect only cloaked units that have the "resistant" status that is applied by the buff given by the cloud's effect.


    I don't know if this is helpful but nothing else comes to my mind.

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    posted a message on Issue with Morph ability/missing commands
    Quote from LetterkennySkids >>

    I DL'd your map and tried it. Yours works fine.


    I went back to my map and recreated the Burrow/Unburrow that you used and I still get the same result, one of my air units being unable to move.

    Well, now you know the issue is not the morph ability itself, since I presented you a morph ability that works, so you should replicate the same parameters of the morph ability I did, if you are having issues with the custom unit you previously had, you could create two new banshees from scratch, replicate my morph abilities, give them the abilities, make sure that it works, then begin adjusting the new unit to resemble your former custom unit little by little, then, if after making some modifications you see the morph ability ceases to work, you'll know you're screwing something up. Either way this is as far as I go, now is up to you to figure it out, good luck.

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    posted a message on Issue with Morph ability/missing commands

    I don't know what you are doing, but you are doing something wrong, I have an old map that I used to test imported models, I went there duplicated a banshee twice, named one copy Banshee A and the other Banshee B, I gave Banshee A a height of 0.7, then gave Banshee B a Height of 5, I duplicated the Zergling Burrow and Unburrow abilitties, renamed them to Morph A and Morph B, I changed the parameters of Morph A to transform the unit that uses the ability to Banshee B, then I changed the parameters of Morph B to transform the unit that uses the ability to Banshee A, then I gave Morph A to Banshee A and Morph B to Banshee B, I tested them in game and it works flawlessly, I uploaded the map to a file sharing site (link below), you can download it and see for yourself if you want.




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    posted a message on Issue with Morph ability/missing commands

    Ok, then use the zergling burrow / unburrow instead. 

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    posted a message on Issue with Morph ability/missing commands

    Ok I checked the Zeus lift off / land ability, those are two morph abilities, lift off is morph ability and land is a morph placement ability, and you have to check the "flags" parameter for both abilities, there is a bunch of modifiers in the flags field, one is suppress movement, I think this modifiers are only supposed to last while morphing from one unit to another, but maybe it you have supress movement checked in one of the morph abilities, it might be affecting the morphed unit, leaving it unable to move. The other thing is that each of the morph units should have one of the morphed abilities (land or lift off) and in each morph ability you should have the correct unit reference or the morph abilitty might get screwed. You should check all these things and see if you can find the problem. Also you could use the viking's Assault and Fighter as your morph abilities as the base, which both are regular morph abilities, I have used that one as the base ability for my morph abilities and never experienced a problem. Maybe using the morph placement ability is part of the issue, but it has been a long time since I used morph abilities in one of my maps so who knows. 

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    posted a message on Issue with Morph ability/missing commands

    You don't provide enough information to really understand what's going on, but if you want to make a unit change it's height you don't need to use the morph ability you can use any ability that grants a unit a buff type behavior, then create a buff type behavior and within the behavior go to modifications/Unit, there you can modify the "height time" parameter, to set the time that takes the unit to move to a new height and set the "height" parameter to whatever height you want the unit to have after aquiring the behavior. You can use a behavior type ability to allow you to toggle on and off the height adjusting behavior. If you want to check an ability within the editor that changes the height of units, you can change kerrigan's "crushing grip" ability, to view the ability your map needs the swarm campaign dependencies added/enabled. 

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    posted a message on Projectiles/missiles and how to outrun them

    You should read the sc2 mapster wikia entry on the parameters of the launch missile effect, to give you an idea of how to accomplish it, link below.

    https://sc2mapster.fandom.com/wiki/Data/Effects/Launch_Missile#:~:text=the missile impacts-,Effect - Launch Effect,of the Launch Missile effect.


    You probably need to use a search area effect or a damage effect, setting it's effects to do area damage, with target impact location set to target point, as the impact effect of the launch missile effect of the battlecruiser weapon. If the effect set as the impact effect of launch missile effect of the attack of the BC, is a regular damage effect with the "Target: Impact Location" set to target unit, when the missile arrives at its final destination and executes it's impact effect, it will damage the unit targeted by the attack, wheter or not is within the range of the impact of the missile.


    You may also want to check this video of how to make an skillshot ability, since it accomplishes something similar to what you want to do. Link below.


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    posted a message on Disabled Flagship Mechanic - Need Help

    The way I would do this is with a persistent effect and an issue order effect.


    First create an issue order effect, then set the effect "Effect: Ability" field to Move, set "Effect: Player" to source, set "Effect: Unit" to source and finally set "Target: Target" to "(None)Target Point".


    After that create a persistent effect, this effect will handle the location of the target point where move command is given. In the persisten effect set the "Period: Count" to 1. Then add three durations of 0.0 seconds in the "Effect Period: Duration" field. Then in the "Effect: Period Effects" add the issue order effect you created previously. After that go to the "Effects: Periodic Offsets" and add three offsets, this will be used to set the direction in which the move command is given. The offsets have three parameters (X, Y, Z), in one of the offsets put (X: 0.2, Y: -1.0, Z: 0.0), in another put (X: -0.2, Y: -1.0, Z: 0.0) and in the final one put (X: 0.0, Y: -1.0, Z: 0.0). After that go to the "Effect: Random Offset" and "Effect: Random Period" fields and set both to enabled. Finally go the "Target: Location Offset - Start" field and set it to "(None)Origin Point". Then add the persistent effect as periodic effect to the behaviour that makes the ship drift.


    The persistent with these parameters will choose at random one of the three offsets once and execute the move command, taking the original position of the unit with the behaviour and issue that unit the move command to the target point with one of the offsets. The -1 in Y parameter of the offsets, sets the target point for issue order effect, to be to a distance of 1 ahead of the initial position of the unit with the behaviour, the -0.2 or 0.2 in the X parameter of the offsets, will move the point set the by the Y parameter value slightly to the left or the right of the unit with the behaviour and the offset with a parameter of X = 0 and Y = -1 will order the unit the unit to go forward by a distance of 1.


    I hope you find this helpful, tweak the values of the offsets in the persistent to achieve the desired effect.

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    posted a message on Right place to ask? Ghost EMP

     The image below shows it.

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    posted a message on Shield Absorbtion Gimmic

    Yes it is, you have to use a behaviour and use the damage reponse field in the behaviour, then set chance to 1 and set the location field within the damage response to defender, this will cause any damage the unit with the behaviour takes to trigger the ability, then to reduce incoming damage to zero you have two options, within the behaviour response fields there are two fields named "Maximum" and "Modify Fraction", if you set any of these fields to zero, the behaviour response will reduce all incoming damage to zero.


    That being said if you want to be a one time only ability, do the following, you can either set the fields "Count (Start)" and "Count (Use)" of the damage response charge section to 1, which makes the behaviour start with one charge and spend 1 after using the damage response, rendering it unable to be used any farther, another option would be to create a remove behabiour effect, select the shield behaviour as the behaviour to be removed under the "Effect: Behaviours" field of the remove behaviour effect and set effect unit to source within the remove behaviour effect, then in the damage response of the shield behaviour locate the field "handled" and add the effect that removes the behaviour.


    Also if you want this as an ablity with a cooldown ignore everything in the second paragraph, and go to the "Time Use" field under the cooldown section of the behaviour's damage response, there if you change it from 0 to 30, this will make the damage response to go into a 30 second cooldown after activating, if left at zero the damage response will always reduce to zero any incoming damage.  


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    posted a message on Is project submission broken

    Sc2 mapster option to post new projects is broken as far as I know, however SC2 mapster is synchronyzed with the curse forge site, so if you go to https://www.curseforge.com/sc2/assets?filter-sort=2, you can create an account there and upload your resource by selecting start project, once your resource is approved in curseforge, it will show up in both the curse forge site and SC2 mapster site, under the specific section the resource belongs to.

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