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    posted a message on To Infest and Consume

    Sounds pretty good. Will the assimilated abilities be permanent, or will you only be able to hold onto 1, and when you assimilate another unit type you lose the first ability?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Upgrading unit 'a' to unit 'b'

    I just used the original actor for the Commando unit.

    Under "Create" the field you use is Name. Be sure the Type is set to Actor.

    It does take some adjusting. If you don't get it just right several different things can happen. I've had models not appear, also I've seen it create the new model on top of the old one, or create 2 copies of the new one. Just mess around with it until it works.

    Here's a tutorial that can explain it much better than I can:


    And a slightly more advanced one:


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trying to make a planetary fortress fly....
    Quote from Shawn91210: Go

    Cargo is in the unit itself. Would be a field called cargo size iirc.

    Cargo capacity is in the Transport ability. For the CC it's called "Command Center - Load/Unload (Command Center)"

    There are 3 fields you need to change, called:

    Stats - Cargo Count Maximum
    Stats - Cargo Size Maximum
    Stats - Cargo Space Maximum

    You'd need to change both Count and Space to whatever. (both are 5 by default for the CC) Space is how many squares the cargo bay has, and count is how many units it'll hold. So if Space was 10 but Count was only 6 you'd still only be able to hold 6 SCV's, and 4 squares would be unfilled. Size is how big the units are. The default for the CC is 1, but if you change it then you can put stuff like Vultures (size 2) siege tanks (4) or thors (6) in there.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Upgrading unit 'a' to unit 'b'

    What you do is create a Morph ability, and in the Ability - Info + field select the unit you want to turn into.

    Then you have to do some stuff with the 1st unit's actor. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like in an RPG I'm making, in which Raynor can change from Sniper to Commando mode:


    (You get that window by selecting the unit's actor, then opening the Event - Events + field)

    The green part at the bottom is what's important. Basically it destroys the old unit and creates the new unit. This is what gave me the most trouble when I first started making Morph abilities.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Looking Glass League - War of Fantasia, DS, SC1 remake

    I like the idea of a remake of the SC1 story without necessarily recreating every little part of every map. In fact, the first 1 or 2 maps in each race's campaign might even be omitted entirely, because their main focus is "these are probes, used for warping in structures, which you can only do near a pylon". If someone is downloading custom maps off the internet, you can safely assume they know what probes are ;)

    Do you plan on recreating any of the SC1 units, like Reavers or Defilers? Or just remake the story with the new units?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on You know you play SC too much if... (post yours)

    I don't see that there's much of an argument there. Shield (assuming it's metal and not wood) can block chainsaw, and then you burn him with the flamethrower.

    (The following actually happened to me at college in 2005)

    You know you and your roommate both play too much Starcraft if you tell him "I'm going to my physics lab" and he says "You studying Yamato Guns?" to which you reply, "No, Colossus Reactor"

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on You know you play SC too much if... (post yours)

    ...if your kids are named "Tassadar" and "Zeratul"

    ...if you put a label on your car's fuel guage says "Vespene Gas Only"

    ...if you answer the phone by saying "En Taro Adun!"

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Making an Archon de-merge.

    Okay, I've run into a problem. I made 2 more copies of the Archon Warp ability, called one Dark Archon Warp and one Hybrid Archon Warp. High Templars have the High and Hybrid abilities, while Dark Templars have the Dark and Hybrid abilities. (see attached file)

    Here's the problem I'm having: If I have the buttons separated on the command card like they are in the file, then...

    2 High Templars can use either High or Hybrid warp (should only be able to use High)
    2 Dark Templars can use either Dark or Hybrid warp (should only be able to use Dark)
    1 HT + 1 DT can only use Hybrid (the way it should be)

    The only solution I've found is to hide the button for the hybrid warp under the other High/Dark button, but this means that 1 HT + 1 DT can't merge at all, because the disabled button is still on top.

    I've tried making a new Requirement that would hide the button, but haven't been able to find a way to say "2 High Templar are selected"

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making an Archon de-merge.

    Ah, thanks. I have some experience with actors (mostly with Morph abilities and changing which animation plays for which ability), I've just never done much with behaviors before. I'll go give that a try.

    The trigger thing was getting pretty difficult. Every time an Archon spawns I was storing it in an array, then I had another array that was either 1 (meaning HT+HT) 2 (DT+DT) or 3 (1 of each) and a third array to hold a timer for each of them. Then it ran into issues if you give a Merge order but one of the templars died before merging, or if the merging Archon was killed before it finished...

    What you suggest sounds simple enough. I'll attach the results later.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making an Archon de-merge.

    I know how to do this with triggers, but it's a bit messy (especially with lots of them, you need a very large array to keep track). Besides, I need to learn more about the data editor and thought this would be a good exercise. What I want to do is this: When an Archon is created, give it a timed life (let's say 90 seconds) after which it will turn back into the original units that created it (so if it was 2 dark templars, you'd get back 2 dark templars, but if it was 2 high templars you'd get that, or 1 of each) It's not necessary to restore their original health/shields/energy, but if that's relatively easy it'd be cool, too.

    So, any ideas on how to go about doing this? All I've managed to do so far is give the archon a timed life, but it dies at the end.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on noob

    Changing the minerals in a field is the first thing I did when I started with the SC2 editor. It was surprisingly easy.

    To change all mineral fields:

    Data Editor -> Units tab -> Select mineral field -> select the Minerals (Mineral Field) behavior at the bottom -> find the Stats - Amount and Stats - Capacity entries and change them to whatever you want.

    Or to just change one field on a map: Double-click, go to resources tab, change it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Staying Dedicated to a map

    I've had this problem, too. Started working on an RPG, got bored with it, started again a month later... I've restarted the same project about 4 times, each time making it different, and each time saying "Okay, THIS time I'll FINISH it!"

    I've come up with a way to stay dedicated, and it has worked for me, and that is to only do a little bit at a time. Don't spend more than 2 or 3 hours a day on it, and even if you have more ideas for stuff to put in, save them until tomorrow. Do other thing in between, things that allow you to still think about the project and plan what you're going to do next.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Stargate Galaxies - Recruiting! - UPDATES!

    Ah, I see. Well, if you're still looking for team members, I'd love to help out. I'm pretty good with the data editor, and very good with triggers. The one thing I'm not good at is terrain art, but it looks like you have some good artists already. Oh, and I've seen every Stargate episode multiple times.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Stargate Galaxies - Recruiting! - UPDATES!

    Is this project dead? It seems like a really good idea.

    The reason I ask is because I'm thinking of doing my own Stargate-like RPG system, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes, so... does anyone mind?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Sky/Rail/Road defense [TD] [Beta] [Feedback Requested]

    @Tekaichi: Go

    How do you like it?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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