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    posted a message on make "Space Elevator Ramp" go up slowly.

    It's a doodad called "Space elevator ramp". You're right, it does go down. (That's part A of what I did, which is working correctly). I'm trying to make it go back UP, but no matter what I do it just snaps back to the top instead of moving at a realistic speed.


    There's a similar one called simply "Space elevator (terrain object doodad)". It's a similar design except it goes down into the floor. In the campaign, this is treated as the top of the elevator, and Kerrigan steps onto it from the upper deck of the prison ship. Then she steps off of the "space elevator ramp" version on the lower decks (a different section of the map) after riding it down.


    I'm trying to use it in reverse, so my hero can go from a lower deck up to a higher one (and back again if the player wants).


    EDIT: You can see it working in this video from the campaign, from 8:06 to 8:38. So the "go down" animations are easy, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it go back up without just snapping to the top.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Pathable teleports

    You could have a trigger that fires every time a unit is given a move order. Measure the distance between the unit's current location and the target point if the unit doesn't use the portals.


    Then measure distance from the unit to whichever of the portals is closer, and the distance from the target point to whichever portal is closer.


    IF the sum of these two distances is less than the walking distance, then replace the move order with an order to move to the portal, get ported, and move to destination.


    Of course, having a trigger running every time a move order is given will likely give you a serious performance hit, but I can't think of another way to do it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on make "Space Elevator Ramp" go up slowly.

    Here's what I'm trying to do. I'm taking the elevator doodad from the HotS campaign where Kerrigan attacks the Dominion prison ship to rescue Raynor, and trying to make it go up instead of down.


    Here's my trigger so far:


            Unit -Hero Enters Use Elevator
        Local Variables
            Animation -Play Cover animation for (Actor for Space Elevator Ramp [124.00, 89.50]) as Default, using Play Forever options and 4.0 blend time
            General -Wait 10.0 Game Time seconds
            Animation -Play Stand animation for (Actor for Space Elevator Ramp [124.00, 89.50]) as Default, using Play Forever options and 4.0 blend time

     The elevator starts in the UP position (like in the HotS mission). My hero walks onto the triggering region and the elevator goes down slowly over 4 seconds (as expected). This is the first trigger action, which I copied from the campaign map. So far so good. I order my hero to walk onto the elevator platform.


    But then after the 10-second wait, the elevator goes shooting up to the top again really fast. I'd like to make it move slowly in both directions, but I can't seem to find a way to do it. I've put all different combinations of things like Stand Work, Stand Cover, Cover Work, etc. for the actor, but they all do the same thing.


    I'm posting this in the trigger section, but I don't know if the solution is to modify the actor or something else in the data editor. Anyway, does anyone know if there's a way to do it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Raynor's breaching charge used on stuff besides doors
    Quote from MaskedImposter
     Wow, thank you! This really helps!
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Raynor's breaching charge used on stuff besides doors

    I don't think the Breaching Charge is a missile, it's more like a "thing that gets attached to target" (maybe that counts as a missile, I don't know). It's the one used in the secret mission from WoL (Piercing the Shroud, I think it's called) to blast doors open.


    It's the thing in this picture in the red square on the top right. The issue is that when I use the ability on other things, it gets placed at (I think) the center of the model (so for a bunker it's at ground-level in the middle of the bunker.) That means it's hidden inside the bunker's model.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Raynor's breaching charge used on stuff besides doors


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Raynor's breaching charge used on stuff besides doors

    After reading through this thread I've successfully made it so Raynor can put breaching charges on stuff like destructible rocks/ice/debris (in my campaign these won't be killable with bullets). I also plan to use the ability against certain buildings like bunkers.


    It all works fine mechanically, the issue is that on anything other than a door the bomb model is placed at ground level, so it's hidden inside the thing you're trying to destroy. I know it's possible to fix this because I've seen one of Jayborino's YT videos of a custom campaign where you can use them on bunkers and the model is visible sitting up on top. (I don't remember what the campaign was or I would just look how they did it).


    Can anyone help? I think it has something to do with the bunker actor's "host site operations" field, but after playing around with it for a couple of hours I couldn't get it to work.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is "Set playable map area" trigger action bugged?
    Quote from MaskedImposter >>

    Have you tried setting camera bounds, instead of the playable area to see if that works better?

     Thank you for the suggestion, that works much better.
    Apparently when you use triggers to move characters around outside the playable area, they're allowed to ignore regular pathing. Now I just have to switch camera bounds every time I change cameras, but other than that it's working fine.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is "Set playable map area" trigger action bugged?

    Ok. That's weird that it would make it so units can walk up and down cliffs though.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is "Set playable map area" trigger action bugged?
    Quote from DrSuperEvil >>

    So you are pausing all units in the map and only activating them in that region?

     I haven't been. Is that necessary?
    So every time I cut from the planet's surface to the ship/s bridge for a cutscene, should I pause all the units on the surface?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is "Set playable map area" trigger action bugged?

    Just wondering because I've had some truly weird behavior when using it.


    I have a map where after you reach a certain point you enter a new area (the caves), and once you've done your objective there you go back to the original area (the surface). I also have some cutscenes taking place in different areas (i.e. the outpost headquarters, the bridge of the ship, etc.) and these "movie sets" aren't part of the regular playable areas.


    I'm experiencing some weird, and I mean REALLY absurd, behavior when trying to change the playable map area.


    --Everything works fine if I don't try to change the area (let the player have the whole map at all times)

    --When I set a playable area to start in, and I try to change it later, it doesn't work. I can feed the trigger action any region I want, or the entire map, and nothing changes

    --If a playable area is set and the movie sets are outside of it, then during the cutscenes the people are ignoring pathing. Someone is supposed to walk down the hall and into a room, instead they walk right up over the wall.


    Has anyone else had any problems like this? Does anyone know how to fix it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transmission not showing portrait.

    I figured it out. It turns out male colonists don't have a portrait by default. They have a static (2d) portrait, which would show if I had portraits set to 2d, but no 3d one. So I had to link them in the data editor. Then I had to actually create a separate colonist unit + actor for each character to stop them from getting a random portrait each time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transmission not showing portrait.
    Quote from DrSuperEvil >>

    Thought you could not use flash for transmissions?

     Are you referring to the "...(Gilbert with Flash (Do Not override portrait)..."?
    I played around with that (and with "Do Not override portrait") and I can't actually figure out what either one does. All my other transmissions have Flash and Do Not override, and they all work fine. This problem seems unique to the "colonist (male)" unit. Replacing him with any other unit type causes no problems.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transmission not showing portrait.

    I'm having trouble with a trigger-driven cinematic not showing a character's portrait.


    Here's my trigger action:


    Send transmission to (All players) from (Gilbert with Flash (Do Not override portrait) playing Talk) playing No Sound Link with name "GILBERT" and message "I think I hear something." using (Cinematic portrait at Bottom Left) with "" playing Talk (Set To 2.0 seconds, Wait until it finishes, owning player Global Sound)


    Gilbert is the unit variable that refers to one of my colonists. I know the var is set properly because the trigger also orders him to walk around and that part works fine.


    This is the same (copied + pasted) as the trigger action that runs all my other transmissions, and they all show portraits properly. I also have transmissions coming from a female colonist, and THAT shows the portrait. But all my male colonists have no portrait -- just a rectangle of static. I've been trying for over an hour and can't figure it out. Anyone know how to fix it?

    Oh, and I haven't changed anything in the data editor relating to the colonists, either.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Space Platforms...

    This is something I was thinking about while at work. I'm currently playing through Starcraft: Mass Recall and I had finished one of the space platform missions earlier today. So I got to thinking... who built these space platforms? What real purpose do they serve?


    The following is a conversation between a Terran General and one of his top engineers.


    Engineer: "General, my team has finished construction on this space platform, from which you can stage your attacks and coordinate strategy."


    General: "Oh, Wonderful! This is so... big!"


    E: "I know. It took a truly ridiculous amount of resources and labor to build. I mean, it's literally as big as hundreds of Battlecruisers put together. And the workforce it took to build it could easily crew that many ships and have a TON of people left over."


    G: "So... why didn't you just build me hundreds of Battlecruisers instead? Even just a dozen capital ships would give us a massive advantage. Instead of being tied to one stationary platform, I could use one ship as my mobile command HQ, and coordinate attacks from there..."


    E: "Oh, if you want Battlecruisers you can build them yourself. See, I also mined tons and tons of minerals and brought them here for you."


    G: "Wow, thanks!"


    E: "I could easily have refined them and put them directly into storage. I mean, I processed all the resources to build the platform itself, didn't I? But no, instead I placed chunks of raw ore around the Command Center. When you need them, just send out the SCV's to mine them. Just like if you were on a planet."


    G: "Wow... thanks..?"


    E: "I also brought a whole bunch of Vespene gas for you. It's..."


    G: "Don't tell me."


    E: "In raw form, in reservoirs beneath the surface of the platform. You'll have to build Refineries and use SCV's to collect it."


    G: "How is this different from simply setting up my base on a planet?"


    E: "Wait, you didn't let me finish. See, I scattered clusters of minerals and gas vents all around, not just here at the primary HQ. You'll have to explore around and build mining outposts."


    G: "Don't you have a map of your own platform?"


    E: "Of course I do! It not only shows where I put the resources, but also things like ramps that connect different levels, and places where the paths are blocked by exhaust vents or those weird spinning contraptions I like to put here and there for no particular reason. I have a complete blueprint of the whole thing, but I'm not going to give it to you! You'll just have to explore it yourself. But you better hurry, because the enemy might already be working at the other end."


    G: "Other end?"


    E: "Yes, I made some convenient places for the Zerg, Protoss, or even an enemy Terran faction to land. You know, just in case they want to stop by and mount an attack against us, and they may need resources. So I put about half the minerals and gas over there for them to use.


    G: "......Dude, whose side are you even on???"

    Posted in: General Chat
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