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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    Glad you enjoyed it! :)

    Quote from njordys: Go

    However, even on casual I had a hard time defending since I spent so much time reading tool-tips for new units and upgrades instead of building up an army. :P

    Heh, I have a tendency of writing too much in tooltips :P Should rework on them, especially since I'll be adding new upgrades so there'll be new ones.

    Quote from njordys: Go

    The terrain was very good as well, rich in detail and varied from area to area. The night/day cycles was nice but the night were perhaps a bit too dark. Was the night a bit shorter then the day?

    Thanks! Terrain isn't my forte, but I like how it turned out. Though I've redone most of it in the patch, but it still feels the same.

    As for nighttime, I'll look into it, thought it wasn't hard to see units during it but I guess it's because I played Protoss more, their glowy lights help. :P

    Quote from njordys: Go

    I would suggest a minimap ping for each bonus area, just a small neutral white ping with a tooltip of the area bonus type for that location. Ideally there should be a visual effect that shows the radius for the bonus but that might be hard to do right. My immediate idea would be to try to make a yellow circle within the area the bonus are given and have an opacity at perhaps 25% so that it's partially invisible. When a player unit enters the area and are affected by the bonus the circle would turn 75% visible so that the player can easily recognize if he has a unit within the bonus area or not.

    I like the minimap ping idea, should help save up time, since you can hover over it to see what control point is active instead of trying to find it in the world. As for the visual effect, how about a circle similar to Sensor Towers/artillery units to indicate the radius of the point and/or a yellow circle beneath units when they're affected by it? (or a green/red circle, for positive/negative effects)

    Also, did you find it too easy or too hard on casual? I've been told easy difficulties are too hard and hard ones are too easy, but most of that was before I changed them.

    Thanks for the feedback! :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Showcase] NanaKey&Delphinium's Models

    @Delphinium1987: Go

    Awesome hook, also love the UI. Great job!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Heroes abilities

    Another way to avoid the bug would be storing the unit's vital percents in variables, applying the upgrade, then setting the unit's vitals to the stored percents.

    Though, this will only work on the unit learning the ability, for things like auras you'd need to pick every unit with that behavior on too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Heroes abilities

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Agreed, I'm using a similar method in my map, abilities are learned normally and an upgrade level is added when the level is >1. That way you don't need to workaround skillpoints or have 2 abilities (but it does need a lot more setting up and triggerwork. Making a list of abilities, checking if they're part of it when learned, having a trigger/action to set them up, etc). Though, any method other than the standard one would work much better and be less tedious.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make a range actor visible for the enemy?

    Reading the original post again, so you want players to see the Pylon's radius once they get close to it, right? Try this: give the Pylon a behavior that runs a periodic search effect, the search effect would look for enemy units around the pylon, and if it found any it would apply a dummy behavior on the Pylon for a short duration (a bit longer than your first behavior's period), then create the range actor once that behavior is applied and destroy it once the behavior is off.

    If you want the range to be visible at all times once the Pylon has been approached (similarly to how you always see creep around a Hatchery once you see it the first time, even under the fog of war), just give the dummy behavior no duration. Also, make sure to keep the visibility settings I mentioned before, so that the range is visible through the fog of war once enemies get close, otherwise you'll still need to see the Pylon itself in order to see the range.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make a range actor visible for the enemy?

    Try setting the range actor's Fog Visibility to "Visible" and check off the "Visibility" flag in its Inherited Properties.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    Glad to hear you liked it! :D I've fixed the lava framedrop issue in the patch, so it shouldn't be a problem anymore, also fixed that offplace doodad. I've redone the terrain (for improved loading time and performance) so there's probably a few more like that. I'll take a look once I finish the data/trigger work.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    @noam2000: Go Thanks, glad you liked it!

    @EternalWraith: Go I edited the main post with some screenshots, I'll change them with a gameplay video and new screenies once I finish the patch, showing some of the new content.

    @wargirlwargirl: Go Hope you enjoy it! :D I've also edited the main post with screenshots, as I said, the link to the list with all of them is there too.

    @njordys: Go Thanks! Looking forward to hearing what you think of it :) Should mention that it isn't coop-only, it can be played solo as well.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Showcase] SoulFilcher's models

    Damn, nice HERC! Will there be a model for the hook too?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Cooperative missions

    Now I'm not sure what to look forward to more, AE4 or these maps after AE is complete? :P

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    5. ALLIANCES: The players seek the allegiance of protoss tribes to help fight an enemy. The tribes the players don't ally with can and most likely will become enemies.

    Nice game mode ideas, this one reminds me of LotV's premise. Perhaps allegiance could work similarly to Emperor: Battle for Dune? You ally with Faction A, and its rival (Faction B) becomes your enemy, or you can act as a 'double agent' and ally with both, but both become hostile if you're discovered.

    Though do keep in mind that most Arcade players usually try the map out once and don't touch it again if they don't like it. Having even a small aspect of randomization or some choices to make would help increase the replayability. I used factions to increase diversity in my map, for example, you could have different patrol groups/routes in the Intrusion map, tech found in different points in the Holdout one, etc. It would increase the workload though.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void

    Should've clarified: I'd love an epic boss fight for a final mission, as in going in to kill the boss with one or more powerful heroes, not defending a base against it until the timer's up.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void

    If the final mission is "All Races VS Amon", then I have a feeling it'll be like the final mission from Reign of Chaos, just replace Humans with Terrans, Orcs with Zerg, Night Elves with Protoss and Undead with Amon's goons! I'd love an epic boss fight, though.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Psionic Lash Model Glitch

    Just tested it, looks broken for me too...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    I'm planning a new patch since I found some bugs when I played it again a few days ago.

    If anyone here tried it out, can you tell me what you liked/didn't like, what bugs you found or what you'd like to see? I'd really appreciate it!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Wiki and Documentation focus
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    Thats a valid point. The editor they are using for LotV is probably the one from Heroes. It probably has so many new stuff that i think they just can't include data dependencies from the WoL and HotS.

    I was thinking about this the other day, what will happen to WoL/HotS dependency maps once LotV is out? Will they have to be remade from scratch? I've just started working on data on my map (using only doodads from base dependency tho, recreating anything else), would like to know to stop in time if it's all going to be wiped out once LotV is out...

    Posted in: Wiki Discussion
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