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    posted a message on Questions for map in progress. Please help!

    Sounds like your gates are sharing the same Text Key as the vanilla ones. Go to the "Name" field of your gate unit, and look at the Text Key (something like "Units/Name/Gate45Raised"), and then look at the original gate. It should be the same. Change yours to something different (ie "Units/Name/NewGate45Raised) and they should no longer share names.

    As a sidenote, don't worry if two of your units share the same name, that's all they'll share. Footprints and stats will still be independent.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Questions for map in progress. Please help!

    First of all, welcome to SC2Mapster!

    Can you be more specific about what sort of problems the morph is causing?
    Does the lowered gate not have the same stats/upgrades as your raised gate or vica versa? If so, you might want to check that you've applied these changes to the lowered version too.

    If you've duplicated the gates, make sure you've given them a new morph ability or changed the existing ability, so that it morphs them into your custom gates, as the default one would revert them to the vanilla gates.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    Insane would be a good place to start, it's the "medium" of higher difficulties and shouldn't be too hard or easy for veterans. You could bump it up to Unfair if you're looking for some extra challenge. Have fun!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Randomly heal to full life (permanent behaviours bug)?

    Behaviors that change vitals tend to fully recharge a unit's vitals when applied, or if an upgrade was applied to a behavior that changed max vitals. I don't really remember what caused it, haven't used the editor in months...

    My workaround was to apply the behavior/upgrade via triggers, but before I applied it, I stored all 3 of the affected unit's current vital percents in variables, then after it was applied, I set the unit's vitals back to the stored values. This method might not be as effective depending on your map, like if it has a lot of units and/or the behavior is applied en masse.

    If you use an upgrade, it's going to be harder to store the vital %s for all affected units, but if it's a behavior, it's gonna be much easier.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 3-race campaign idea

    You mean kind of like Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, where all campaigns are canon and concurrent? That sounds pretty awesome, but also really hard to make. If properly executed, it would be a great, very detailed story, as you could play it from the perspective of all 3 races.

    Also, I noticed you said "lots of cool scenarios and units", so, you're planning a custom techtree too, or?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Aureolin Eclipse (Single-player campaign)

    Heh, I've been looking forward to seeing him react to the Warhound battle :P

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Want to see someone else play your Map/Mod?

    Ah, thanks for playing! I apologize for the difficulty spike in the earlygame, that was because of the zerg drop pods (one of the random events), I'm assuming those are also the zerg waves that kept coming after you destroyed the bases? Also, the easiest difficulty is meant to be "braindead mode", 90% of what attacked you were drop pods, normally it's 1 small wave every 6-10 minutes. I think I should either tweak or remove them for that difficulty...

    I'm gonna better explain control points next time as well, thinking of either with an early message saying what they are, or "Your units are X better/worse while in this point" when you hover over one. Could also reveal the locations of the crimson minerals on the map. The text clipping was odd too, I thought they'd scale more properly with resolution...

    Anywho, again, thanks for playing! :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Dota2 Custom Games (Reborn Update)

    Was just reading about it, very excited! Sounds like games will be much easier to find and get played there, and also easier to discuss, since Steam Workshop submissions have their own forums (and comment sections, of course). You get some neat graphs & stats too, if I remember correctly.

    I'll be definitely checking this and the Doom 4 editor out, they look easy to learn and very powerful, alongside their great search/discussion systems :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Heroes of the Storm

    Awesome! Been waiting to see that Heaven vs Hell map in action :P Also, an Angelic Diablo...and here I thought I saw everything, lol. Demonic Tyrael still badass though~ Nice to see Leoric and the Butcher confirmed too :D

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Current Difference between Void Beta and Storm, possible new things coming to Void

    Interesting read, thanks for sharing.

    So, player chat can be altered with these conversation commands? As in, for example, block chatting with enemies, prevent players from chatting with player #, etc?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Orc AI Finished, Will upload soon

    Ahh, sounds awesome, can't wait to try out a few games with it!

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on The new LotV Terran unit...

    I like the way it looks at least, kinda like an armored Terran version of the Protoss Scout.

    Can you describe it a bit? Don't understand what you mean by "steer the reticle", you need to turn it aim when deployed?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Your First Look at Orgrim, Warcraft’s Movie

    A WarCraft movie? Hell, it's about time.

    Looking forward to it! :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Starcraft AI project - Dorfl

    Agreed with Sixen, even if it's undocumented and non-newbie friendly, it'd be super helpful to anyone who wants a melee-like AI!

    Anyway, a little more on-topic, how does the AI fare in team combat? As in, does it help allies, try not to have the same builds (ie goes air if you go ground), or does it just do its own thing?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft AI project - Dorfl

    Very interesting to see an AI project! Looks like it would be a bigger challenge than the vanilla AI to defeat judging by what I'm seeing.

    I have a question; when you release this, would you make it available as a resource as well? I can think of a number of maps that would benefit from an advanced, customizable melee AI.

    Posted in: General Chat
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