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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)
    Quote from alderis: Go

    Hopefully this one should only take about a week to pump out, but we shall see.

    Yes, sadly our hope did fall short.. Well go with "Soon" next time.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    No way not dead. We are moving a little slower due to me being in college and having just obtained a job ,but we are still moving. Project will speed back up some time in December though.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Chain Lightning *Weapon* Without Hitting Previous Targets (No Behaviors Included)

    In my own spells I have been using dummy behaviors to and validators to check to see if an effect has already been applied to a unit or not... How is using markers different?

    What happens if you have 2 units to cast the spell on the same target around the same time? Behavior: AlreadyBeenHit -> ABH Validator: Doesn't Have ABH

    Lets say you have a chain spell: Unit 1 casts on 3 Cows. Cow1 takes 10damage gains ABH, Cow2 takes 10damage gains ABH and Cow3 takes 10damage gains ABH Unit 2 casts .5 secs later on the same 3 Cows. Cows takes no damage. You could try to have the behavior removed or end a the right time, but too soon or too late and the skill hits Cow 1 again instead of cow 3 or caster 2 never hits cow 1. Up the amount of casters to 50 and the issues compound.

    Markers can apply a unique ID based on the caster instead of a behavior this would allow 10 units to cast the same targets and all their attack to be treated the same and only bounce to each target once.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Help needed for my future map
    • need triggers for the drone spawining every 10 kills that any player gets. (x drones = unit like say 1 unit)
    • costs 2x drones (20 kills) the byer has to have 2 drones on the unit exchange thing.
    • need it to spawn the unit that is bought with drones at the top of the map

    Okay. The questions your asking appear to be very basic, but they are so generic I don't think anyone can give you a strait answer. Their is a fairly steep learning curb for the editor, good maps take months the develop so your not gonna have much luck finding a person willing to dedicate that much time to you. It seems you know what a variable is (you used 'x' in your example- classic tell) so I would guess your not completely new to the concept of functions/methods.

    To learn how to do the things you want your going to need to go over the API for the editor and build an understanding of how event and functions can be used for your ideas(a quick glance over the list is enough to start). The trigger editor is Event driven meaning your going to need an event to happen before any code you put in will run. So focus on building up a good memory of the entire event section. In your first question you want to track the kills a player is getting. The even you want is <Unit Dies>. Why? Well this event returns the 'unit that died' and the 'unit that did the killing' to be used in Actions(code you want the editor to do in an event). You don't really care about the 'unit that died' or 'unit that did the killing', but you need the player who owns the killing unit(<Owner of Killing Unit> Interger ) in order to increment a variable(likely a global) +1 every time any unit dies.

    In other words. To get <Owner of Killing Unit> as an option when creating Actions you need the first use the <Unit Dies> Event.

    In part two you say "unit exchange thing", but no such system exists in the editor so you would need to make one. How they get exchanged would be up to you.

    • you could make a circle on the ground both units need to move into <Data Editor> / <Trigger Editor>
    • you could make it a transformation the two units do, like the Archon <Data Editor>
    • you could make a menu system <Trigger Editor>

    I could pick a half ass method for you, but I think it best you pick an option then attempt to learn all you can on your own.

    In part 3 you want units moved. Picking the event/actions you need depends on the option you pick in step 2. You could simply create them at the position or fuse them and have them moved instantly.

    The fastest way to get help on how to do something is to try a method you think might work and if it fails copy and paste the code here. So go over the list of Events and actions and start experimenting with so actions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on SCV Mining without returning + upgrade mining

    I have not test any of this stuff, but I think I can help point you in the right direction.

    Make sure 'Show Advanced Fields' is pressed down at the top of the Data Editor's field section and proceed to the SCV under the Units category. Look for a field called Behavior - Resource Drop Off and set the resources you want to be returned to the unit. This " should" allow the unit to return to it self for the drop off.

    The initial amount that is harvested and the time it takes is set in a behavior for the Mineral Field[Unit]. Go to the behaviors section and look up 'Minerals (Mineral Field)' [Behavior]. I believe you can also create a Behavior-Type[Buff] that modifies the harvest time and the Harvest amount so you can change them on the fly. I Think you put the buff on the harvesting unit, but I am not sure. Best of luck to you.

    Oh and as for showing the amount above the unit. You will need to look into actor stuff for that and I'm not good with any of it. Good luck.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on RPG concept, need a team if interested

    Reaper it sounds like you have a vary simplistic idea. Not to down your idea, but if your going to go for a map that will have a decent player base your going to have to challenge the norm of what people expect in a map. Right now all of the game play elements say for the "player kill/exp race" sound very generic. Make sure to focus on a few things(min of 3) that will make your game play different from other map types especially the ones that were popular for Warcraft 3.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Custom Hero Line Wars Universe - Ninjacore Studios

    Well try not to keep you waiting too long. Looking like hardcore beta testing is gonna start some time in December. Balancing will be a big part of that so we expect it will take some time to complete.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Diablo like Attribute Points system

    @dra6o0n: Go

    Thanks dra6o0n, that is a good bit of advise. It should also be noted that the "friend bar interface Icon block" problem is most likely seen by blizzard (at this time)as a minor issue in the beta. However, for release they will more then likely fix said problem otherwise the only (known) way to open inventory in online play is the use of the num-padkeys, also we can only position these boxes on the left or right tmk.

    Reasoning for blizzards delay on fixes like this and the revive bug(and others) I speculate is that no heroes are required for the combat balancing of the races, and judging from the patch notes(were no editor changes even appear), the main focus of the beta.
    I don't mean to sound silly or rude, but I don't think it unreasonable to expect several of these issues to be resolved on their own by release.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on WASD Unplayable on BNet?

    I know that! I'm trying to explain in layman's whats happening under the hood :p

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on WASD Unplayable on BNet?

    I think the issue is that when a map has a trigger running every .05s to update a score the each player handles the update computer side with no network influence.
    With key is pressed (and I'm speculating here)it might be that each player is sending to the host(or every other player) first that "HEY I JUST PRESSED A KEY."

    Its kinda hard to explain, but my thinking is that every computer in the game knows that .05 seconds has passed. Every computer in the game knows that ted just walked into region A(because the game it programed to get positional data). And if you only have to deal with positional data then the network strain is not so bad.

    But how do you know when Jim presses a key? Once again we know when Jim walks into a region because the game updates Pdata. The only way to know when Jim presses a key is for Jim to tell you and everyone else by adding to the network.

    Movement is part of the normal network flow, but ALSO will start to cause lag when you get large armies going at it.

    SO here is the best way I can put it.

    Quote from CreamyT: Go

    it's not like once everyone stats uses units lag builds up. it is immediate with only 1 player using a unit or pressing any keys.

    Its like he just created a HUGEEEEEEEEE army of 200 units.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Consuming item charge on ability use

    I have been working on ways to do this as well. All have failed thus far so I went with a work around. I wanted to have a health Heal Ability that sat on the command card, but used a charge of health pots from the characters inventory. When this failed I went with a system of buff and triggers.
    I made the ground item for the Health pots a power up and the store version an ability cast on the buyer. I turned the buff invisible and gave the command card ability a requirement-Validate that ensured the skill could not be cast with out having the Potion Buff. I then made a trigger so that every time any player used the ability it would subtract a charge of the Heath pot buff. I then made a dialog box that tracked the amount of buffs on the character.

    Only problem I ran into is that their seem to be an issue with the Remove Behavior trigger and it removes buffs in multiples of 7. So if you set the trigger to remove only 1 it will remove 7. If you set it to remove 2 it will remove 14. I got around this by scaling my buff gain amounts by 7 and effect/7 to = 1.

    Not what you were looking for, But I hope this helps.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Two Hero Bugs

    Hm...Might it be possible to have the hero ...not die...
    I mean what if we had a trigger go off when the Heroes' HP hits 1 and they get moved to an "out box." Until a set timer moves them back to the field(with set HP amounts 100%,40%...).
    I guess that wont work if you need to have them built from a building though.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Trigger Atributes.

    @Reves: Go Fixed! I made it copy the Vet function. Make the Function remove and re-apply based on unit level.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trigger Atributes.

    Hello, and thanks for any help in advance.
    I'm trying to get a trigger system up for tossing out attributes based on custom class types.
    I plan for my map to have upwards of 60+ hero's that level to 100+ and using the basic Veterancy option its tedious.
    My Issue is either my use of the functions is incorrect or my logic setup.

    I can current get the Function to hand out stats with the Unit - Add (buffs) Trigger every time the unit levels. However their is a catch 22. It can't tell the difference between gaining 1 level and gaining 50 levels. So in other words if I gave a level 1 unit 1mill exp and it leveled instantly 50 times. The (unit gain level function) only counts 1 level and ignores levels 2-49.

    So my Logic was to Create a few variables to counter this.
    Last level:
    Current level:
    If, Current level - Last level = Changeinlevel
    Then I can Multiply my Buff function by (Change in level) Giving me the number I want.
    Instead it seems to only multiply it by my (Last Level) not my (change in Level)
    I have hit a logic failing and my knowledge of Sc2 editor is limited. I was thinking the script runs top to bottom with the variables only being used at the start. Any help would be great.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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