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    posted a message on [Data] Revive Heroes

    I was adding some hero revival triggers to my map recently and found I can use this as the event:

    Environment - Player Any Player uses Effect Valerian02a - Apply Incap Behavior

    With it setup like this the hero still goes incapacitated and immune, however the trigger only fires when a hero actually dies. Just looking at the trigger debug window you can see it's alot less stressful on the game like this, rather then running every time a unit takes damage or is attacked.

    Only real problem is it's a bit harder to find the "triggering unit" with an event like this. So for the first action I also had to set a variable like this:

    Variable - Set Hero = (Triggering Effect Unit(Caster))

    With that you can reference your hero for moving him to a spawn point or hiding, adding animations, ect... Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on The big question. What do you call it?

    I start with a name that makes sense based on the gameplay, then I work that into an acronym I like, then work the acronym into something easy to pronounce. For me it's all about catchy acronym's xD

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Playing an animation in reverse?

    I know you can use Time Scale to slow things down. Perhaps negative values would reverse a unit. But messing with time scale is not usually the best option.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Effects not showing in Data Editor fields

    Are you duplicating/creating your own effects and such? I have ran into similar issues when I was trying to modify the core abilities/effects and it just doesn't want you to change certain things.

    Edit: Found your other post. If you can find other effects, just not the one you created try looking over you Impaler Tentacle L1 (Damage) Effect. Make sure it's the right "Effect Type" and and the correct "Based on" if you use that.

    Lastly, under the effect properties(double click the damage effect(not the missile)) check its Name and ID. You may be able to find it by it's ID instead of it's name.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Challenge] Make a Protis Sniper and Academy

    I don't quite know what it is about the observer, but it just seems like a sniper to me.

    Silently spinning in the air. Never revealing itself. Always watching. I don't think even the protoss know what goes on in the mind of an observer. If it was given a weapon to shoot with the entire universe would be in grave grave danger.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on (Solved) Teleporting a target unit to a target point ?

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Then how would he tell which specific unit should blink? Sounds like your gonna need 2 abilities. One to place a buff, and a second to remove it and teleport.

    Or of course you could use triggers for the ability. Something like... The ability has a cast time and then have a trigger that when the ability begins being cast it adds the targeted unit to a variable and cancels the ability then on second use if the variable is =/= to 0 then move the unit to targeted location.

    Personally tho I prefer everything possible to be done in the data editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The Mind Control Ability

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Can't forget about Nova's Dominate from the campaign.

    If you closed your eyes and randomly scrolled through the effects tab and randomly selected one there is a pretty decent chance you would land on something that does mind control.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to convert a stationary Tower to a tower that also turns when it attacks?

    @anom1984: Go It can be done fairly easy with data editor.

    What I do is using Site Operations attach your tower to the turret of something that already turns. Like a missile turret/photon cannon ect... Then you can hide the main actor and all the player sees is the attached tower that turns and faces targets when it shoots.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making Different Abilities

    You will probably want either a Behavior if your damaging a single unit or a Create Presistent if your damaging an area.

    You will need a Damage Effect as well for both methods so create one of those, set the Combat - Amount to the x damage every second you want.

    So using the Behavior method: Your ability effect should be Apply Behavior. Unless you want to fire a missile, then the Apply Behavior should be the impact effect for the missile effect. In your Behavior - Buff just set the Effect - Periodic to the Damage Effect you created earlier(which is sounds like you already did this part), then you need to set the Duration to how long you want the debuff to last and set the Stats - Period to how long between ticks of damage will happen... 1 being every second, 2 every 2 seconds, ect....

    Persistent method: Almost exactly the same as before... Make a Create Persistent Effect, set the Period Count to how many times you want the damage to occur. Under Effect - Period Effects your going to need a Search Area Effect.. Under the Search - Areas + you will need to create a new one, set the radius and find your Damage Effect and add it. Back to the Persistent Effect, under Period Durations it works just like Stats - Period for Behaviors... just put in how long you want to wait before the next tick of damage occurs.

    It will be especially important for the Search - Search Filters to be set to exclude Player and Ally, otherwise it will hurt you. However even going with the Apply Behavior way it will be an important habit to set your Abilities - Target Filters anyway.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Interceptors 3D

    Heres an idea. Let the carrier use the same type of attack as the broodlord. Just change the mover to something like the leviathan so it looks swarmy. Then let it spawn the interceptor with its melee attack.

    Alternatively you could give your carrier 2 separate attacks(could even hide one from the UI if you wanted so it looked normal)...one that can only attack air units that launches interceptors that attack air and one for a ground attack that launches ground interceptors and just change the height of them respectively.

    I had to go through something similar when I was making a leap ability so that it would look smooth leaping up hill or toward air units. I settled on firing a missile that looks exactly like the host + launch effect of teleporting the host unit then hide/unhide with actor events. With a specific enough mover nobody can ever tell the difference.

    Also you don't need to use teleportation like I did(I had to use teleport because I couldn't just create a new hero every time the player used leap), but you can simply make the impact effect for a missile(a missile that looks like an interceptor) into a create unit effect that creates the interceptor and attacks. Again with a specific enough mover, nobody would ever be able to tell the difference between it an a normal interceptor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Spider Mines

    So unless i'm reading what you want wrong, wouldn't it be easier to just to change the UI - Height for the spider mine unit to something like 1-2 and just leave them as ground units?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Beam problems

    For fixing having all the beams destroyed. You should have a search area, the search should create persistent's, and in the beam's actor there should be a Event - Events + that destroys the actor when the persistent effect stops.

    So it should look something like this.... Event - Events + (ActorCreation|Effect.MedivacHealTargetPersistent.Start; At Target|Effect.MedivacHealTargetPersistent.Stop|ActorOrphan):(|||):(AnimPlay Birth Birth PlayForever|Create|Destroy|Destroy)

    If it's setup like that it shouldn't effect any other medivac beams when one of them is killed.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Beam Issues

    Sounds like to me the attachment point for where the beam is firing from is placed somewhere weird...

    I would check the actor for the effect and look for Attachment - Launch Attachment Query + and see if it's set to AMFilterWeapon00:Center

    Depending on the unit(like the sentry for instance) if it already is set to the FilterWeapon you could change it to something like AMFilterCenter and it would fire from inside the unit but look almost exactly the same.

    Could try looking in the actual effect for Target - Location Offset - Start + and make sure its set to Source Unit

    Those are my best guesses.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Beam problems

    If you load up campaign dependencies there is already a Medivac Double Heal Beam ability, I would just duplicate and tweak that if I were you.

    If you just wanna fix your's, it appears what they did is apply a behavior to each unit being healed that has a stack count of 1 so that it can't fire multiple beams on the same targett, and then the search has a limit of 3 or something like that. I don't really have the time to look through the whole thing because it looks like alot of effects. GL

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actors that conform to terrain - Splat Actors

    So I am using a sphere model, I flattened it's z axis and now its a circle. Problem is when I place it on/nearby hills or cliffs it clips though.

    There is something called a splat actor that I know very little about, however when your selecting where to place a fungal growth or psi storm the models that your selecting your target area with will conform to the terrain. So if part if it is on the low ground and part is on the high ground, it will just morph to fit the terrain.

    What I want is for my flat circle to work like that. Is there a specific setting that allows splat actors to function like that that regular actors don't have? Or is there another way to get my circle/a circle to conform to terrain in the same way as a splat actor?

    Any help would be VERY appreciated. It's been a big bottle neck for the progress in my map. I keep coming back to it thinking I can find a way around but haven't been able to work around on my own yet.

    Posted in: Data
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