Thanks! I don't know how I'd never seen that markup language before, but it's intuitive and awesome.
And yes, the baneling model is actually attaching to the Marine's head and animating. It's easier to see in full-screen =)
I'd likely play with the scale or try a different attachment point to make it more visible in a production map.
I had fun putting this together, even if it's not quite as polished as I'd like. I learned a fair bit about not only weapons and missiles, but also the creation of complex debuffs.
The "Creep Injector" weapon does light damage on impact, then 2 ticks of periodic damage before jumping to another nearby unit (or vanishing if no new host is available). If the damage would kill the unit, it will instead explode dealing 50 damage in a small AoE. The Overseer may continue to attack and create additional jumping debuffs.
A cute little baneling appears to terrorize the victim for the duration of the effect.
Creeping Death (Tip: Modify from Zeratul's "Void Prison Model" Actor)
Actor Type: Model
Parent: ModelAddition
Auto Scale Factor: 0.75
Host Site Operations: SOpAttachHead
Model: Baneling
AnimBrackStart BSD Birth Stand Death
AnimName BSD
AnimBracketStop BSD
This actor will create the "attached baneling" visual effect on the target.
Creeping Death
Duration: 1.1
Period: 0.5
Period Count: 2
Effect - Initial: Creeping Death (Attack Damage)
Effect - Periodic: Creeping Death (Period Damage)
Effect - Final: Creeping Death (Burst Search)
Expire Effect: Creeping Death (Jump)
This Behavior pretty much drives the weapon.
Effects that occur when the weapon is fired, in rough chronological order.
Creeping Death (Launch Missile)
Ammo Unit: Baneling
Impact Effect: Creeping Death (Apply Behavior)
Movers: Corruption (Unnamed)
Creeping Death (Apply Behavior)
Behavior: Creeping Death
Validators: (CDIsDebuffed)
Creeping Death (Period Damage)
Amount: 5
Death: Disintegrate
Creeping Death (Jump)
Effect Type: Search Area
Areas + (360):(-1):(5):(0):(Creeping Death (Apply Behavior))
Creeping Death (Burst Search)
Effect Type: Search Area
Areas + (360):(-1):(2):(0):(Creeping Death (Burst Damage))
Validators: (CDLife5OrLess)
Creeping Death (Burst Damage)
Amount: 50
Death: Disintegrate
Type: Unit Compare Behavior Count
Behavior: Creeping Death
Compare: Less Than
Value: 1
Used in the logic that prevents debuffs from bouncing to an already-debuffed unit..
Type: Unit Compare Vital
Compare: Less Than
Value: 6
Used in the logic that determines if the debuff jumps or explodes.
Overseer - Creep Injector
Damage Display Effect: Creeping Death (Period Damage)
I might try again after a while, I've been learning quite a lot about the data editor by talking on the IRC channel. :x
You can totally pull it off with creative use of Actor Events. I'd take a crack at it myself, but I don't have enough time left after working on my own submission. Don't give up!
@nevjmac: Go
Thanks! I don't know how I'd never seen that markup language before, but it's intuitive and awesome.
And yes, the baneling model is actually attaching to the Marine's head and animating. It's easier to see in full-screen =)
I'd likely play with the scale or try a different attachment point to make it more visible in a production map.
EDIT: Thanks for the formatting help, nevjmac! =)
I had fun putting this together, even if it's not quite as polished as I'd like. I learned a fair bit about not only weapons and missiles, but also the creation of complex debuffs.
The "Creep Injector" weapon does light damage on impact, then 2 ticks of periodic damage before jumping to another nearby unit (or vanishing if no new host is available). If the damage would kill the unit, it will instead explode dealing 50 damage in a small AoE. The Overseer may continue to attack and create additional jumping debuffs.
A cute little baneling appears to terrorize the victim for the duration of the effect.
This actor will create the "attached baneling" visual effect on the target.
This Behavior pretty much drives the weapon.
Effects that occur when the weapon is fired, in rough chronological order.
Used in the logic that prevents debuffs from bouncing to an already-debuffed unit..
Used in the logic that determines if the debuff jumps or explodes.
You can totally pull it off with creative use of Actor Events. I'd take a crack at it myself, but I don't have enough time left after working on my own submission. Don't give up!
Ooh, I like this.
Will have to try and do something outside the box here when I get home from work =)