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    posted a message on Units grows larger with each upgrade?

    That can be done in actor events:

    - Set Scale

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Progress Bars (another question)
    Quote from dubo863: Go

    Currently it's either green, blue, or orange. It's different one each time I load the map.

    That color is based on the race you're playing as. Green = terran, blue = protoss, and orange = zerg.

    My advice? Forget default progress bars. They're fugly. Do your own bar with your own image.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Anybody else annoyed with arrays in SC2?
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    what me annoys most is that we cant declare arrays with dynamic size (constants) in gui.

    why? =/

    Rather, why aren't vectors a data type in Galaxy?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Youtube Video] The saddest boy in the world
    Quote from DogmaiSEA: Go

    The only sad thing is it is basically a parody of my life =\

    I think you could speak for a lot of people here. There's a good reason so many of us prefer sitting in a quiet corner with our editor open instead of getting some sun. :P

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 90% Of All Maps on Bnet - PSA

    You know you can skip the score screen while it's loading by clicking the "Multiplayer" tab at the top, right?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (Solved)persistent offset question

    Well, one way you can do it is to make the offsets negative. Because if they're behind the caster when positive, you can just change the sign.

    But perhaps you're curious and just want to know what determines the facing of a persistent? That'd be the Target - Location Offset - Start - Value and Target - Location Offset - End - Value fields. Not so obviously, the positive Y direction will be from end to start.

    I think, however, in the case that there's an error or something with that, the Target - Offset Facing Fallback - Value field is used instead.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Idea for a Critical Strike as an Attribute.

    Word of warning about text actors: I hear they aren't concealed by fog of war.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Smashcraft and Mephs

    So, you prefer political correctness?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on News regarding Bnet Marketplace



    Thank you.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Smashcraft and Mephs
    Quote from RCIX: Go

    I also think that this sort of attitude is what is causing SCII mapping to fall apart. All of the high profile mappers got steamed because their maps didn't get really popular very fast (as well as blizzard not moving at the speed they'd like in fixing up issues with the editor) and left. If all of them would have just shut up and worked a little bit on publicizing their map (like participating in a Map Nights-esque event regularly), i'd bet there'd be a flood of innovative custom maps.

    Actually, this sort of attitude is the last hope of the mapping community. As others before me have pointed out, that post did attract a ton of (good) attention to Smashcraft - its popularity has rocketed, especially thanks to the video by TotalBiscuit. People saw why he was pissed; his map was a hell of a leap and bound above so many of the maps on the first page (ahem... all). People just didn't check it out at first for several reasons: it wasn't that high on the list to begin with, the name might not have necessarily been the most marketable, and cynicism about maps due to the popularity system. With that post, people suddenly realized that their initial assumptions about the map were all wrong. They didn't realize the kind of effort that was put into this map compared to the other maps they've played to death. They didn't realize this WASN'T another crappy Smash Bros massing map.

    I don't think Mephs was being immature so much as he was simply fed up with the stupidity and sloth of Blizzard and, let's face it, the custom game community. This was something that has been bugging a lot of mapmakers for a good few months, but when Blizzard changed the popularity system from the volatile system, that was the final straw. Now Smashcraft was being penalized for being a short (despite highly replayable) game. He could either go out with a bang, maybe kick some sense into people, or go out quietly and let his map decay. It was a last ditch effort to get something done about Battle.net 0.2, although also an effort for his map. He wasn't lying about quitting work on Smashcraft; he really was quitting, but it was the positive attention he got that brought him back to work on it. People were finally giving him a reason to keep working on the map; not only would he get feedback, but the game would remain ALIVE (as opposed to buried by the system).

    I, for one, think it was something everybody needed to hear. Blizzard needs to come up with a new system that doesn't cause stagnation, and people should do better to not contribute to the stagnation of the custom game list. That includes mapmakers making only crap, when they are capable of so much more.

    Quote from RCIX: Go

    All that said, i'm for giving feedback to blizzard, as long as you don't sound like a snotty 5 year old while doing it. If you're polite and patient, i'm quite confident Blizz will listen and at least try and help you work around any issues you may have.

    Heh, I managed to get blue attention by being polite and patient... just not in the Custom Maps forum. I had to make a post in the General Discussions forum to get a blue response. That should give you a picture of why certain people are so frustrated.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How's Keyboard and Mouse Detection Doing?
    Quote from StragusMapster: Go

    That won't ever happen.

    SC2 works with an authoritative server processing player actions, so you would have at least the latency of a round-trip ping. On top of that, the server introduces a small delay/lag on purpose so the game doesn't stall whenever a packet got lost for an extra 200ms. FPS games, to void any perceptive lag, instead work by having each client guess the future and later try to agree with each other.

    As a side-note, I really think people should stop trying to turn a RTS engine into a FPS. The whole engine just wasn't designed for that.

    Why then, did Garena and Pickup Listchecker work so well for Warcraft 3 (made the game play at around 50-70 ms latency on average)?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Oh Look, It's Sixen
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    Sixen is a badass mofo

    My facial hair blows Sixen's away.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Pi equations
    Quote from jaminv: Go

    Because of this relationship, a complete circle (or 360 degrees) is equal to PI radians.

    Half-circle (180°). Full circles are 2pi radians.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Is it okay to hate someone?
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    Im just a realist..... to forgive because you think that makes you a "better" person is lying to yourself. Which makes you a fool.

    There's a word for people like you: defeatist. I'm by no means an idealist either; I fully realize the faults of the world, but I also realize that throwing up your hands in the air and doing nothing is idiotic. To do so is to be part of why the world sucks so much. Forgiveness is not about arrogantly getting on a high horse to feel better about yourself; it's more about doing something that ought to be thought as sane and exemplary, perhaps inspirational. It makes life easier for yourself and for others. You obviously have accepted the "is" of the world, but have you given much thought to the "ought to be"? Nevertheless, while heaven cannot be recreated on earth, earth doesn't have to be hell.

    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    The term "uncivilized" is intended to insult a way of life. I for one would perfer the human race never left the stone age. Meh....too late for that.

    I took it from the dictionary definition for "savage" - now, if you didn't want to denigrate certain ways of life, why would you have used a word that carries such undertones?

    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    The term "philosophers" generally is a class of people well off and far removed for the realaties of the world.

    I brought that up merely to illustrate that savages - and I use the term as you used it in your previous post - do not rise to the kind of intellectual sophistication civilization often tends to produce. Their folklore may be rich and exquisitely detailed, brimming with wisdom passed down from ancestors, but never will you see anything even barely resembling the pontifications of a philosopher or theologian as we are often familiar with.

    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    In reality every society has its "philosophers". Even if their wisdom will never be quoted in any historical book. If you dbout thinkers existed in every society through out the ages, then you are a fool.

    I very much doubt members of African tribal communities see intellectualism as a virtue.

    Now, I believe we're off-topic. We were talking about whether or not it was okay to hate someone. I think the general consensus here is that it's really not a good idea to bottle up that hatred.

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    posted a message on Is it okay to hate someone?

    @Karawasa: Go

    Ok, I see what you're saying now. Forgiveness shouldn't be forced (but imo, it should be encouraged). The world would be a lot better if people held grudges less. :)

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I think that's kind of begging the question, though. If we lived in an age of savagery, hate would likely be part of the norm. I should also point out that the word "savage" essentially means uncivilized; I would also venture to postulate that most uncivilized people don't really have much of a concept of right and wrong beyond what they feel at the present moment. They may have a sense of right and wrong, but I can't imagine they ponder about these things as we do. After all, we know of the Greek and Roman philosophers, but have you ever heard of Gaul philosophers?

    In any case, I'm not advocating a wishy-washy "be nice to everybody" attitude; the world is a very harsh place, and you can't always trust people, much less with the key to your heart. However, you don't have to be harsh like the world. You can swim against the currents and stand as an example to others. Would you rather be a saint among men or a brute among beasts?

    To be human is complex indeed...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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