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    posted a message on [Updated] HiveMind Melee - Team vs Team, team players share control of 1 base... everything else is standard SC2

    @ZealNaga: Go

    Yeah I do not plan on adding heroes, just mentioning it could be done. The base game will be pure SC2.

    I will be recreating the map, I lost it totally. My local version was corrupted and I had published it as Locked, so I have no working copy at the moment.

    It should only take an hour or so to recreate this evening.

    As far as conflicting selection goes, players should be able to see their ally's selection circles, so hopefully that will be enough. If not I can use triggers to prevent it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on @Mephs angry post in the custom map forum

    Mephs' post is childish and self-fellating. Smashcraft is well produced, but missing an essential element: fun.

    Edit: Mephs, I don't have anything against you, and your post has many valid complaints, but kicking over other people's sandcastles is not the way to make your voice heard.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help! Mod and maps broken?

    @morfois1986: Go

    I created a map last night and after the game patched this morning, everything I had done was reset and stripped out.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Updated] HiveMind Melee - Team vs Team, team players share control of 1 base... everything else is standard SC2


    • 1 team vs 1 team, Red vs Blue
    • One (starting location) base per team, aka 6 workers and 1 town-hall per team
    • Multiple players per team
    • Shared control
    • Shared spending of resources
    • Shared vision
    • Default SC2 melee rules otherwise

    Custom work

    Some things require a little faking due to each player not having their own base, but I have attempted to replicate the UI as much as possible, and will continue to do so where necessary.

    • Custom dialogs for displaying resources and supply
    • Custom dialogs for idle worker selection
    • Most alerts have been flagged "share with allies" rather than merely "self"

    Planned improvements

    • Entire team votes for the race of their base
    • More maps than Shakuras Plateau!
    • (Possibly) Addition of AI to a team - may run into conflicts here
    • (Possibly) Chat messages of ally activity, such as selection of units (e.g. "hyperrift has selected 12 roaches" or "hyperrift has built a Roach Warren")

    Known issues

    • Can't get allied chat to be the default... I see no way to address it. For now, players have to use ctrl+enter to use ally chat
    • Currently no button for selecting warp gates, for now players will have to bind them to access them (like the other races :P)

    Changes v1.3 (most recent)

    • Added idle worker button for all players
    • Removed the lobotomized computers that served as a shell for the team, now using the first two players in the lobby as the starting bases.
    • Streamlined the lobby interface, removing things such as handicap setting

    Changes v1.1

    • Modified alerts to work for allied players
    • Fixed position and width issues with resource dialogs

    Release v1.0

    • Map foundation released with custom resource dialogs, team choice and assignment, ruleset implementation, etc.

    Original post

    Hey everyone, just released a map as a *proof of concept* that I spent this evening throwing together.

    I always thought it would be awesome to have multiple players control a single base, so some teammates can be fighting and microing units while other teammates manage the macro, etc. Squads of units wandering around the map.

    All for one, one for all. By your powers combined, etc.

    Basically it is like a single player having (# players) * (average player APM) actions per minute!

    I took Shakuras Plateau and modified some team options, replaced the resource panel with a custom dialog, and enabled shared control and shared spending.

    There are two teams, Red and Blue. Each team shares control of a lobotomized computer player (disabled AI), and can spend resources, create units, etc.

    If anyone has a better name for the map I am open to suggestions!

    It's SC2 meets DotA, minus heroes. (Though a hero-type thing could be added as a variant)

    Possible improvements

    • Multiple different maps could be voted upon
    • Players vote on the race of their shared team instead of host picking
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on SC2 Dialog Designer (Map) [Beta 3.5]

    This is an insanely useful tool and I thank you for the effort you are putting into it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Need something created for you?

    I need a way to prevent an Auto-Turret from targeting something that is blocked by a cliff.

    My personal approach started with

    • event : "unit acquires target"
    • condition : "line between triggering unit and target crosses cliff"
    • action : ....?

    I can't figure out the appropriate action.

    Basically I want the Auto-Turret to never even face the target, never acquire, just ignore anything that has a cliff between them. The best I have been able to do is prevent the attack, but the turret stays "locked" and faces its target without firing, which is not appropriate.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating a Weapon Unaffected by a Units Turret

    @silvermage: Go

    Hah, I have the opposite problem. I have Weapon objects granted by picking up Item objects, but my unit will only use its turret if the turret/weapon were linked under the unit's Weapons+ field.

    I want them to always use the turret no matter what.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make unit visible in fog of war gray mask

    Did you try... the "visible" check where the "snapshot" check is?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Frequently Asked Questions for development forums

    Yeah, a lot of questions that clog up the forums are ones that have been addressed 100x before, or that have a tutorial. Basic things like "why is my unit a white orb" and such.

    Would be nice to have an extremely visible FAQ.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What makes an epic space game for you?

    @DaFranker: Go

    There was a mapper by the name of WarRaptor in SC1 and WC3, he did some very similar style things.

    One was his "one room RPG" or something, where he created dynamic rooms using invincible supply depots to create the "walls".

    He was an amazing mapper, really pushed the boundaries of the editors in SC and WC3, but never seemed to finish a project, haha.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Unit that can research

    @jangsy: Go

    Personally for a single unit I would use a "Specialize" ability rather than Research.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes an epic space game for you?

    Everything that is Freespace 2, and a few concepts from other games like EVE online, etc

    • Beam weapons on capital ships, largely for hitting cruiser+ size targets
    • Flak cannons for anti-fighter capabilities
    • Various ship classes, from fighters to bombers to cruisers to capital ships
    • Target-able sub-modules like disabling engines, targeting systems, individual turrets
    • Ion guns which cause high ship-system damage but low hull damage
    • Tractor beams
    • Drones
    • Orbital bombardment
    • Space stations
    • An unknown enemy with superior technology
    • Nebulae that interfere with electronics
    • Various fighter/bomber-level weapons, dumbfire missiles, large (INDIVIDUALLY TARGETABLE) anti-capital torpedoes, cluster missiles, swarm missiles, seeking missiles
    • Asteroids that can collide if not shot!
    • Actual ship collisions
    • Warp jumps
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Stopped Ability Requirement
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    make a behavior of the buff type the unit has on permanently set Behavior - Modification - State Flags to cloak and give it the Behavior - Validators (Disable) Caster Not Attacking and Caster Is Stationary.

    This will work perfectly, I use the same in my map.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to activate Behaviors
    Quote from Ruzial: Go

    I prefer just giving the unit its behaviour in the very beginning, and simply adding the validator to the behaviours 'disable validator' block. But thats just me

    This is your best bet.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Night of the Dead (NOTD)

    @Ability1: Go

    • The cut-scenes are annoying after the first time. Does anyone really enjoy the "lets get the hell out of here!" civilian, or the screaming ones? Also, I have died due to them jacking control away at a critical moment.
    • The XP needed for to access higher level classes is ludicrous. Grinding is necessary. Which sucks because of..
    • The limited replay value. Other than grinding for access to new classes, you have no reason to come play again once you've beaten it. The map always plays the same.

    So to echo others, you need more game-play paths, more weapons and equipment, etc. Otherwise good job, well produced.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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