Hey kotzwuerg! Did you solve the problem? I would love to know how to set it up. At the moment i am trying to build a Point Defense Drone witch can attack enemys with the laser beam of the hunter seeker missile. Although my PDD deals damage it doesn´t show any laser-beam actor. I have tried to add ActorCreation to events and changed the Hosting Field types in the Beam Actor without success. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: I recreated the whole unit and now its seems to work just fine. :)
Big thanks to MasterDinadan! I finally got it to work! Nevertheless i´m still getting red error messages in the game when the wave starts moving. This is strange.
Hi guys!
I´m trying to figure out how to set up an array with waypoints. I want to use it to for a TD map, so the creep waves created follow my waypoints. I have startet creating 6 waypoints then switched to the script editor and created a trigger.
@kotzwuerg: Go
Hey kotzwuerg! Did you solve the problem? I would love to know how to set it up. At the moment i am trying to build a Point Defense Drone witch can attack enemys with the laser beam of the hunter seeker missile. Although my PDD deals damage it doesn´t show any laser-beam actor. I have tried to add ActorCreation to events and changed the Hosting Field types in the Beam Actor without success. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: I recreated the whole unit and now its seems to work just fine. :)
Big thanks to MasterDinadan! I finally got it to work! Nevertheless i´m still getting red error messages in the game when the wave starts moving. This is strange.
Hi guys! I´m trying to figure out how to set up an array with waypoints. I want to use it to for a TD map, so the creep waves created follow my waypoints. I have startet creating 6 waypoints then switched to the script editor and created a trigger.