Good show, after watching a handfull of episodes though it kinda loses its appeal to me. TBH. Much better then 90% of the garbage on TV. But that isn't really saying much.
lol, thats why house is about the only show i watch on tv nowadays.
damn if i were only on my desktop i would so take a look at this :( , if SC2 mapper doesn't get back too you ill look at it when this episode of house ends :P
well first off any time a unit enter any region the trigger runs. if the region is summon reaper it summons reapers. currently If any unit enters any region and that region isn't summonreaper then player 1 wins. i believe what you want to do is ditch your if then else and put the summon reapers conditional into the normal conditional statement so the trigger only runs if the triggering region is summonreaper.
Edit: and yes use the triggering region event not the triggering unit event.
thats because supply depots actually create a whole new unit when they morph, i believe you can fix this if you go to the supply depot ability and check a flag called ignore placement requirements or something along those lines.
Skills is obviously a valid and relevant variable. You bring a valid point but the question is, how would you measure that particular type of skill?.
There's this little thing called APM (actions per minute) it separates the pros from the newbs. The other thing i would check is build orders, and specifically average unspent minerals/vespene. You could even check unit, structure, and resource scores.
Edit: I'm taking a course on Game Theory this summer, god i hope they mention starcraft in it.
lol. additionaly if you want the search to do 2 effects make a set effect that calls both of the effects :P
I'm only helping you people because i have nothing to do and my current project is tearing away at my soul. Making towers and waves for a tower wars is just simply tedious. plus helping you people out has taught me a TON about the galaxy editor.
to change hotkeys simply go the the Buttons section of the data editor and find the stop button and change its hotkey from s to something else or blank.
lol, thats why house is about the only show i watch on tv nowadays.
does it rly have to be under 1 min? im already using 32 secs for the set up that only leaves 28 secs for the explosion...
I can't wait for the season finale.
Looks like they wrapped up this seasons storyline with the last episode tho. Wonder if he'll fall back into drug use next season.
also take off the "zerg building off creep" behavior or it will eventually kill itself.
damn if i were only on my desktop i would so take a look at this :( , if SC2 mapper doesn't get back too you ill look at it when this episode of house ends :P
i believe there is a flag called cannot be highlighted, uncheck it :P
oh well if you do that then yes do the if then else but get rid of the win function in the else statement.
well first off any time a unit enter any region the trigger runs. if the region is summon reaper it summons reapers. currently If any unit enters any region and that region isn't summonreaper then player 1 wins. i believe what you want to do is ditch your if then else and put the summon reapers conditional into the normal conditional statement so the trigger only runs if the triggering region is summonreaper.
Edit: and yes use the triggering region event not the triggering unit event.
couldn't you make the items into units as well and then save them in the bank too?
thats because supply depots actually create a whole new unit when they morph, i believe you can fix this if you go to the supply depot ability and check a flag called ignore placement requirements or something along those lines.
Just kickin' it and catching up on the latest house episodes. Anyone else like the show?
There's this little thing called APM (actions per minute) it separates the pros from the newbs. The other thing i would check is build orders, and specifically average unspent minerals/vespene. You could even check unit, structure, and resource scores.
Edit: I'm taking a course on Game Theory this summer, god i hope they mention starcraft in it.
lol. additionaly if you want the search to do 2 effects make a set effect that calls both of the effects :P
I'm only helping you people because i have nothing to do and my current project is tearing away at my soul. Making towers and waves for a tower wars is just simply tedious. plus helping you people out has taught me a TON about the galaxy editor.
to change hotkeys simply go the the Buttons section of the data editor and find the stop button and change its hotkey from s to something else or blank.
check out our new map here.
Its the first line tower wars for SC2!
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