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    posted a message on How to make smart attack ignore blockades

    Ok, im going to try something semi-exeprimental. Is there a way to make a unit able to go over buildings but not over cliffs? ( you can go over cliffs not buildings with colossus ability but i want the inverse)

    What i want to do is to create an invisible unit thats always a small step ahead from the unit, and the unit is ordered to follow it. If above is possible and i cant make the creeps ignore blockades, ill look into doing this

    @Neonsz: Go

    Thats incredibilly easy to accomplish,i can just order a unit that goes 10000000 to move from x to y and if the unit isnt at y than its blocked.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Request] Easy Icon

    Its going to overlap the Custom Resource icon. l i just need a icon thats an up close of a civillian's face. 64x64 would be fine

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on How to make smart attack ignore blockades
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    The blockading units have footprints?

    .. of course they do..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make smart attack ignore blockades

    I have a complex mazing thing in my map, and there are creeps that are sent to the bases. (long story short lol)

    The problem is when i order the creeps to go to the bases, the players can blockade their chokepoints and the mobs will clump up at the cliffs. Is there a way to make the creeps ignore the blockades so they take the normal path and attack the blockades as they go to the base?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to convert some of a map's data into maod

    Cutting to the chase, i want to get the special infested's data editor fields into a mod so i can use in my map. I have a mod that contains the assets themselves and the map, but no mod that contains the data

    E/ maod...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on i have an idea for a mini-campaign / mod

    ... yes ...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The Largest/Best/Most Mature SC2 RPG?

    @Fant0m1: Go


    but none of the rpgs in sc2 amuse me in the slightest bit

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Transform issue, Not Working after point in game

    you should always use data if possible because of its flexibility

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Problems with a base sending mechanism

    ok, the errors are linked to different errors that ill catch later. anyway i have a problem with this. If i wall correctly in some bases, the units will bar up at cliffs near the entrance rather than going in the correct route. Is there a way to make the creeps, idk how to explain this but, make it so they ignore buildings and take the path they would take as if there was no buildings blocking?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Problems with a base sending mechanism

    Ok, heres basically how this works

    There are like 18 bases on the map with varied entrances. On creation of a hostile, the first thing done is to determine what corner its in. Once thats done, tis sent to the closest corner of a random claimed base. Once its sent to the base checkpoint (chokepoint), its sent through a loop around the base. (thats about as far as i've gotten, ill add the rest once im done.) My current trigger isnt working to well. Im getting 3 problems

    First two are 2 errors.

    1) Error in EnterCheckpointFunc: Could not get "region" from parameter in 'RegionContainsPoint' (value: 0)

    2) Error in EnterCheckpointFunc: Could not get "point" from parameter in 'OrderTargetingPoint' (value: 65535)

    X 3) Mobs that aren't involved in the mix are getting thrown in (belonging to player 15)X

    (3 is due to one of the checkpoints being [0][0] and since those are unit custom value defaults, theyre getting in. Ill fix that when needed

    Main periodic trigger:

    Enter Checkpoint
            Timer - Every 0.25 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            i = 0 <Integer>
            i 2 = 0 <Integer>
            r = No Region <Region[8]>
            Unit Group Sent To Base = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group>
            Unit Group In Loop = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group>
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Units in (Units in (Playable map area) having alliance Any with player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) owned by player 15, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            ((Picked unit) is in Checkpoint Entrance[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 24 of (Picked unit))))]) == True
                            Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to Unit Group Sent To Base
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    ((Picked unit) is in Pathing Regions In Base[(Integer((Custom value 26 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]) == True
                            Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to Unit Group In Loop
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in Unit Group Sent To Base and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set i = (Random integer between 0 and (Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] - 0))
                    Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 26 to (Real(i))
                    Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Attack targeting (Center of Pathing Regions In Base[i][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))])) (Replace Existing Orders)
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in Unit Group In Loop and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != (Integer(((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit)) + 1.0)))
                            Variable - Set i = (Random integer between 0 and (Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] - 1))
                            Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 25 to ((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit)) + 1.0)
                            Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 26 to (Real(i))
                            General - For each integer i 2 from 0 to 10 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != i 2
                                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                                    Pathing Regions In Base[i 2][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != Pathing Regions In Base[(Integer((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                                    Variable - Set r[i 2] = Pathing Regions In Base[i 2][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                                    Variable - Set r[i 2] = Pathing Regions In Base[Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                            Variable - Set i 2 = 10
                            Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Attack targeting (Center of Pathing Regions In Base[i][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))])) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Create Units

    Enter Checkpoint
            Timer - Every 0.25 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            i = 0 <Integer>
            i 2 = 0 <Integer>
            r = No Region <Region[8]>
            Unit Group Sent To Base = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group>
            Unit Group In Loop = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group>
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Units in (Units in (Playable map area) having alliance Any with player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) owned by player 15, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            ((Picked unit) is in Checkpoint Entrance[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 24 of (Picked unit))))]) == True
                            Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to Unit Group Sent To Base
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    ((Picked unit) is in Pathing Regions In Base[(Integer((Custom value 26 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]) == True
                            Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to Unit Group In Loop
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in Unit Group Sent To Base and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set i = (Random integer between 0 and (Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] - 0))
                    Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 26 to (Real(i))
                    Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Attack targeting (Center of Pathing Regions In Base[i][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))])) (Replace Existing Orders)
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in Unit Group In Loop and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != (Integer(((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit)) + 1.0)))
                            Variable - Set i = (Random integer between 0 and (Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] - 1))
                            Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 25 to ((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit)) + 1.0)
                            Unit - Set (Picked unit) custom value 26 to (Real(i))
                            General - For each integer i 2 from 0 to 10 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != i 2
                                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                                    Pathing Regions In Base[i 2][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))] != Pathing Regions In Base[(Integer((Custom value 25 of (Picked unit))))][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                                    Variable - Set r[i 2] = Pathing Regions In Base[i 2][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                                    Variable - Set r[i 2] = Pathing Regions In Base[Pathing Regions Num Checkp[(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))]
                                            Variable - Set i 2 = 10
                            Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Attack targeting (Center of Pathing Regions In Base[i][(Integer((Custom value 23 of (Picked unit))))])) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Unit Custom Value 23 is the base sent to (-1, so Base 1A would be 0 and Base 1B would be 1) Unit Custom Value 24 is the base corner (0 is topleft, 1 is topright, 2 is bottomleft, 3 is bottomright) Unit Custom Value 25 is how many checkpoints the unit has been sent to Unit Custom Value 26 is the # of the checkpoint sent to

    So.. anyone got a clue? lol

    its pretty messy. when i get around to it, i'll assign the custom values to variables so its neater

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Making the button of a custom upgrade disapeer during research

    I have a research, but i dont want the player to be able to research it multiple times i just want it to research once than display the upgrade beneath it (like terran weapon upgs) but when i click on the upgrade to research its still there while researching.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to reference effects in a tooltip

    @DrSuperEvil: Go


    <d ref="Effect,Repair,RechargeVitalRate"/>

    still need other question tho

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to reference effects in a tooltip

    Probably been asked before (maybe even by me) but if i did i forgot to bookmark it.

    Specifically, how do i reference the repair rate of an SCV in the repair button tooltip? it'll be changed by upgrades so i cant just set it to a value.

    (also, time rate is 0 so it wont change based on building HP)

    also, anyone know where i find e_cmdNotEnoughTerrazine? O.o. cant find it in the text editor and i wanna change it

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transfer Unit

    it is that easy, just import the mod and done....

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tutorial for creating construction actors?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    pics show (From left to right) the custom light attached, the basic BelShir light, than the far right is the blend of the two.

    @adovid: Go

    uh.. ill check..

    e/ switching the emissive levels to the same value on both lights did not help

    2e/ its not emissive

    Posted in: Data
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