Calm down there skipper, why don't you go and a few more to the thousands of hours you've spent playing WC3 DOTA. I mean jesus, who cares when what hero was introduced when, and he's fucking comparing the game to the original DOTA not WC3 you dumbass. He purposely compared Muradin to Zeus, because Zeus was based off the Mountain King (Muradin). So stfu and stop being so smartass about it, jesus.
Gorandor. . . It's a fucking game who cares. I see things in fiction all the time that are impossible. That's what fiction is for, if everything in fiction had to abide by the laws of nature then half of it wouldn't be fiction. Traveling at the speed of light is impossible, but in plenty of movies they do it. It's just for fun who gives a shit about if his legs are big enough. He could be a floating guy if he wanted, it doesn't matter.
I was playing a match of Phantom Mode and a player was banning people who would attack him, and I can't get on to post it someone please post it! I will try to get replay up, please help fix this, this is a horrible hack that must be destroyed.
Everytime I try to download something from this website now, that a direct download link like if I wanted to do the Many Hands it sends me to a URL that say MPQ and then a bunch of random text, how can I fix this?
WraithChaser.600 on US. I would love to test this out for you, and I'm good with terrain.
@saltygrapes: Go
Calm down there skipper, why don't you go and a few more to the thousands of hours you've spent playing WC3 DOTA. I mean jesus, who cares when what hero was introduced when, and he's fucking comparing the game to the original DOTA not WC3 you dumbass. He purposely compared Muradin to Zeus, because Zeus was based off the Mountain King (Muradin). So stfu and stop being so smartass about it, jesus.
@Gorandor: Go
Gorandor. . . It's a fucking game who cares. I see things in fiction all the time that are impossible. That's what fiction is for, if everything in fiction had to abide by the laws of nature then half of it wouldn't be fiction. Traveling at the speed of light is impossible, but in plenty of movies they do it. It's just for fun who gives a shit about if his legs are big enough. He could be a floating guy if he wanted, it doesn't matter.
The white rounded edges are "Decal" Doodads.
@PhantomInfernal: Go
You are evil, your friggen game is SOOO addicting that it has drawn hackers to it. It's too fun. . .
Well, that's him and now you have a hacker on your team Rodrigo, btw love Debates.
I was playing a match of Phantom Mode and a player was banning people who would attack him, and I can't get on to post it someone please post it! I will try to get replay up, please help fix this, this is a horrible hack that must be destroyed.
My request is to have all of the models in ZIP format.
Thank you so much, I was wondering why it wasn't working right. :/
Your waters fine, it's just the land is ugly as hell. You need to vary the terrain textures a lot more, that one texture looks f*ing ugly.
Here is the thing it keeps sending me to.
Everytime I try to download something from this website now, that a direct download link like if I wanted to do the Many Hands it sends me to a URL that say MPQ and then a bunch of random text, how can I fix this?