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    posted a message on Wanderer unit wander not

    I got about half of this Yoda talk.

    To make a unit wander click the search on the unit tab and type "fidget"
    Set the fields to whatever you want, you can set movement chance, the time between movement, and the range.

    Make sure you set the unit to offensive if you want it to attack. A defensive unit wont attack unless its attacked (I think)

    You shouldnt need a behavior to make it wander.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mineral Field additional harvesters

    Worked! Thank you very much

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mineral Field additional harvesters

    So when you have a mineral field, by default only one unit can harvest at a time. How do you change this so for example 10 units can harvest all at once instead of taking turns?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    I really like the Garrosh, Rexxar and Thrall models.

    Is there any way I can get two more Orc models?

    Each one like these pics:

    Both with no weapons though, but allowed to take weapon attachments.

    Please send a pm if you can so I know. Ill also check this post a little
    Thank you

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on (Solved) Build menu with abilities not structures

    Thank you, I didnt see that little drop box at the top. Thats all it took lol

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Build menu with abilities not structures

    Im looking to make a sub-menu similar to a build menu, but filled with abilities not buildings. Like the spellbook from Warcraft 3 editor.

    So far I made a button for abilities menu, and I put it on a unit, and I set the command button to submenu, but when you click it, it does nothing. How do I add the abilities to the submenu?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is this idea possible?

    For all you guys who are complaining about it and saying not to make a ban list, READ the original post. Im NOT making a ban list. Its more like a penalty list for people who I have personally seen make a game undesirable to play, and I wouldnt add any player to this list without a good reason.

    For the ones helping, thank you for understanding and trying to help.

    Now thats out of the way, finiteturtle your trigger is extremely close to what I had on my trigger. Im going to mess with it a bit and see if I can get it working.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is this idea possible?

    I thought this was possible, and as far as player handles I figured this was how to do it. But Im not too sure how to make it work.

    How do you get a player handle from their Bnet name? Like my list has names on it but how do you get those specific peoples handles and apply it to the trigger and not effect anyone elses?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is this idea possible?

    So I started some work on this project in my map. Ive heard that its impossible to make a ban list for custom maps, but that isnt my idea. What I want it to do is alter gameplay for the listed people, its still the same concept, you need the players names to ban or to alter.

    Heres what I have come up with so far, which Im stuck on transferring the name from text to string.

    First there is a record called Player Names with 2 "text" variables, name_list [# of players on my list], and reason [# of reasons the names are on list].
    I have a global variable called Names to link to the record.
    Then I have an action definition called Find Player Names.

    Find Player Name
        Options: Action
        Return Type: (None)
        Grammar Text: Find Player Name()
        Hint Text: (None)
        Custom Script Code
        Local Variables
            name_string = "" <String[13]>
            number = 0 <Integer>
            name_max_number = 13 <Integer>
            Variable - Set Names.reason[1] = "Unsporting conduct"
            Variable - Set Names.reason[2] = "AFK (as game started)"
            Variable - Set Names.reason[3] = "Early leaver"
            Variable - Set Names.reason[4] = "Team killer"
            Variable - Set Names.reason[5] = "Spam"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[1] = "-------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[2] = "-----------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[3] = "--------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[4] = "------------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[5] = "------------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[6] = "------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[7] = "-------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[8] = "-----------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[9] = "-------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[10] = "------------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[11] = "---------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[12] = "-------"
            Variable - Set Names.name_list[13] = "---------"

    Each reason will have different effects.

    Spam might fill the screen with text every minute, team killing might kill random units or set units life to low %, AFK might randomly issue orders to random units, etc.

    Any way to make this work?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Identifying players as variable arrays

    My last idea didnt work either (post #4)

    So I tried these, and still no luck.
    I put myself on team 2 or team 3 and start the game. Im still player 1?

            General - Repeat (Actions) 12 times
                    Variable - Set PlayerNumber = (PlayerNumber + 1)
                    Player Group - Add player PlayerNumber to Players[PlayerNumber]
                    UI - Display ("You are player: " + (Text(PlayerNumber))) for Players[PlayerNumber] to Subtitle area

    And this..

    General - For each integer PlayerNumber from 1 to 12 with increment 1, do (Actions)
    Player Group - Add player PlayerNumber to Players[PlayerNumber]

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Identifying players as variable arrays

    I still have yet to figure this out.

    Say the first player who joins the lobby wants to be on team 3, why is he still player 1?

    I want slot 1 = player 1 from group 1
    Slot 2 = player 2 from group 1

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Identifying players as variable arrays

    So is it always based on when the player enters the lobby?

    I have 3 teams of 4, and each team is already set into a variable. Can I use this player group variable to determine specific players?

    Something like...
    Set Player[1] = Player group (player 1 from group 1)
    Set Player[2] = Player group (player 2 from group 1)
    Set Player[3] = Player group (player 3 from group 1)
    Set Player[4] = Player group (player 4 from group 1)

    Set Player[5] = Player group (player 1 from group 2)
    Set Player[6] = Player group (player 2 from group 2)

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Identifying players as variable arrays

    So I have a variable called: Players[]
    With 12 players, it has 12 arrays.

    Heres my code, but not matter which slot I put myself into in the lobby, Im player 1.

            General - Repeat (Actions) 12 times
                    Variable - Set PlayerNumber = (PlayerNumber + 1)
                    Variable - Set Players[PlayerNumber] = (Player group(PlayerNumber))
                    UI - Display ("You are player: " + (Text(PlayerNumber))) for Players[PlayerNumber] to Subtitle area

    The UI is just for testing purposes. How doesnt this work?
    I just want it so...
    Player[1] = Player 1
    Player[2] = Player 2


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    I like the Orc models for Thrall, Garrosh and Rexxar. Any way you could do 2 more? I need them to have similar features as Thrall, but no cape, just light armor like cloth or something.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Custom UI Inventory (similar to Aiur Chef)

    I attached it. But I actually have another system now that was much more easy to understand and its very similar.

    But if anyone else wants this one it is attached. Its the same one that Blizz used in Aiur Chef

    Posted in: UI Development
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