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    posted a message on (Solved) Progressbar visible for everyone

    Hum sure...


    I added a spell with a IntroCastTime (casting time).

    I created a behavior with a duration greater then 0, hidden flag and with countdown display to everyone.

    So we have a spell that has a casting time and we have a behavior that do nothing except show a progress bar.


    Event : When any ability is used, at the approch stage. I beleive I should have used Prep stage. Trigger that event. Testing....Yah my bad, change Effect 1 - Approch for Effect 2 - Prep.

    Cause approach trigger when the guy move to the correct range to cast the ability.. But we want the trigger to active when it stop and start the casting time. So I made a error on that.

    So when we have a ability that is about to be casted. What we want to do now?

    We want to add the behavior to the unit, which will display a countdown. The main issue is that... The countdown MUST be adjusted to the casting time of your ability.

    So we do.

    The variable Abil take the last ability casted.

    Now we want to change the duration of the behavior to reflect the casting time. We use catalog value.

    I use Catag Field Value Set (Which allow you to change the data through trigger during the game).

    • I want a behaviors as type.
    • We take our useless behavior which is named "Falsecountdown".
    • What we want to change? The duration

    So we want to change it to... The spell duration using Catalog Field Value Get this time.

    • We want abilities
    • We specify which ability which is the variable Abil.
    • And we want the casting intro time which is the casting time.

    End note

    Basically when someone cast a spell you create a behavior that show visual countdown, that use the casting time of the ability as duration.

    Sorry if its confusing english isn't my first language.

    So fix the Effect1 - Approch to Effect 2 - Prep

    And remove the second line for Catalog Set Value... I duplicated it like a idiot -.-' should just have one. Yes both isn't the same thing, but does the same.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Progressbar visible for everyone

    Like that?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Progressbar visible for everyone

    Oh yah -.-' retard I had in mind to use a dummy behavior during the casting animation should simply have say it.

    Trigger -> Unit use ability In the pre-cast you apply a behavior.

    Just throwing out a idea. Even if I am no fan of trigger.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Modify a Unit's Range, Health, & Attack Priority (with Triggers)

    First :

    I didn't test any of this, its on the fly. And I can't say if its the most optimised way to do it, but that how I would do it.

    What you need

    A behavior that is on all your unit


    I suggest you add unit into a group upon creation. Its easier to manage I suggest you use that same group when unit "die"

    Event death

    That where you want your trigger. Applying to any unit in a group.

            ------- To change attack range and health 
            Unit Group - For each unit Unit Variable in (Last created units) do (Actions)
                    ------- Attack range BEHAVIOR
                    Catalog - Set value of Behaviors Behavior Variable Modification.WeaponRange for player (Owner of Unit Variable) to (String(((Value of Behaviors Behavior Variable Modification.WeaponRange for player (Owner of Unit Variable) as an integer) - 1)))
                    ------- Health
                    Catalog - Set value of Units (Unit type of Unit Variable) LifeMax for player (Owner of Unit Variable) to (String(((Value of Units (Unit type of Unit Variable) LifeMax for player (Owner of Unit Variable) as an integer) - 1)))

    Camera distance

    Data -> Cameras -> Default Camera -> Zoom level -> Increase the data as the other zoon increase which is +4/+4 0 mean the maximum. 9 is the most zoomed.


    I don't know if its what your talking about... Map -> Map properties -> Options -> Show game start countdown

    Colored aura

    Can be done through data, I can explain more, if actually data interest you.

    Attack priority

    Make a dummy ability that trigger each .5 second with auto-cast on. And add a event that trigger every time that ability is used. In this example I use 10 as range anyway you got the idea, you can work from there. Just warning you, might be laggy, you will need a lot of optimisation. You can easy get how much unit are stack within which range. And then apply the attack priority according to the number.

             Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Region((Position of (Triggering unit)), 10.0)) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    ------- Attack priority
                    Catalog - Set value of Units (Unit type of (Picked unit)) AttackTargetPriority for player (Owner of (Picked unit)) to (String(((Value of Units (Unit type of (Picked unit)) AttackTargetPriority for player (Owner of (Picked unit)) as an integer) + 1)))

    Final note

    I have no clue if the other guy say the truth about you cannot change attack priority. I assume you know how to make your calculation, you just have to change the 1 according to the value you want.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) Progressbar visible for everyone

    I supose you work on data. Since well that data forum..

    Behavior -> Duration greater then 0. Display countdown -> Ally/Enemy/Neutral/Self

    Should do it

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I make an upgrade for harvesting?

    Trigger catalog? I didn't test it, but you got the main idea. Create a dummy ability(Upgrade) that has level, and when the ability(upgrade) is a success initiate a trigger like that.

    Upgrade is a variable as Integer you can also work with % and... well anything from data. Just check the catalog field correctly.

            ------- Range
            Catalog - Set value of Abilities MULEGather Range for player (Triggering player) to (String((Upgrade + (Value of Abilities MULEGather Range for player Any Player as an integer))))
            ------- Aquired ressource,
    ------- 0 = custom
    ------- 1 = mineral
    ------- 2 = terrazine
    ------- 3 = vespene
            Catalog - Set value of Abilities MULEGather ResourceAmountRequest[1] for player (Triggering player) to (String((Upgrade + (Value of Abilities MULEGather ResourceAmountRequest[1] for player Any Player as an integer))))
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Hero Attack 3X.

    Introduction :

    First of all before flooding you with information there the generic one :

    Region : America

    Time Zone : -5 GTM (Canada)

    Communication : Via Team speak or Forum (ha3x.net)

    What I am doing for this projet : Everything

    What role do you need to be filled? :

    • Mapper
    • Debugger (Data and Trigger)
    • Basic UI
    • Dynamic tooltip/Basic Actor creation
    • Pretty much a All trick poney.

    The team

    The team is pretty simple, me and akuma (godakuma). We are pretty easy going and communicate a lot with team speak, in english. I cannot speak for him but I will introduce myself. I am from canada and I speak french, so english is my second language. Do not worry I can speak english pretty easy. I work in the army in programming for network. So basically sometime I have to work for 6 month and I cannot have access to internet which is pretty bad. I usually invest 6 to 10 hours a day, pretty much 15 or so the week end. I am basically a no-life and I am allow to work on my laptop at my job. Lets be honest my skill in the editor is pretty average, I did learn everything by myself and got pretty much throw in it after nevewinter nights pretty much closed.

    What kind of people we search?

    Lets be honest I don't really care. As long the person know enough in the editor to create a spell, I am more then happy to actually train them if needed. You invest the amount of time that you wish, but at least give 5-6 hours a week to the mod. Naturally we want someone active on the forum, not about answer post or thing like that just. "Hey I am alive, that, that that is left to do". Not even need to be on forum, simply team speak is more then enough since I am connected pretty much 6 hours a day.


    Akuma just got a baby, and I seriously cannot do everything alone. I can basically do anything I want with the editor but it take time, a lot of it. Not cause I am slow, but mostly cause I need to search my thing around to making it work. I am still not even used to the editor, its just been what 5 month? Since I am dev and that pretty much how much time I started working on the editor. I might have to disapear for few month soon enough cause of my work. And naturally I want another expertise, I trust my work. But there always a better way to doing thing. Someone that can help is more then welcome cause managing that alone is pretty much impossible, that community drain a lot of energy.

    Current project..?

    Here a "little" list of all the thing I currently have to do...

    • New hero selection screen, the current one have error and isn't user friend, also cannot fit new hero
    • Create new hero (about 9 of them)
    • Recreate the kick feature
    • Remake all the tooltip to be dynamic (I did about 33% already in a week, that about 850 tooltip. But got tired a little)
    • Adding actor to every spell for range and Splat.
    • Changing all hero to have a single passive and have advance spell then "Spell, Attack, Damage resistance". So spell actually are special.
    • Create new map set (Which I am seriously terrible)
    • Fix bug (There a list of it, that haven't fix for a long time, cause of lack of knowledge/expertise)
    • Optimise thing (Play zerg you shall understand, broodling ultimate and creep tumor... a lag fest that need change) And the list goes on... So that pretty much endless.

    Feel free to ask question, I will check the post frequently. On that have a nice day/Night/Apocalyspe/Whatever

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on (Solved) Morphing Hive to Overmind

    Create a actor as model type for your morphed unit. In the art model section set the new skin

    in the event: Events + You can make the model appear on the creation of a behavior.

    If you have no clue what I am talking about... I will write a more detail explanation.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Zombie Apocalypse waves (HELP PLZ)

    there a good section of how to make attack wave correctilu. I suggest you loose at it

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Link a frame to a anchor from another level

    The thing : I created a set of trigger so that people can actually move around UI as they which. I did hook all important piece of the UI and make them able to move them around as they please.. (Its pretty basic for the moment, I didn't put much time on it).

    The problem is.. The freaking tooltip for command card.

            Dialog - Hooks up an existing Panel in the standard UI called "UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel/CommandTooltip"

    Doesn't work, nor a lot of other workaround I tryed. So I had a idea, why not link the Anchor to the CommandButton00. Using...

      <Frame type="CommandPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel" file="GameUI">
        <Frame type="CommandTooltip" name="CommandTooltip">
    //Add here the anchor.

    Just wondering if you guy have a valid solution for that cause $parent/CommandPanel doesn't work either -.-' or $parent/CommandPanel/CommandButton00...

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Death is broken in editor???

    Oh lol xD funny, I was playing some hero attack while typing so I made it fast betwen 2 critter patch lol.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Death is broken in editor???

    Okay :) lets start from scrap. Cause there too many thing that isn't clear at all.

    You have a trigger that detect unit that die. When unit die they increase a variable.

    So first problem, mine provide extra kill on your leaderboard.

    Also your mine provide experience upon killing? Is that your second issue.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Death is broken in editor???

    Yah but your using a trigger to check if any unit die right?

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) If ((Triggering unit) is Excluded: Missile, Hidden for player 1) == True Then Else

    Use Unit Filter Match in a if

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Death is broken in editor???

    Just add UI - Display (Name of (Unit type of (Triggering unit))) for (All players) to Subtitle area to know if it count twice the unit killed or that a missile as almaity said.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Game randomly drops a lot of players, freezed loading screen...

    I removed the whole bank file for a patch (for like a week or two) and no change about the drop issue... -.-'

    Posted in: General Chat
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