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    posted a message on Item usable while stunned

    Considering hero attack has about 600 abilities xD. I think I will scrap that idea. Oh well thank for the help.

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    posted a message on Item usable while stunned

    Yah my Hero Standard - Inventory is in the enabled Modification - Abilities Enable. And I set Modification set Uncommandable removed. Ability Class Enabled - Inventory and Effect - Instant are enable.

    Doesn't work more ;s stun overlap all I supose.

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    posted a message on Item usable while stunned

    What I try to do :

    Be able to use a certain item while under stun behavior effect. So just one perticular item can be used while stun.

    My set up :

    In the stun behavior the following state flags are check : Uncommandable and Stun. That basically ... the stun.

    Method I tryed :

    Remove the Uncommandable and set Ability: Modification - Abilities Enable : "Name of the ability of the item". Which don't seem to work with item on the inventory.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit spawning on/off player control

    Why don't you just change the event to "Player 1 presses start spawn protoss" will reduce your code a little.

    Also I don't know if its a copy paste error, but in your "off" trigger you use "Trigger - Turn Stalker P1 On" shouldn't it be off?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on UI - Custom Unit Info Area?

    That thread was 3 years old... You can actually create a new one at this point.

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    posted a message on Using a targeted ability while hiding UI

    Now I am stuck xD

    I supose you could change the actor art model of the move command to nothing, but I didn't find any actor for that ability.

    Or create a new move ability without visual effect could work also.

    Sorry I don't have any tutorial on that one, I never actually try.

    EDIT : Do you use WASD movement?

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    posted a message on Unlearn abilities and upgrades

    I will still answer but I seriously doubt those help you, since I have no way to know how you use ability and upgrade.

    • Set Upgrade Level For Player can be used to mess up with the upgrade.

    For the abilities... need more information.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Using a targeted ability while hiding UI

    In the model the field named Art : Selection Radius, set it to 0

    For selecting the unit upon respawn, simply use Select unit in trigger.

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    posted a message on Using a targeted ability while hiding UI

    Can't really be done as far I know, someone can say otherwise, since if you do so. You won't be able to use targetting anymore. Yet there always a solution. Get your hero always selected, and remove the selection radius. So your unit will always be selected , but it won't have that green circle. Does that work for you?

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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    Post a screenshot of your actor, so we can know what the issue is.

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    posted a message on Using a targeted ability while hiding UI

    First of all read that post : http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/triggers/60970-get-a-grenade-marker-while-3rd-person/#p1

    It will make you able to make the part 1, which it be able to use a ability with the command card hidden. Now..

    Use "Show/Hide UI Frame" do to some clean up. Your trigger should look like that :

    UI - Hide Menu Bar for (All players)
    Dialog - Hooks up an existing Panel in the standard UI called "UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel"
    Dialog - Fade (Last created dialog item) to a transparency of 100.0% over a period of 0.0 seconds for (All players)
    UI - Hide Supply Frame for (All players)
    UI - Hide Status UI for (All players)
    UI - Hide Resource Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Pylon Button for (All players)
    UI - Hide Mission Time Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Minimap Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Idle Worker Button for (All players)
    UI - Hide Info Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Hero Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Help Menu Button for (All players)
    UI - Hide Control Group Panel for (All players)
    UI - Hide Army Button for (All players)

    The only thing left should be :

    • A frame at the bottom
    • The hero portrait.

    Everything else should now be hidden. We will use the overlay method to hide it.

    • First of all create a file named as you wish .SC2Layout, mine is named FPS.SC2Layout.
    • Save the following content in it. And save it somewhere you will remember.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Frame type='ConsolePanel' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsolePanel' file='GameUI'> 
            <Anchor side="Left" pos="Min" offset="9000" relative="$parent" />
    	<Anchor side="Right" pos="Max" offset="9000" relative="$parent" />
     	<Anchor side="Top" pos="Max" offset="9000" relative="$parent" />
     	<Anchor side="Bottom" pos="Max" offset="9000" relative="$parent" />
     <Frame type="GameUI" name="GameUI" file="GameUI">
            <ConsoleWorldBottomOffset val="0"/>
     <Frame type='InfoPaneGroup' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/InfoPaneGroup' file='GameUI'>
     	<Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="5"/>
            <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
    • Now return your editor, press F9 (Import)
    • Import your .SC2Layout file
    • Once its done save your module YOU MUST save it.
    • Now open your data (F7)
    • Go into Game UI Data, then search for Default SC2 UI Settings
    • In this section go for UI : Custom Layout Files and get your file.

    Save and your done. Here a demo. The SCV spell use T as hotkey, to cast mule btw.

    If you want more information about the overlay method, use Helral tutorial amazing good one.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Get a Grenade Marker while 3rd person?

    Hidding the command card

    Hidding it by usual mean will just result into the impossibility to actually use the command card. There another way, set it invisible. There several way to doing so, overlay and Trigger are the most common.

    Trigger using the hookup function

    Dialog - Hooks up an existing Panel in the standard UI called "UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel"
    Dialog - Fade (Last created dialog item) to a transparency of 100.0% over a period of 0.0 seconds for (All players)

    This allow you to hide the command card doing so making it possible to use it. So problem 2 and 3 is solved :).

    Function used

    • Hookup standard Dialog Item
    • Fade Dialog item Transparency

    Other part of the UI?

    I suggest you take a look at the function "Show/Hide UI Frame" do NOT hide the command card.

    Visual Splat upon casting

    Create a Actor of the type of Splat, then use a Art, I used Protoss AOE Cursor Splat as splat.

    Thus go into Event

    • Msg Type: Ability
    • Source name : Your ability name (Mine is Calldown MULE)
    • Sub name : Cursor

    Then Create. Then you can change the size of the splat with scale.

    I link a demo.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] How to set construction time of unit using triggers

    Using trigger...

    (Catalog Field Value Set) - (Catalog = Abilities) - (Entry = Your Build ability) - (Field path see bellow. ) - ("" = building time)

    Field Path :

    • Build (Cause you want to modify a build)
    • InfoArray (Its the array of the building, as example scv build command center is at position "01" in "Scv - Build" abilities.
    • Time : Which is the time used to build shit.

    Catalog - Set value of Abilities TerranBuild InfoArray[0].Time for player (Triggering player) to "40"

    I seriously don't know if its the way you asked, cause there not much explanation of how you currently build..

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Get a Grenade Marker while 3rd person?

    So... You want

    • A visual display where you currently aim with a ability (Grenade)
    • You want to be able to use your hotkey (T currently) to use your ability.
    • You must not have a command card visible. Cause of FPS view.

    Sorry I ask cause I have a issue understand you. I will help if you actually answer those :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Monthly Data Exercise #26 - W.A.L.L.-E.

    Oh well spool, that like a homework. Everyone can get full mark, but with a side-note. Not really a competition.

    Mine lack

    • Sound every ping of recharge
    • VFX every ping of recharge
    • There a bug on VFX while holding mineral
    • Sound when the recharge starting
    • Beam effect while charging.

    Seriously not a amazing version I made, just a basic X/X mark.

    Posted in: Data
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