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    posted a message on Heroes of the Rift (previously called Hurricane Shrine)

    @Mugen245: Go

    If you need someone to work on terrain or triggers let me know.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on How to modify this trigger so it makes several dead heroes respawn?

    Why use a behavior? Setting the units Death Timer to -1 makes so you can grab them to apply actions to them. -1 makes it so the time it takes for the unit to fully die is infinite then you would just move the unit to a point or region and resurrect it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Force subtitles?

    @LucidIguana: Go

    Best you could do is suggest that the player turns them on through a tip or text message. My guess is that Blizzard won't allow us to access the players main settings, which is where the subtitle option is stored. This is for security reasons, as a random map could intentionally change the players settings, messing them all up. It's the same reason we are not able to pull the players name as a string, only as text.

    Edit: Alternatively, you could create a dialog with the background hidden and use that to show the subtitles. It's more work, but it would make sure that everyone playing the map views your subtitles without issue. It also gives you full creative control, as you could design it however you want without having to deal with the XML UI files.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Text Style Size

    As far as I'm aware the styles have preset properties that make the style; including font size. You'd have to make custom styles; each with different font sizes to fit the each of the sizes it can be changed to. I'm pretty sure that's how the styles work within the Galaxy Editor.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomize players

    @Dangel1234: Go

    Simply add all players into an array and then randomly set them into new teams/player groups. Then base all the team stuff through those groups instead of the the default team system.

    If you need more detailed info let me know.

    Edit: Here's an untested base example of what you would need to do.

    Global Variables:

    Teams = (Empty player group) <Player Group[4]>

    nMaxPlayers = 12 <Integer>

    nMaxTeamPlayers = 3 <Integer>

    nTotalPlayers = 0 <Integer>


    Melee Initialization
            Game - Map initialization
        Local Variables
            TeamNumber = 0 <Integer>
            Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Modify nTotalPlayers: + 1
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    nTotalPlayers == nMaxPlayers
                    General - Pick each integer from 1 to nMaxPlayers, and do (Actions)
                            Variable - Set TeamNumber = (Random integer between 1 and 4)
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    (Number of players in Teams[TeamNumber]) < nMaxTeamPlayers
                                    Player Group - Add player (Picked integer) to Teams[TeamNumber]
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            (+ ((Number of players in Teams[1]), (Number of players in Teams[2]), (Number of players in Teams[3]), (Number of players in Teams[4]))) == nMaxPlayers
                                            UI - Display "All teams have been set up successf..." for (All players) to Subtitle area
                                            UI - Display "All teams have not been set up succ..." for (All players) to Subtitle area
                    ------- IF the total number of players(nTotalPlayers) does not equal the maximum number of players(nMaxPlayers) then you could add additional actions here to sort the teams into 2v2v2v2, 1v1v1v1, or whatever you would like.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog Portait - Displays Behind ALL Dialogs.

    @GlornII: Go

    Beautiful, thank you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog Portait - Displays Behind ALL Dialogs.

    So I have a dialog item - portrait that I'm trying to have display within a specific dialog. When I create the item and set it to a specific dialog it never attaches to the specific dialog or any dialog. It displays behind every dialog like it not attached to anything.

    Anyone know of a fix or what I might be doing wrong. Which using the exact same process, every other item type displays fine.

            ------- Container
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (1920, 1080) at (0, 0) relative to Center of screen
            Variable - Set Pre-Game Menu - Menu Container Dialog = (Last created dialog)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog) to be fullscreen True
            Dialog - Show (Last created dialog) for (All players)
            Dialog - Show the background image of (Last created dialog)
            Dialog - Create a Portrait for dialog Pre-Game Menu - Menu Container Dialog
            Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (50, 50) relative to Top Left of dialog for (All players)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) Model  to Portrait - Marauder Mercenary for (All players)
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Action Definition: IF Statement Condition Expecting Boolean.

    I have an IF statement within an action definition that errors when the script tries to compile (when I try to save).

    The error is "Expected a Boolean expression".

    The weird part is that the line it is referring to is a condition that adds two integers to see if when added they are greater then a constant integer.

    "(Inventory - Total Items + nItems) > Inventory - cMax Slots"

    Why would a condition without a Boolean expect a Boolean expression?

    Full trigger: Keep in mind the trigger is still a work in progress.

    Loot - Generate
        Options: Action
        Return Type: (None)
        Grammar Text: Loot - Generate()
        Hint Text: (None)
        Custom Script Code
        Local Variables
            nItems = 0 <Integer>
            Previous Item = 0 <Integer[3]>
            i = 1 <Integer>
            General - Pick each integer from 1 to Loot - nRegions, and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    ((Triggering unit) is in Loot - Region[(Picked integer)]) == True
                                    Region - Difficulty[(Picked integer)] == 1
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    (Inventory - Total Items + nItems) > Inventory - cMax Slots
                                    Variable - Set nItems = ((Inventory - Total Items + nItems) - Inventory - cMax Slots)
                                    General - Repeat (Actions) nItems times
                                            Variable - Set Loot - Item = (Random integer between 0 and 3)
                                            Variable - Set Loot - Quantity = (Random integer between 1 and Loot - Max Quantity)
                                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                                            Loot - Item != Previous Item[1]
                                                            Loot - Item != Previous Item[2]
                                                    ------- Displays the quantity and name of the item found.
                                                    UI - Display (Combine ((Text(Loot - Quantity)), " ", Items - Items[Loot - Item].Name)) for (Player group((Triggering player))) to Subtitle area
                                                    Variable - Set Previous Item[i] = Loot - Item
                                                    Variable - Modify i: + 1
                                                    Trigger - Run Loot - Add to Inventory  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                                    Variable - Set nItems = (Random integer between 1 and 3)
                                    General - Repeat (Actions) nItems times
                                            Variable - Set Loot - Item = (Random integer between 0 and 3)
                                            Variable - Set Loot - Quantity = (Random integer between 1 and Loot - Max Quantity)
                                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                                            Loot - Item != Previous Item[1]
                                                            Loot - Item != Previous Item[2]
                                                    UI - Display (Combine ((Text(Loot - Quantity)), " ", Items - Items[Loot - Item].Name)) for (Player group((Triggering player))) to Subtitle area
                                                    Unit - Remove inventory item (Triggering inventory item)
                                                    Variable - Set Previous Item[i] = Loot - Item
                                                    Variable - Modify i: + 1
                                                    Trigger - Run Loot - Add to Inventory  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                            UI - Display "Not in Region" for (All players) to Error area
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Text Tag with Image

    @Mugen245: Go

    You do understand that it's a text tag not an image tag?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Controller Support

    @Cardanis: Go

    Of course it's possible but that doesn't mean it's supported by the Editor or will be easy to do. Basically you would have to find or build a third-party program that will communicate with Sc2. Sort of like a bot would with games like Diablo. If X button is pressed perform this. This however would take a tremendous amount of time since I doubt anyone would want controller support for Sc2 due to the numerous amounts of hot-keys. It wouldn't be efficient.

    Now. A similar approach would be to set actions within the trigger editor that could perform the actions you would expect a controller to. Example: Move between dialog buttons with the arrow keys on the keyboard instead of the mouse.

    The only thing I'm not sure of is why it would matter if the commands would be coming from a controller or not. Since that is apart of the programming process and is not apart of the actual game-play it's self.

    Like you said, it's a prototype.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can't Fix Error.

    Hardly good with XML, the errors I keep getting are:

    [InfoPaneHero] with the same name as an already existing child.

    XML: mismatched tag:

    I've looked over my code a couple times now and can't seem to find out why. What I'm trying to do is set everything but Damage, Armor, Experience, Behaviors, and Attributes to Visible val="False". Then move them how I want them.

    Code Below...

        <Frame type='InfoPanel' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel' file='GameUI'>
            <Frame type='Frame' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel' file='GameUI'>
                <Frame type='Label' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel/ShieldLabel' file='GameUI'>
                    <Visible val='False'/>
                <Frame type='UnitWireframe' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel/UnitWireframe' file='GameUI'>
                    <Visible val='False'/>
                <Frame type='Label' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel/LifeLabel' file='GameUI'>
                    <Visible val='False'/>
                <Frame type='Label' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel/EnergyLabel' file='GameUI'>
                    <Visible val='False'/>
        <Frame type='InfoPaneHero' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/InfoPaneHero' file='GameUI'>
            <Frame type='Label' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/InfoPaneHero/AttributeLabel1' file='GameUI'>
                <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="-33"/>
                <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Target Effect Ability Beam Question.

    Deleted the ability and remade it from scratch, got it to work now!


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Target Effect Ability Beam Question.

    I have an target effect ability that uses a Search Area, Persistent, Apply Behavior, and Damage Effect, The idea is to just simply cast an AoE and all enemy units/heroes in the area take damage and get their movement speed reduced. The ability works all the way up until the beam. The beam being used is Zurvans Lightning Breath Beam from the actor of the same name. Right now, I have the event set up as to create the actor when the Damage Effect starts. The issue is the beam is created directly on the target. Example: What it is.

    This is more to what I was hoping for... What it should be.

    If anyone has any idea how to make the second one work that would be awesome. If you need anymore info just let me know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit as Ability Resource?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew how to use a unit as a resource for an ability? What I mean is, I have a hero with an ability that spawns a couple Infested Terrans. I'm wanting to have other abilities to use those Infested Terrans to do things. Such as, when X ability is used to make 1 of the Infested Terrans to move to the target unit and stun the target unit than kill the used Infested Terran. If no Infested Terrans are up, than the ability can't be used.

    Any help would be great, since most of my knowledge is with triggers not data.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Anchors Reset In-Game.

    When making changes to Anchors and then checking in-game they're fine, but once I close the UI Module the values reset to what they previously were. The values are only changed in-game, within the UI Module the values are correct. In order to fix this, I have to re-open the UI Module, set them to different values, save, switch them back to what they should be, save, and then they work again.

    Weird bug, anyone else experiencing this?

    Posted in: UI Development
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