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    posted a message on [Terrain Trix #3] Lighting Guide


    Any idea of the UI lighting?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Terrain Trix #3] Lighting Guide

    I've messed around and found a perfect lighting for my winter based map, the only problem I'm faced with now is that when I'm in game the fog of war is dark as hell and the actual UI on the bottom of the screen is also darkened...

    any advice for me?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Looking for Feedback! (melee)

    Hey everyone, My internet died a little while ago so I was left with tons of down time to pump out melee maps.

    I'm just asking for anyone to drop by my thread, check out what I've created and give some personal opinions >.<

    My main goal is to have maps played in (atleast) Playhem or other various tournaments! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=314030

    Thanks for your time Broodie

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [H] Editing Xel'Naga Data/Actors

    I've tried this but I think im doing it incorrectly, my new power user behavior (copy of the other one) doesnt work like its parent by displaying the model/animation of the robo being unpowered and the buff I added still wont work? :(

    could someone guide me through the process?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [H] Editing Xel'Naga Data/Actors

    this is done through the XelNagaTower (unnamed) actor events?

    im trying to learn all of this myself Im brand new to data, and I believe instead of actor events i need to create my own behavior then apply it somehow?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [H] Editing Xel'Naga Data/Actors

    If ANYONE could help that would be phenomenal :P

    Im currently going about implementing a new melee feature based on the Xel'Naga.

    My idea is simple: I am using the model and animations for the Robotics Bay for my tower (Researching=tower activated - - - Not researching=tower Idle - - - and unpowered.)

    Right now i have the tower set as power user and applied the destructible searchlight as a power source. what I would like to do is: when the tower has power from the searchlight, it can be activated and idle, yet when the searchlight(neutral power source) is destroyed, I want the functionality of the watch tower to cease (until a trigger I apply respawns the searchlight and neutral power is restored.)

    My problem however is that I cannot seem to be able to disable the tower capture ability...

    My model will display being unpowered but the tower capture ability remains...

    So basically I'm stuck at this point and cant yet implement the feature

    An alternative option that has been suggested to me is to give the tower shields and when the shields die, the same effect happens as the tower losing power (basically making it an easier feature to ingest for users who enjoy the feature)

    If anyone could give me a hand or point me in the right direction I'll be EXTREMELY grateful as it feels almost impossible to get help at this point lol

    thanks for your time!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Q] Creating custom Naga

    bump^ need help plz :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tutorial Request

    Hey I need a hand in creating something to be used in competitive melee, it will change the map status but it's basically a new map feature.

    If anyone could help it would be GREATLY appreciated as Im sortof a noob in the data editor :P

    please send me a PM if you have an hour to spare or something, I've been asking around for a week and no responses :( I'll give you details in PM, it's not a big project so don't be intimidated ahah

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Q] Creating custom Naga

    Hey everyone, to start the thread off I'm an editor noob lol

    My dilemma is: I'm trying to create a custom watch tower like the one used in GSL Dual Sight.

    What I would like to create is a dark colored robotics bay that acts as a watch tower. when it is not activated I would like the robotics bay to act as if it is not researching an ability, when activated it would act as the bay is researching.

    Another odd implementation I've been wanting to add is a trigger for a switch to turn the RoboNaga off and on.

    For example: a capitol statue(on/off switch) lay a short distance from the associated RoboNaga. When this is destroyed I want the RoboNaga to display a count down progress bar for two game time minutes, and for the duration be un-useable(not researching model and animation). when the timer is over, The RoboNaga will again be useable and the statue will respawn again as the active on/off switch.

    Thanks in advance for any help I receive!

    Seems like a nice site so far!

    Posted in: Triggers
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