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    posted a message on Show Hero HP+select

    If you're good at learning by example, just search "hero selection" in the forums and people have maps up all over. Progammer has a nice one that uses models instead of hero portraits, but I'm not sure that will help very much. I'll look for some and post them here when I have time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on i <3 1.5 ...

    i is greater than 31.5?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Magazine Cost Spells
    Thanks a ton. I'll look at this again after going through the Wiki and learning more about stuff.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on StarJelly - Dialog Editor
    can you make arrays of dialog items?
    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Showcase]Ghostnova's models
    @michaelknives: If I'm not mistaken, it was an April Fools prank.
    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #87: Best of Both Worlds

    @Mozared: Go

    What do you mean by "spice it up"? Waterfalls, maybe?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Most Memorable song?
    Don't know how to embed.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on .SC2Map file icon

    7 has folder options in Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization, but no File Types tab.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Magazine Cost Spells

    Sorry for making you go through all that work of telling me what to do for almost no reason, but would it be easier to assume that the launch effect worked? I can wait until Blizzard fixes it. If it would be easier, could you tell me how to do it that way instead?

    Also, If you could tell me how to make them constantly orbit outside of the navigator, that would be useful.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #87: Best of Both Worlds

    Oh, I'm actually using something like this for my map. It's a bit primitive, so criticism would be helpful.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Apply Force to Self

    Thanks, I'll go ahead and do that, then.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mapster Madness Hero Creation

    Wait, I changed my mind. I wanna be a Preserver (#2).

    Name - Adalla
    Model - Preserver
    Type - Summoner
    Extra Notes:
         Could I have him go up to level 20?
         I am very lenient with models, so use any of the summons' models and I'll find a new one.
         Energy values are based on the idea that he has about 500 base energy, so giving him 400 would be fine. If you want to give him 300, I'll have to adjust the rates.

    Command Aura - Raises all of Adalla's summons' damage amount and speed, armors, and health regens.
    Change of Command - If Adalla dies without any active summons, he revives as BolHyu (Preserver #0), who has all of his abilities except the passive ones. His life is limited to 144 seconds.

    Active (Summons):               (I have included a chart about some of the stats.)
    Name: White Mountain Spirits  - The spine of Adalla's power.
    Model: If I could use Hybrid (Zerg), but with a Combat Shield SOp attachment on its head and a glow, would that be OK? If not, just use Stone Zealot.
         They do low damage (About 3) and fire fast.
         The name field in the chart is for if you are able to change the name while the level goes up.
         They have no death time.
         Make their weapon period whatever you want.
         I suggest using magazines rather than making it an actual summon.

    Name: Yellow Water Spirits - The counterparts to the mountain spirits.
    Model: Yellow Tinted Archons
         They do medium damage (10) and slow enemies.
         No death time
         Magazines are suggested again

    Name: True Bones of the Wind - Healers.
    Model: Void Ray with partial opacity and trail (Like on the High Templar; OneTwo has a tutorial on them)
         Basically just medics, but rather than using energy to heal, they use their life.
         Command Aura makes them heal faster
         Regen is 1:1
         They summon to max (3 or 5 at a time) all at once, you can't summon them again until all of them die.

    Name: Royal Guards of the Flames - Units that only defend.
    Model: Firebats with smaller X and Y size (Mostly width)
         Can only go 3 units away from Adalla/BolHyu
         Can only ever have 3 at a time.
         Have a higher attack priority than Adalla and BH.
         Auto-cast is allowed

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Apply Force to Self

    I couldn't find the tutorial, so I'll just use the Dr's cure. (See what I did there?)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on NA Map Night [Revival]

    Could we have something like a moderator sponsor? Someone else could do the streaming and have a moderator do the advertisements, right?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on .SC2Map file icon

    Just tried repair, but itsaid that nothing was wrong. I'll just have to try reinstalling SC2, then. Thanks for your help.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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