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    posted a message on Did you guys see the sneak peak footage!!! :3

    I seen an exploding female zealot model and a cool ass protoss carrier/arbiter in the story mode footage.... and super OP banelings that splitt into zerglings...ZOMG :

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Sc2Mapster Dead?

    Dead? Nope. I honestly browse over the forums all of the time without posting much. It's just that the mod community for SC2 is relatively small compared to games like half-life and skyrim. And thats simply because blizzard didn't release the same types of mod tools like those other games. I guarantee you if we had a tool that allowed people to easily edit female characters we would have a billion underwear/bikini/and nude mods of Kerrigen, Nova and the rest of the female starcraft 2....

    But seriously most individuals come to this web site so they could either get help with developing their mod or to simply gain inspiration for their projects. People will rarely come here to socialize in forum posts because of Facebook, Twitter, and Skype -_- which results in less frequent traffic.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [video] HasuCraft (High production value machinima.)

    I posted on your youtube videos.

    From a technical perspective this was excellent, but from a story telling perspective meh.
    If you are trying to produce a comedic machinima you need to change your format. Perhaps each episode can be a compilation of short 1 to 3 minute skits like sanity not included or robot chicken. I felt that after the infestigator joke everything dragged on when the scene should have been cut there. Also in Video 1 I got the borederlands reference but that may go over the heads of people whom haven't played borederlands 1.5. In the first 2 the delivery of the jokes seemed to be a little forced and the ending of didn't really convey the premise of the episode all that well that is unless you read the description.

    It isn't epic perse but It is an excellent start for a series that has a lot of potential. TIghten up the format and improve the writing and it could be a machinima realms feature.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why Don't People like Lotr Games?

    Why aren't they more popular?

    In my opinion most of the LOTR custom games aren't very well designed from a gameplay standpoint. These maps aren't suited for pub matches. More often then not there are 12 available factions to play, and said factions already have a ton of buildings and units on the map. Needless to say that even if you fill up your lobby in the begging most of the players will rage quit because of lag.

    Most of the LOTR are confusing to newbies that aren't LOTR fans and know nothing about the lore. Normally each faction has unique victory conditions and objectives presented in a wall of text. By the time your finished reading the tips section or get an answer from someone that is willing to help you your army is already dead.

    The fact there is no faction selection screen with details of each unique faction isn't helpful either. Most newbies will play one, be confused and RAGE QUIT NEVER TO RETURN.

    Even though WOW units can be used, most custom LOTR games use SC2 models and rename them. A marine as an Archer.... lame. I don't want to use my imagination while playing a video game and imagine his bullets are arrows.


    Honestly, I believe that a decent remake of LOTR will have to be a Co-OP/RPG episodic campaign. Instead of renaming sc2 models after units and assuming everyone knows about the movies, some one needs to adapt the premise of the LOTR movies to the starcraft universe.

    For example,

    One night Zeratul has a mysterious vision regarding the arrival of the Xel'naga. The preservers interpret Zeratul's vision and reveals to him that the Dark Voice (Ulrezaj) is seeking out a powerful Xel'naga Artifact that happens to be a ring that has the power to open a temporal dimensional rift that will allow the xel'naga to return to their version of the universe. Upon the Xelnaga's return they will destroy everything and everybody in this universe to reshape the universe into something new. In order to prevent the destruction of the universe Zeratul must find the artifact ring before Ulrezaj and the travel to the edge of the universe and destroy said ring in a unique quantum singularity that leads to the outside of existence or whatever.

    Zeratul seeks out James Raynor and other Protoss allies. (Perhaps other sentient alien species or a few guys from Azeroth) and they embark on a quest to find the ring and then destroy the ring and essentially save the universe.

    However, others are seeking this power... Kerrigan, Renegade Zerg Broods, the Tal'darim and other minions of the returned dark archon Ulrezaj.

    This would be an awesome open formula for a LOTR cross Starcraft custom co-op campaign. Data banks can be used so heroes could be carried over from map to map. Each new world or location could be similar to areas in LOTR thematically.

    You could even throw in some plot twists such as Tassadar reappearing to Zeratul and helping him on his quest. However, before Zeratul and the gang can bring the xelnaga artifact to the edge of the universe to be destroyed It turns out that the Tassadar that appeared before Zeratul was really Ulrezaj in disguise!!!!! Tassadar made the ultimate sacrifice after all!!! Is was a mind freak.... yata yata yata.

    Character development and lore is very important, in books, movies, and now video games/custom mods. This element ultimate determines if a game is critically acclaimed or a forgettable piece of crap.

    In a nut shell, the LoTR games are okay but they only appeal to a particular demographic so thats why they aren't that popular on bnet. That and the fact that the game development is amateurish

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The worst advice a parent could ever give

    XD bwahhahahahh... I know it feels good should have been the last thing she should have said. The privacy of his own room.... how about the bathroom so she wouldn't have to clean his jizz covered underoo's or sheets. At least if you lock yourself in the bathroom you could leave the shower running to cover your fapping, justify being in a lock room for an extended period of time.

    I remember my first sex talk from my Dad that came a few years too late. I believe that my mom was going through my room and found my box of paper cutouts of naked ladies that I'd drawn (I was 13) My mom was furious and smacked me in the face. She told my dad whom really didn't give a shit and was laughing while she was flipping her shit. He then gave me the akward birds and the bee's talk which was useless. When he asked me where I have been seeing naked ladies (because my drawings were pretty detailed... I explained to him that I had been Watching that old porn sitcom Sherman Oaks on I think Cinemax and some other stuff on HBO late night... (Yup HBO and Cinemax taught me about the birds and bee's like a year and a half before this akward moment granted at the time I still didn't really understand what a vagina was because Sherman Oaks was softcore porn) but I digress....

    This video is so funny because it is creepy and weird and akward. I have never been busted fapping because after that first akward moment when I was busted with the naked paper doll drawings... I became more careful when it came to watching porn etc. while I was in my parents house....

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on December 21st

    @SolidSC: Go

    This guy is nuts? SMDH only on planet earth. Now I am open to the idea that sentient life exists in the universe and it is a matter of when said existence of alien species will be made public knowledge but come. One clearly this guy has some psychological issues given the fact that his story sounds alike a mesh between the story of the matrix and portal. Real heroes don't seek glory, fortune or fame. I so want to see the video where he went splat. I would literally die laughing even though the situation would be grimm.

    Now, based upon my human understanding of the universe, I believe that more likely then not our first alien contact may or may have already, come from an alien cybernetic/robotic entity. Now it would be cool if these entities had self aware A.I. that could learn as well as were self sufficient and self replicating. These alien machines could have possibly outlived the species that created them... I would imagine they would be like the Geth from Mass Effect only they have the ability to create bio-machines with sentient consciousness. These biological entities that they create on worlds they come across are comprised of the original creator races genetic code as well as desirable local genetic specimens So over the series of decades or even eons they go through a trial and error process of creating the perfect species/specimen to inhabit the inhabitable worlds they come across simply to spread the legacy of their creators.

    Heck, who's to day that God just had a thought and poofed everything into existence.

    Perhaps God is a member of a eons old race and used technology to literally create out perceivable universe and the entities that live within in it. And maybe our species is going through a refinement process.... Who knows but this theory sounds more sane then this guys story... and it would make for an interesting element in a video game or movie where duh da dum. > Humans were created by Sentient Robots that were created by an ageless entity that we humans worship as God... according to his program.... on second thought this guys concepts are all that different from most main stream religions.... We are all part of a universal program so to speak :#

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on December 21st

    @zeldarules28: Go

    How did this guy not get punched in the face when he let them know it was a joke. Anyone who has a basic understanding of geography wouldn't fall for this. FIrst of all Tsunami's are proceeded by seismic events that could be detected hours in advance and a tsunami in the atlantic would hit the entirety of the atlantic seaboard at the same time. Also the tide would noticeably recede prior to a major wave hitting the coast line. Also it would be more likely that a tsunami would hit within the pacific rim region naturally. Seriously. When was the last time a major title wave hit a american coast line? Also I am fairly confident that airhorns would be going on in the city and the police will be deployed to instruct people to evacuate but more likely then not it would be too late.

    I mean what if people legitimately had family in New York.... that isn't funny.... Tsunami's commonly happen at different degrees and levels. If he made me miss my stop and I had to go to work they would be punched out.. I would also call and confirm and I am surprised no one had a smart phone to verify this.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Dota 2 A lawsuit waiting to happen?

    @RodrigoAlves: Go

    Just so you know the guys that made torchlight used to work for Blizzard =_-

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on December 21st

    What some dingle berries don't realize is that the mayan calendar was different from the one we use and technically the world was supposed to end 7 years ago. Unless it did end and we are all in a matrix powering alien robots right now. The end of the world now is coming 3737 or something from the blue star prophecy or what have you The end of the world, or a mass extinction of humans I should say will come at some random point eventually. Could be a thousand years from now, could be Tuesday November 13, 2013 AT 2:16 EST. it could come a nuclear bomb or it could come from reptilia overlords that came to harvest the human crop for human burgers. One things is for certain we all are going to die at some point. No sense in worrying if the planet will blow up because chances are ou wont see it coming. It will be like poof... you're gone.

    My opinion on individuals that are building self sufficent bunkers in the woods and stockpiling weapons..... smart. When I get the money I am going to move to the center of the country and build a facility for my family and I because it's not a matter of if but when the shit hits the fan.

    If another war hits and the other major countries decide to invade. They are going to hit the coastal regions 1st. If the occupy locations with tons of civilians we can't exactly bomb the crap out of our own cities etc. And Nebraska or the middle of bumble-fuck is where you will want to be. The same reasoning applies to an alien invasion or a zombie outbreak. It will be preferable to live in low density populated areas because those will be the primary targets.

    People may laugh at these guys now but when the shit hits the fan they will be begging to get into these compounds. :3 No one is going to get into my Vault facility. It's going to be on lockdown.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    It is not a question of whether or not there is sentient life in the universe... It's a question of when are we going to officially meet and interact with a sentient corporial species as a society. For thousands of years humans have believe in alien life forms. Our moral code and most religions originate from the belief in a higher alien life form creating our cultivating our species. By pure definition whether its Yahweh, Jesus, Lucifer, Vishnu, Allah, Thor, or Zeus... all of these entities are alien to the planet earth. There is also a possibility that an advanced society could have occupied the planet prior to the rise of our species and either left or died in a war or cataclysmic event that we happened to survive. Earth could have been an inter-dimensional or trans galactic outpost (Or it still could be) THe original humans could have been cattle for an alien reptilian species, the cargo ship crashed on earth in this backwater world while trying to take a short cut... no one bothered to collect or track down the crew and boom.... we spread like wild fire. Who knows? There could be a multi-verse that is infinite occupying the same space. And some of these dimensions have species that developed cross-dimensional travel technology. Some would be using it for good some are conquering mutiple dimensions and claiming resources for their vast empire that has been growing for eons.... God help us if they reach our dimension. When Disclosure comes or a species of aliens or our interdimensional counter parts decide to pop in and say hello... it is going to be a big event in our human history.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on HOTS BETA mode file access

    I found this cool link on team liquid: https://us.battle.net/account/management/sc2/dashboard-hots-beta.html

    If you are simply interested in checking out the assets released follow the instuctions on this thread:


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Multiple Terrains ("Maps") in one map?

    Since you can use data banks to carry over data, if your are planning on saving stats, etc, I would suggest multiple maps sharing the same data bank. Not only will you avoid individuals leaving because they didn't get the map they voted for, loading times and optimization will be better and you can add more detail to individual maps instead of having basic reskinned arenas.

    I would focus on developing your game mechanics and editing data before you jump into creating map designs, only because the map design will be based upon the mechanics of the game (The core objectives and abilities of units to interact with the terrain)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Station Control - 5v5 Capture&Control MOBA

    This mod will benefit from the new custom A.I. updates with HOTS.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Why is happiness so important?

    Happiness is subjective. It is based upon the individual. You will never find the answer posting in web forums. It's time for some self introspection.

    Also, the emotion of love is only important to ensure the propagation of our species. Even though the criteria for love varies, it is defined by the moral standards of the society an individual lives in.

    The emotion of LOVE: Drives an individual to go through the necessary steps to HAVE SEX and possible have a baby.

    The emotion of LOVE: Drives individuals to protect and raise their offspring mate and even other family members.

    It's true that a ton of individuals are sociopaths and have a lack of empathy for others, they can have sex with no emotional attachment but for the most part our society still exists because of Love/Animals. It's an instinct.

    Ask yourself... Am I happy with what I am doing with life? If not, set goals for yourself and actively work on improving it. Happiness is something you will always have to work towards. In life there will always be moments in which you will be unhappy... However, with time you will overcome the sadness.

    Good luck with your quest for an answer.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Stay Protoss, or go Terran

    don't care... to be a good player you need to understand the mechanics of all of the races

    Posted in: General Chat
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