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    posted a message on I think it is quite sad how things turned out.

    We got left behind.


    Things moved too slowly, we had too many false promises made to us. The ones of us that did stay and develop the large projects all lost money, big money - but we were in the position to lose it. Dryeyece and I had to walk away 3 years ago, we both have families to support and we both lost nearly everything developing for this platform.


    The dream of working at Blizzard is always in our hearts, but that dream doesn't put food on the table, or pay the rent or mortgage.


    At the end of the day, it always comes down to money. The fact that we were promised a marketplace for all those years and it was never delivered, in hindsight yea, the industry was changing, no one was going to repeat the success of Dota in the early 2000s - as at that time the only way to make an Indi game was through 3rd party editors (Staredit/Wc3Editor), in 2010 we had to compete against Steam and App Stores. And we must not forget all those industry people watching these forums like hawks, "borrowing" every good idea and quickly flipping it on another platform that was monetised or incorporating it into triple-A titles.


    There are real people behind those ideas, real developers with real families to support. We were all starving artists, just wanting to make the world a more fun place one game at a time. But when you have young ones you have to look after, that is not fair, it's not fair at all.


    My heart still breaks thinking about what happened and what could have been. All we wanted to do was make games.


    That is all.


    I am no longer in the position where I can sacrifice time helping people here with development issues. Like with Ryan Winzen and SCU, I am thinking about releasing the source code and assets to all our work so others can learn, not with commercial licences obviously, but I have to discuss this with the numerous other people involved.


    I will keep an eye on this thread if you want to ask questions or discuss anything.


    - Dogmai

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Renee should have her own forum for Warcraft III Stuff

    Stop being lazy and do it already.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Why there is no website to backup SC2 arcade project with Paypal? $$

    I understand brother. I have not spoken or written French in over 10 years so I have no doubt how horrible it would be.

    I want you to succeed, the same as I want everyone to succeed, myself included. But I believe it is a waste of time trying to flog the dead horse that is the arcade. Whilst I cannot tell you what to do, I believe in terms of making money we must switch platforms and engines. At this moment it will be easier to get blood from a stone than money from the arcade community simply because the majority of us are poor, and the numbers are not there.

    I don't want to see you end up like me.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why the editor do not accept .gif ?

    Proprietary format.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why there is no website to backup SC2 arcade project with Paypal? $$

    I believe the majority here misunderstand his English, he is not asking to donate money to other map makers, he wants to get money, like every other time.

    Every single other time.



    Case in point.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on PTR Coming Down March 5
    Quote from howdyyy: Go

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Zero respect for the map makers once again. At Least tell me that all what i have been working on isn't screwed over. My map depends heavily on the official war3 blizzard data mod in addition to the asset mod. Can you guarantee it will work once it goes live ?


    Traysent lets us know as soon as he knows and you say he/Blizzard has no respect for us? Come the fuck on mate.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on UE4 Unreal Engine 4 is now Free (+5%)

    Woke up this morning, saw this; https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4

    UE4 was always essentially free regardless, as the payments were so low. But this helps indi developers as every dollar can count in the early days.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Mapster Heroes

    You could use the Tofu engine.

    But yes, it will fail - but why not, if only for fun?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Someone got access to my bnet acc

    You're an idiot. <3

    The password I use for Battle.net is only for Battle.net, the email address I use for Battle.net is only for Battle.net, and I have an authenticator.

    Your password could have been either bruteforced or more than likely, taken in a third party website infiltration. Using the same email address/password combo across multiple websites is a bad idea, especially when REAL money is involved, ie; Battle.net, Paypal, eBay, Steam etc.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ryan Schutter (Game Heart) Joins Blizzard


    I am really happy for Ryan, it is awesome that at least one of us got that dream of joining Blizzard.

    But understandably you can imagine how much I wish I had done UI work for "e-Sports" rather than for arcade projects - given the outcome. But still, it is awesome he got to Irvine, see you soon mate. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (unnofical) Summary of the recorded Blizzcon Q&A

    Once the Warcraft Assets hit Sc2, and the popular projects are ported over, I believe things might change.

    But I still want the Arcade to go straight on the Launcher and bypass Starcraft 2 altogether. Too many mouse clicks.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (unnofical) Summary of the recorded Blizzcon Q&A

    I talked to Rafael about Analytics, it is something that we need to discuss more - not in terms of him and me, but in terms of community and Blizzard.

    The Kiwi and Aussie culture is the same in this regard, the more we take the piss out of someone (make fun of them) the more we like them. So there is that never ending rivalry between us, but come a war and shit hits the fan, we will be the first in to defend each other.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (unnofical) Summary of the recorded Blizzcon Q&A

    As for the questions asked or lack thereof; what was there to ask?

    When you are in that situation your thought processes change. There are questions which are a waste if asked because we already know the answer even if only unofficially. Development questions? What the hell is the point of asking them at Blizzcon? They are better asked in an official format like through Rafael or on the forums.

    As for the big questions, there was a producer, a dev and Rafael - what can they do in that moment in time? Dryeyece and I made our voices _very_ heard during the Benefit Dinner on the issues that affect us. Was I going to waste time asking how to do X, hell no. We needed the people who can make a difference to our lives (development community) to understand everything we have gone through, why the fact that the delay of the marketplace caused the issues it did - in that case we succeeded. By the time the little community discussion came around there was nearly nothing left to be said - except for the question I asked, about career pathways into the company and getting more resource/training support to bridge the gap between Indi Dev and AAA Dev.

    They have stated and they have shown me in person the fact that they care, and that they want change and that they are sorry for the shit that happened to us. Where we decide as a community to go from there is up to us.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (unnofical) Summary of the recorded Blizzcon Q&A

    God damnit I am not fucken british!

    If you need help transcribing my own accent then I can do it. Even in Australia I still get no respect -_- Could be worse, could have called me a kiwi.


    the largest project. Between your CEO and our project

    the largest project. Between SCU and our project

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on LotV probably revealed at Blizzcon!

    I never thought of it like that but in all honesty it is probably the most likely outcome -_-

    Posted in: General Chat
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