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    posted a message on Would this be a secure way of implementing admin authentication?

    @tordecybombo: Go

    I do not know the answer to that, the data available in replays is not known to me.

    However, I would *assume* that allied chat or private chat is simply never shared with clients that do not need to receive it.

    My reasoning behind this is that from a security standpoint, if allied chat were sent to non-allies, then a hack could theoretically easily sniff it and display it. Blizzard should have such basic security measures in place, considering their experience in these areas.

    My guess is that non-allies will never receive messages from your ally chat, because it is not vital to game-state synchronization, so there is no reason to ever send that data to them.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rotating flying engineering bay and science facility

    @Quirriff: Go

    Well for the actual lifting off part, I imagine that the Terran buildings have a "flying" version, and use some Morph ability to toggle between "lifted" and "placed".

    You will need to study that. As far as the proper actor events for the engineering bay, no idea.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Would this be a secure way of implementing admin authentication?
    1. Hash a password using SHA-256 (currently unbroken and 100% secure)
    2. Store the hashed password inside the map as a variable
    3. Add a SHA-256 hash function to your map
    4. When running the map, type your password
    5. Use the SHA-256 function to hash it
    6. Compare the hash with the stored hash from step 2

    I don't see any flaw with that. No one is going to be able to feasibly break that if you have a sufficiently strong password in step 1.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Poll] Ideas for impossible-bosses type map

    The biggest problem was the learning curve, like if you didn't know to use your invincibility when the darkness ended and the giant fireball hit on the fire boss, you died.

    It was very unfriendly towards new players.

    I love the difficulty, don't get me wrong, but some sort of way to assist new players in not being dead-weight would go a long way. When they die, the entire team crumples.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Show timed bar?

    Look more towards the Hatchery than the ability itself.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Undocumented new function in 1.3.0-CatalogLinkReplace()

    @Renee2islga: Go

    That's a great find, thank you.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 1.3 PTR

    Good patch with some useful editor changes.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Night of the Dead (NOTD)

    @Ability1: Go


    If you are wanting to really spice things up and provide unique experiences each game, draw some randomized world inspiration from:

    1. Angband
    2. Dwarf Fortress
    3. Starcraft 2's very own Stranded on Krydon by Naznagul
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Official] Forum upgrade suggestions


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Show timed bar?

    @Sherlia: Go

    i don't actually know but i would scour the Actors section for whatever Spawn Larvae uses.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Pathing through invisible XWTs

    There is also a Model object called "Invisible" that you can use in an Actor's "Model" field.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make Near Units Run Away When Unit Attacks


    • Combat - Damage Response - Death or whatever is the "effect when unit dies" field

    Have it do a search-area effect for nearby allies.

    Search area effect should be a Set effect that

    • applies a short buff that disables weapons
    • deals a 0 damage Effect with a response type of "flee"
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [solved] Is modifying and publishing Blizzard melee maps allowed? Maps keep saving improperly, losing almost all data

    I am wondering if there is some sort of restriction on editing a Blizzard melee map and republishing it.

    I have a map that I worked where multiple players control a single base, for kind of a team based 1v1.

    The problem is that my map seems to become corrupted.

    • This has happened with two totally distinct map files* After saving and reopening the map:
    • On one, Game Variant information reset on one of them
    • On the other, Game Variant information was empty except for the one mode I had set up, and that mode's name was an empty string
    • Player properties reset to default on both
    • Game attributes cleared on both
    • Triggers all cleared and left with just standard melee initialization trigger on both
    • Map info all reset to default on both

    My process for making these two different maps was this

    1. File->Open->Battle.net tab->Blizzard
    2. Select Shakuras Plataeu and open it
    3. File->Save As->"MyMapName"
    4. Make all modifications (triggers, map info, game attributes, game variants, player properties, etc), saving constantly
    5. Publish to Battle.net

    After the first map was "eaten", I could not download since I had published it as Locked. The second attempt I made the map from scratch again, and even did an extra backup Save As->"MyMapNameBackup" before publishing.

    The really weird thing is the published version has the proper "Map Info" but the one I saved locally and re-opened was reset. However the published one auto-starts with 4 people in a 12 player lobby, and will only run with 100% default melee settings, no triggers.

    At this point I'm very confused and wondering if there is just something I don't know about modifying Blizzard maps.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Auto Refineries and Gas Geysers

    @TheSef: Go

    There is an associated Actor of some type like Text or FloatingText or whatever. I had to edit that for my map as well. Just look around for "Automated" under actors and you should be able to find it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Released] The Final Frontier (space rts)

    @Hookah604: Go Play around with the Armored/Light/Massive etc attributes to balance weapons, and/or perhaps buffs with Damage Response things like fighters get 90% chance to dodge a beam weapon attack.

    Beam weapons for example should have a hard time hitting fighters (low tracking/targetting rating) but tear up other capital ships.

    • Dumbfire bombs/torpedoes that go in a ballistic line, non-homing, *do massive damage but can be shot down* (bomber based anti-capital / anti-battleship)
    • Swarm missiles, 8 per shot, homing (fighter to fighter, try basing it on the banshee missile scaled down, should look cool)
    • Beam weapons, (capital ship vs capital ship, cruisers)
    • Flak weapons, short range splash damage, inaccurate but high rate of fire (cruiser/battleship/capital ship vs fighters)
    • Standard lasers (fighter based)
    • Heavy lasers (cruiser+ based)
    • Standard missiles (fighter to fighter, cruisers, etc), homing
    • EMP lasers that do high shield damage, and if target is out of shields they disable electronics, but do no hull damage
    • EMP torpedoes that detonate and disable electronics (weapons/movement systems) for a short period
    • Magnetic mines
    • Projectile-based railguns, high hull damage, low shield damage

    Basically look at EVE, Homeworld, Starlancer, Freespace 2, Freelancer, X3, etc and steal their weapon ideas.

    P.S. New menu is looking great!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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