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    posted a message on One unit place a building at 0% done, other units construct it [solved]

    I spent some time working on this problem last night.

    Based on the fact that SCVs can "halt" progress on a building and resume it later, my approach was to add the "Build In Progress" ability on the buildings that are placeable. Unfortunately the name of the "halt" command is actually "Cancel", so two Cancel commands appear under the ability command list... you have to pick the right one. One is halt and one is cancel/destroy. I checked as well as I could to make sure that I was choosing the proper Cancel command.

    I then attempted to create a trigger such that:

    • Any unit has started construction progress
    • Issue order (Command Console - Build (Calldown) - Cancel ) to (triggering unit)
    • Issue order ( Build in Progress - Cancel ) to (triggering progress unit)

    Sadly this did not work and I had to go to sleep. I haven't had a chance to tweak it, but I think the general idea is on the right path. Effectively using the ability command "Cancel" (halt) so that the progress is stopped right as it starts, and then giving a build ability to the marines.

    As a last note, the multiple builders seems simple enough, just copy the ability "SCV - Advanced Construction" and modify the Maximum Builders to X, and the Power Build Ratio to > 0.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on One unit place a building at 0% done, other units construct it [solved]

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Thanks for the suggestion. That had crossed my mind, however it brings up a host of problems with other triggers involving things like events, for example "unit construction completed". I would then have to build in logic to address the workaround. I'm really searching for an in editor solution. If I need to get my hands dirty with some galaxy scripting I will do so.

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    posted a message on Corruptor Morph to Broodlord -> Doesn't remove corruptor model

    @Dr_Own: Go

    I ran into this same issue. It has to do with Actor events.

    You will need to look at the events on the actors involved, probably on the corruptor, I'm not positive. Anyway, one should have a:

    AbilMorph.*.start -Destroy

    Event. This event is effectively saying:

    If the unit sends out an event saying "i started a morphing ability" then the actor receives it and destroys itself (in this case the corruptor actor).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on One unit place a building at 0% done, other units construct it [solved]

    I'm working on a Natural Selection map.

    The commander for the marine team (a marine loaded into the stationary command console structure) should be able to place buildings anywhere on the map. I have this part working based on the SCV Calldown Supply Depot ability, except that the buildings currently warp in from 0% to 100%.

    However the building should start at 0% progress.

    His allies control individual marines, and those marines must build any building that he drops.

    So in summary:

    • Commander (technically a Structure) places buildings at 0% completion, but does not contribute to their construction progress.
    • Marine units actually construct the building from 0% to 100%.
    • Multiple marines = faster construction (planning on borrowing from the campaign upgrade for multiple scv construction)
    • Marines can halt / resume progress easily
    • Marines do not "hover" around the constructing building like an SCV, but should just stand next to it

    Anyway if anyone has any insight into an approach for the commander's "place but don't construct" and the marine unit's "don't place but construct" abilities, I would appreciate it!

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    posted a message on [Public Alpha] Natural Selection (based on the Half Life mod)

    Public Alpha status but practically impossible to get a full game, waiting until a major release with 100% content before pushing it up the popularity again

    Hopefully some of you have played Natural Selection.

    It seemed to me that this insanely fun mod would transfer well to the SC2 engine, considering the RTS elements of NS.

    I have implemented a basic layout of the classic NS map Eclipse in the editor.

    For those unfamiliar, NS is a team based RTS/FPS hybrid. There are two teams, the Frontiersmen (Marines) and the Kharaa (Aliens). The goal is to eliminate the enemy team. The Frontiersmen have a commander that places buildings and drops weapons from a standard RTS perspective, etc. The Kharaa have workers that place and construct buildings. Kharaa are all First Person, and the Frontiersmen are played from First Person except for the commander. Each players controls exactly one marine or one alien lifeform, depending on their team.

    I have not decided whether to keep a top down view for players, or to attempt a Third Person or First Person play style. I will want to implement some sort of aiming system.

    Progress (I'm sure that I'm missing some things in each category)

    Progress moved to Map page

    Link to map page


    I will likely need to consult the community for some of the triggers and data that will be necessary to fully implement the above, however progress is being made daily. I would appreciate any insight or suggestions, and possibly a vote for FPS/TPS or overhead view for the players!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Build without range restriction

    Hey, I would like a player to be able to construct a building from any range, provided that they choose a valid placement. I tried copying the SCV - Calldown (Build) ability but I have not been able to get it to work, it says out of range whenever I attempt to place something.

    Edit: Nevermind I found it. For anyone else wondering, there is actually a range attribute under the Stats tab on the ability, woops.

    Posted in: Data
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