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    posted a message on Mohandar Attack Strange Curve

    was it happening before?

    maybe what u can do is delete everything on the mohandar attack ( reset all to default) and start over again.

    it definitely looks like some sort of attachment issue, Logic says its to do with the action actor, but maybe you have another damage effect that isnt suppose to be there firing also?

    check the beam actor also (within beams)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mohandar Attack Strange Curve

    check the action actor for the weapon , take a look at the site locations the beam attaches too

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Highlighting

    Hey was wondering if anybody could help me with this.

    You know when you box highlight a building with regular units around it, it only selects the units to be highlighted and excludes the structure?

    Well i have a problem with the Void Seeker model where everytime i highlight it with the mouse it only selects the void seeker ( i want the mouse boxing to select regular units as well.

    When i switched the medicvac model for the void seeker it seems to work as intended, so this leads me to believe it can be adjusted within the actor of the unit. Im not exactly sure which setting to touch though, any help?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on my review of Incinerate's Zealot Frenzy
    Quote from sandround: Go

    Actually, if he wants to use hanging on in page 1 as excuse for being good, then zealot frenzy actually sucks. Here's why.

    In the past few months, there has been a few maps that gets 10k+ hours. When a map is that popular, it brings an influx of players into the system. Maps with 5k or lower are maps that aren't bringing in new players. They are stubbornly hanging on page 1 or 2 and not letting other great maps that could get great hours.

    Look at elemental TD, it was bleeding players ever since release. It was a very bad map in the sense it was holding up a slot in the top 2 pages that could have gone to a really great map. Zealot Frenzy's number has been steady. Its not quite as bad as elemental TD since its not bleeding players as much. But its not attracting new players to the system either.

    In short, a good page 1 map is one that has really high hours played. A really high hours played means it was attracting players into the system when it got up there. If it doesn't attract new players into the system, get out and give another map a chance. Zealot Frenzy's low page 1 hours is helping bleeding players out of the system. Make sense?

    no it makes absolutely no sense, because it means that zealot frenzy actually has a loyal fan base, whereas your temporary 10000 hr maps bleed players off within the first week and die within a month. So the fact that it keeps staying up there shows that its infact one of the better maps out there in terms of what the playing population actually wants.

    Lets clear the record here shall we? Zealot Frenzy is a map that has been released over 10 months ago. Zealot frenzy is a map that been page 1 for 9 months straight.Zealot frenzy was in the 13000 hour rage for the first 4 months, Zealot Frenzy is a map that has not been updated for 6 months ( i quit updating it, ask my community if you want www.zealotfrenzy.com) Zealot Frenzy is a map that suffers from blizzards retarded featured bug that removes it from "custom sorting" you can only see it as "all", which causes quite a bit of new players who use custom sort to not see it at all. Zealot Frenzy is also a map that was wrongly featured ( it never got featured, blizzard made a mistake and put up some random map that had my name but never worked. Despite all this , it manages to fight on. The bottom line is, while zealot frenzy isnt the greatest map out there, it also isnt the worst , They are far worst maps out there and thats the reason why it stays page one. Worst maps such as smashcraft/nexus word wars/sogas unmade map yet a huge critic of any map.

    and lastly, i'd like to say, is this really a map review thread? or a lets bash Zealot Frenzy with baseless comments? first you have soga come in here an tell me off about some blink ability, then you have the initial post of this thread bashing the map for shit i cant control,complaining about stuff such as "random heroes" when every hero map basically has random, and all sorts of other crap like players checking your ladder profile, then that same retard assumes my post was directed towards him and thinks im actually asking him to show me his maps ( of which i could not careless) , then you have mephs posting a one word review of the map with no explanation on why it sucks, and then says TLDR to a post yet how did he know his name was called in my post to warrant a response?, which is pretty obvious he read it but in typical fashion the troll that he is stays true to his name in everyway. Then you have the other lackluster people such as sandround come here and post such utter rubbish .

    this sc2mapster site should be renamed to "angry jealous mappers" which emphasis on being a prime Troll haven for rodrigue/mephs and company. I haven't seen a single worthy post on this site in months. Have fun trolling eachother to point you guys feel good about your terrible maps. Im done for good here. So go ahead and close this account admins, its a rap.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on my review of Incinerate's Zealot Frenzy

    forced random is voted on by a vote, so if that comes up the majority of ppl wanted it to be "random only"

    the reason why there are votes is because of blizzard not allowing us to name the games individually ( such as like DOTA AR, or JOIN DOTA AP PRO ONLY) stuff like that , if this was a proper battlenet , individuals could name the games before hand so you know exactly what you are playing.

    at mephs/soga, i really dont care , mephs is just jealous, and soga doesn't realize that lurker skillset is based of warden from warcraft 3, a requested hero i did for a friend. Tunnel = her blink ability, 360 pins= fan of knifes, poison pin = shadow strike, and the ultimate was a bit tricky because it used corpses so i switched it around for a totally new ability called baby lurkers. You right now just fighting for reasons to hate on a map, especially when you have nothing to show for yourself. Show me your work so i can get a good laugh , O Thats right you have none, One might ask why you dont have any? its because you have portrayed yourself as such a huge map critic that you are totally scared to release your own map in fear of being totally bashed because it will be crap. Thats the facts hahahaha.

    anyway guys , ZF has/always has been a work in progress. I havent updated the map in 6 months and it still manages a page 1, So that in itself says its not that bad of a map. Calm down folks.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on my review of Incinerate's Zealot Frenzy

    i didnt know that player rage/ rage quitters from random /ppl that look at your profile and the option of randoming a hero makes it a terrible map. Jeez their sure is alot that can be done about that XD .......... NOT

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dota 2

    hmm, so for dota 2, i think its going to do well, however its not my cup of tea. I prefer army management stuff, hence why i usually like the melee side of games better, but for customs Dota is pretty good.

    I saw like 1 match of the dota 2 tournament, (the very first one im referring to) and i was not really impressed, to be honest warcraft 3 art direction is better than dota 2( alot of the background and the heroes in dota 2 use the same colors, making things really hard to read). Other than that it looks like a decent game, it stuck to what made dota = DOTA . I dont hate it, but i also hope it does not take over starcraft 2 esport scene, because starcraft 2 is a way better game to spectate.Dota as an esport is basically a farmfest with 3 or 4 major battles and thats the end, snore boring.

    I look forward to heart of the swarm and i really hope blizzard could put their act back together, Fix the fucking custom map system, add clans for private moderate-able channels (clans were so important for custom games, as they were alot of clans based solely of a map) . they need to add automated tournaments .

    with the release of blizzard all stars and heart of the swarm campaign, i see alot more goodies to play around with in the editor(custom content) which will improve alot of maps that have to rely on crap like retarded generic missile impact effects because their is nothing else to use ( it will make abilities look more fancy)

    . I also see blizzard all stars doing pretty well, in a recent interview blizzard said dota doesn't really fit the blizzard policy of making games ( which is easy to learn hard to master) , so with that said i guess they would follow in league of legends sort of style to noob up the game a bit, and quite honestly nothing is wrong with that. If hero attack is any indication( a way more noob friendly game than sotis) is that blizzard all stars dota will do pretty well, However i highly , very highly doubt anybody sees it as a contender to dota 2 or LOL or HON, unless blizzard pulls something so incredible out of their ass, this i doubt ( because even if blizzard makes the best dota map possible, bnet .002 will be its grave, no reconnect and terrible ping = never will be taken seriously/no matchmaking, no freedom to boot public players from games.)

    so all in all, starcraft 2 can only go up from here in regards to the custom game scene because we are already at the bottom of the barrel.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on How was the Custom Map Scene at this Point in WC3?

    i personally think its a combination of everything, some more than others though

    -the number one issue is motivation to make a map or finish a map, the biggest thing that removes motivation is nobody playing your map ( whats the sense?) So the popularity system is at fault, at the start of sc2 , there was a shitload of interested mappers, however the popularity system has killed ALOT of projects . Thus alot of mappers have split. I remember when i first released my map, i waited almost a month to see it go anywhere, i swear to god i was on the verge of quitting . I cant imagin someone who has made a map and never got it popular, i would be gone long time

    So the popularity system is the number 1 killer of this scene ( obviously not dead yet)

    -the second issue is the time it takes to do anything in this editor, i personally find sc2 editor is easier than warcraft 3 editor in a lot of aspects, but at the same time sc2 editor takes wayyyyyyyyy longer to do anything in. They need to remove drop down tabs all together from this editor, That takes up soooooooo much time. In warcraft 3, everything is already made for the novice map maker, nothing needs to be created from scratch for basic maps..you just alter a lil bit with some stats and your done... In sc2 however, there are hardly any base abilities to use, and if you know how to tamper with the abilities, you basically know how to create them. If you have no knowledge of how these abilities were made in the data editor and you tried to tamper with them it will fuck everything up. So the second issue is definitely "Ease of making maps"

    those 2 are the main reasons why sc2 in my opinion does not really have a long self live for the custom map scene if nothing is done about this.

    and btw , warcraft 3 didnt really have that many great maps, i only played 2 of the maps a shitload ( dota and footmen frenzy) , the rest of the maps i played now and then.

    sc2 is for the most part on an okay road, but blizzard has to realize they need to do something , cause this site is literally dead and its basically the only site primarily focused on sc2 modding.. anyone ever see thehelper.net site? thats a war3 modding site primarily and it has more action this site for a really old game.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Project] Warcraft 3 DotA Ability Recreation

    @Kueken531: Go

    i'd like to see that

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tug of War and the Future of SC2 Mapping

    i love the critics

    "why you guys don't make new innovative maps" "same maps i saw on warcraft 3 = same maps on sc2" "complicated is always better"

    Its always Somebody else needs to do something about it, and never the critic. Hello critic, go make revolutionary tug map and get back to us. You are after all at a sc2 mapping site, where you have all the tutorials at your disposal in creating such a map

    Let me explain the typical little jimmy map maker who thinks hes going to change the map scene, such a dent

    -little jimmy enters sc2 editor, he has a burning passion for 1 month, hell even 2 months, he then reaches a point where he can have a so called released version, But then realizes that he cant even test a single game due to popularity system, so little jimmy continues on with the map, but without testing 60000 bugs get by undetected, Then when x party of scrubs like your self deside to play the map, Its dubbed a buggy bland game and never to be picked up again. Then the map maker gets discouraged, due to never getting popularity for the map. And he quits or puts his project on hold.

    Thats the story of basically every mapper , If not now, eventually.

    Thats why no new maps Thats why this site is dieing thats why blizzard popularity system is raping the custom game scene and thats why no innovatate when tried/proven maps stand more of a chance to not be a waste of time

    And lastly, every map does not have to be "innovation". If anyone is familiar with the KISS rule they will see that by keeping it simple stupid means more players to play you map, so mappers please, cut down on the 6000 pieces of UI for everything, unless you want too overwhelm your audience with information overload= rage quits at the start.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Whats your profession? Why do you map?

    i used to like mapping, and game design in general, but seeing how much effort /troubleshooting problems take and sitting around all day just watching a monitor , i couldnt care less about game design anymore.

    currently retraining back my pilot license wings to get recurrent. helicopter ftw. way more exciting for me :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on How to make abilities that use up charges on an item?

    go to the hightemplar psi storm ability, Set the charges., also make sure its set to "unit" as the cooldown. Even though it has no cooldown just set it to unit.

    then go to the items section, and create an item based of ability. Link the psi storm ability to that item. then flag the item as "can drop" and "destroy when depleted"

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    thanks segento, much appreciated

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Spirit Link Ability

    my god , thats alot of work, i was hopeing that behaviour con-joined could help out a lil, so thats a failure?

    i think even if i was to make it by following your suggestion, the lag will be immense and probably not worth it, since my map is already prone to lagging due to the very nature of it

    ( 12 players, 12 heroes, 12 autospawn armies) , lag is a huge deciding factor in what comes in.

    kueken, thanks for the help, ill just skip on this one

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    @Segento: Go

    i want :D

    Posted in: Art Assets
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