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    posted a message on Replace Model with Death Animation?
    Is this possible? I want to make a unit that looks like a dead ghost. Any dead unit would do, but I didn't see any models of dead units. It would need to be a real unit (i.e. still selectable even if not movable) and not just a doodad, and it would need to have a snapshot of the death animation-- say, around Ghost Death 01 at 3.0s-- as its model. I don't know how to do this or whether it's possible. My attempts resulted in a lot of invisible models. Edit: To clarify the question, I want to use "Ghost Death" model (animation Death 01) as a unit model for selectable attackable unit.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Harvest Resources Questions/Problems

    1) I'm using player owned resource nodes in my map and need to have workers able to gather from neutral, player, and enemy nodes. By default, enemy nodes cannot be mined, and I don't see any way to allow this. Can this be done?

    2) Making a custom ability to imitate gathering and solve problem #1 has left me with a little problem: how to allow the worker to return cargo. Here's what I've tried so far:
    Made an ability that must be targetted on a mineral field and executes an event set.
    Caused it to reduce the mineral value of the node via an effect
    Apply Behavior applies a version of the buff that the workers normally receive after mining a node of that type.
    Unit is issued the SCV- gather return cargo command.

    Unfortunately, this isn't working because giving the unit that buff is not enough to enable return cargo. The button does not appear on the command card, and the command is ignored. The unit can be moved to a return point, but no resource is deposited. There is something beyond the CarryHarvestable (sry for butchering the name, but you know the one) buff that's necessary to make this work. Anyone have any ideas?

    Also, when the node is kept neutral, the worker can use regular scv-gather, get the custom buff from the node, and return cargo without any custom abilities, so I don't believe anything is triggering from <the regular behavior>.on

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Beam Projectiles

    A tutorial on beam effects would be welcome.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Pylon- Power Source on a unit

    Hi sc2mapster forums. I'm starting out with the map editor and hope my hint helps any other newbies or vets.

    The goal was to make a hero unit able to be a power source for warping in new units. (scroll down to the end for what worked best)

    Try 1: My initial thought was to give the unit behavior+: pylon-power source, but there's a huge drawback here. Whenever the hero was selected, he would have a blue glow all around him. This was completely unacceptable, so I continued looking. The power field needed to show up only when placing warpins.

    Try 2: A flying invisible dummy unit with power source given a follow command and enough speed to quickly catch up with any teleports. Problem: he would move too fast and have a hard time stopping right on the unit he was following. There was also a small offset since a following unit doesn't end up right on the spot of the unit it follows. This was usable but hardly the best.

    Try 3: Using a trigger to update the dummy unit's position every .5 seconds to that of the hero. Again, it works but seemed imperfect. If the hero was moving while trying to place a unit, the blue powered area didn't seem to be updating its position. I was also a little uncomfortable having a trigger run so often for multiple players. I looked for a way to permanently link the locations of two units, but saw nothing on any forums or in any tutorials.

    Try 4: Creating a buff effect that would apply the power source behavior for a small period of time and then remove it. This I never got working before I found the best solution. The problem was what to trigger this on. Since the abilities that would require it are of the type warp-train and don't give a field to apply any effects, I thought I would need to involve a trigger to apply the buff when a button was pressed. This, again, I wanted to avoid since the editor mentions that triggering off button presses generates a lot of traffic. If someone knows a good way to do this with the data editor, please tell.

    Try 5: This seemed almost too easy when I stumbled on it by accident. When the behavior pylon-power source is applied to a unit via triggers, it does not have the blue glow except when placing the unit. The glow also moves when the unit does when placing the warpins. Exactly what I wanted! I don't understand the difference between giving a unit a behavior via triggers and the data editor, but this shows that there is one which can be significant.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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