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    posted a message on [Contest] Arena Terrain Design

    Here's a picture of what I've got so far. Please tell me if I'm way off the mark with the theme or intended gameplay :P The parts of the map that can't be walked to are completely blocked off with doodads or pathing blockers to prevent teleports or other stuff. The pathing features look better up close in the editor. EDIT: updated image. Download Link http://static.sc2mapster.com/content/attachments/9/180/Screenshot2010-10-28_16_11_04.jpg

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Contest] Arena Terrain Design

    I think I might give it a shot, but I have a few questions.

    1. Are ramps/high ground features ok? Or do the players need to be on the same cliff level?
    2. Is there line of sight/fog of war or is the entire arena revealed by default?
    3. What is roughly the size of each player's unit? (I assume something close to zealot/ghost, just making sure so I don't make features too small.)
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #8: Mar Sara Blues

    Here's my attempt at this.. its my first entry ever into one of these and I probably could have done better with the camera placement : /

    Watch for Falling Rocks

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Unbinding spacebar from alert

    I'm current working on a 3rd person minigame style map but the controls are a bit awkward atm since I can't figure out how to unbind the alert hotkey from players in game. I'd like to be able to use spacebar as a core control button, but it messes up the camera far too much whenever an alert pops up.

    Is there a way to turn off the alert camera or unbind it altogether?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What map playable alone?

    My minigame map is playable alone with computer bots. Its sorta like a third person shooter but weirder :D


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Unbind Alert Hotkey? (Space)

    I'm current working on a 3rd person minigame style map but the controls are a bit awkward atm since i can't figure out how to unbind the alert hotkey from players in game. I'd like to be able to use spacebar as a core control button, but it messes up the camera far to much whenever an alert pops up.

    Is there any way to unbind the shortcut for all players in game? I hope its not something easy that im missing :P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Adding variable regions to the 'Unit Enters Region' Event

    Is there a way I can modify the 'Unit - Any Unit Enters Region' event to work with variables? When I go to set the region in the trigger window, it wont let me bring up any of my variable regions.

    I tried to use script as a workaround to add my events, but I'm getting an error. Is there a better way to do it or is something wrong?

    Heres what I did:

    General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                    i < 10

                    General - Custom Script:
    TriggerAddEventUnitRegion(gt_PickupspickupItem, null, gv_powerupRegions[lv_i], true)
                    General - Custom Script:
    TriggerAddEventUnitRegion(gt_PickupspickupItem, null, gv_weaponRegions[lv_i], true)
                    Variable - Modify i: + 1

    powerupRegions and weaponRegions are two size 10 region arrays that I am trying to add as a unit enters region event to my 'Pickups - PickupItem' trigger

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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