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    posted a message on Toggle Shields? Block ability?

    There is a functionality to bypass shields, but I don't know if you can apply this dynamically (might be a tickbox in the damage effect, which would require having 2 copies of every potential weapon used to attack the "blocking" target)

    If you aren't using energy on that unit you can transfer the shields there upon ending the channel and use OOC energy regen. Basically channel start->transfer energy to shields; channel end->transfer shields to energy. Make the "channel" effect a buff on the unit that blocks energy regen.

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    posted a message on [Solved] Custom Unit Wont Move (Cant Turn?)

    Does the unit itself move? Models and selection circles can detach and remain stationary, but hitscan weapons (e.g. Marine) shouldn't be affected by mere graphics issues.

    If you assign a footprint to the unit, remove/disable the Move ability or set its movement stats to 0 it will be unable to move. Right-click markers can be tied to other abilities, but the Move ability most likely is functional in your case. Footprints are easy to check as iirc they can only be set on the unit itself. For the stats also check acceleration, turning speed and such, and any buffs the unit may have.

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    posted a message on [Unit] Resource generating control point

    @Shurukin: Go

    Stacking buffs, always stacking buffs for counting anything in Data. In this case energy on the cap point could also work if it doesn't have any other energy-driven abilities, and would add a nice automatic progress bar.

    If counting isn't necessary you can work with abilities or buffs which allow proper progress bars in the UI, but scaling that dynamically would be very hard (timescale etc.)

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    posted a message on Damage Response causes unit to die twice

    The question was, does applying more than one damage effect via Persistent/Set generate more than one extra kill? This probably won't affect the possible solutions, but there's a difference between the damage response sneaking in and registering the unit twice and every effect generating its own "kill" within that window.

    Also try applying an effect that prevents kill credit in either attack chain and check the number of kills, that could help identify which effect is processed first.

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    posted a message on Damage Response causes unit to die twice

    If you add a Persistent effect to the damage response and use it to instantly apply multiple damage effects, can you generate additional kills?

    A 0.0625 delay via the Persistent should fix the issue, but might cause issues in a highly competitive setting (wait 1 game tick for the unit to be declared dead before triggering the additional damage)

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    posted a message on Placement reacting to power levels?

    The placement model Model is the obvious field on the actor. However, this is passed to the PlacementModel Actor, which can handle regular events and such. This is how static defenses indicate their range around the cursor, the PlacementModel actor creates and hosts the range circle.

    Keep in mind the placed "build ghost" is a separate actor called PlaceholderModel.

    Whether either of these can interact with the active game board, such as validating power levels at the cursor position, I don't know, but Unit type scopes will probably fail.

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    posted a message on Damage Response causes unit to die twice

    Try the "Target not Dead" validator on the effect(s) produced by the damage response?

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    posted a message on [Unit] Resource generating control point

    Retaining allegiance should be the default for certain setups, Neural Parasite maintains control as long as the buff exists for instance. If anything reverting ownership to a non-hardcoded previous owner is the hard bit. The Interact ability (which iirc only shares control, not ownership) automatically cancels when you move out of range.

    A conceptually easy version of the "corpse harvest" would be to give every unit a buff with a damage response (tick the "Fatal" flag!), which then applies a stacking buff to a nearby capture point. Each stack could then generate resources on its own timer, or you use validators to have fixed "tiers". Buffs stacks are limited to 65536 or so, that's the maximum number of deaths each point could handle without compounding stacks through multiple buff types.

    If your map is early in development and doesn't have many different units yet, you can give each of them the damage response buff in the editor, and set its "damage handled" effect to a Search. This would then look for a nearby capture point and apply the buff to it. Buff ownership could be a problem in this case (the dying unit is the "caster", and its owning player also owns the buff), and you'd have to give the buff to every unit you introduce.

    The other easy setup is a pulsing aura around the capture point to apply the damage response locally, then apply the stacking buff to "Caster" (i.e. the capture point). I don't know how bad the CPU/network load is between fast-pulsing auras vs. "unit dies" triggers though.

    If the amount of additional resources should depend on the unit type you definitely need to hardcode that anyway, in this case definitely use Veterancy levels or the first of my suggestions. Depending on the amount of variation that can eat through your buff stack limit rather quickly though (if a BC death is worth 100 SCV deaths, you're already capped at 655 BC deaths)

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    posted a message on Remaking New LotV Warp In Mechanics

    Checking the Pylon condition can be done in many ways. First of all I'd check the "Power Source" behavior itself, it supports multiple power "levels" so maybe you can change those directly (and then read them through validators, this has the advantage of being tied directly to the power field rather than arbitrary Enumerate Area radii or such)

    Once you have a working validity check for the faster warp-ins, just apply a buff with Time Scale or Queue Speed (or whatever works on warp-in construction, queue speed is the equivalent for training units), and use the Disable validator field on said buff.

    The main problem I see is efficiency, since the quick-n-dirty way would involve pulsing auras with 13+ range.

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    posted a message on [help] Problems with actors

    For the record, Guardian Shield has 3 independent sound actors: Start, End, Loop. Each creates and destroys itself through standard Effect/Ability triggers. Not entirely necessary, at the very least you could compact Start and End into a single Action actor if the mere count of actors is your top concern.

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    posted a message on ability type: behavior

    Ability: Behavior with the Toggle flag enabled can only control a single buff. Press one button, buff is applied, press the other, it's removed. Buttons automatically toggle even if the buff is applied through outside sources.

    Keeping that setup you'd need to apply the second buff via Effect: Final on the toggled one, with a Remove validator that checks for NOT having the first buff (if this returns FALSE, the second buff is removed)

    Probably easier in that case to just make two Effect-Instant each applying one buff and removing the other.

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    posted a message on Ability Charge Regenerate

    For anything more complicated, look at how the Vulture does it in WoL campaign to rebuild Spider Mines. They use ability charges instead of constructing actual units like the Carrier does.

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    posted a message on Invisible buffs/debuff effects

    Have you tested Space Zombies to make sure it's not an Upgrade? If you already have previous speed upgrades active the addition of another one won't be noticed.

    There's also the "Collapse Buffed" flag, though I expect that to show yellow "upgraded" text too. Also it's on the Unit and not the Buff, so that'll interfere with the display of genuine (de)buffs.

    Other than that you can ask in the Triggers subforum if you haven't done so already, no idea how they mesh with the UI though.

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    posted a message on morph upgrade?

    You can stuff a ridiculous number of effects into one upgrade, probably 255 or more. However only a specific set of fields may be changed via Upgrades at all, anything not listed in the dropdown menu simply isn't possible, at least directly.

    So you can make a single upgrade that gives +HP, +Range and life regen to all Terran units in one go. Edit: Model change is the main thing that doesn't work, derp. Upgrade.Add does work, it's used in both Blizzard campaigns.

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    posted a message on morph upgrade?

    And since you talk about copying an Upgrade, no, they can't do that at all. When you select anything as the effect target of an Upgrade, it brings up a complete list of all fields you can change, this includes placement and construction models for Unit actors, but not the main model. Those must be set by an actor, and in the case of player-wide updates such as an Upgrade your best bet is placing the events on the affected Unit actor directly.

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