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    posted a message on Mapscript limit revisited

    A patch changed it recently to explicitly tell you when the script is too large (most of the time). Before this, you just discovered your map having no script at all when it loaded up (no error, usually). The size itself was not changed.The script limit depends on two separate things:

    1. Runtime memory: This is breached by running too many things at once, having a ton of local variables, and such. You are much more likely to hit the operation limit than to his this limit, though.

    2. Static memory: This is breached by having lots of instructions in your code and having lots of global variables. You can hit this at 100KB to 4MB of uncompressed galaxy script, depending on your variables.

    Mafia has lots and lots of variables. I am pretty good about keeping the variable usage down, but there are only so many ways I can optimize it without being able to use pointers. In total, including array indices, it is too large to count manually, but I estimate Mafia has multiple 100,000s of global variables. It's that kind of game; there really is no way around it. (With pointers or objects I could probably pare that down to just a couple thousand if I rewrote the entire game)

    And Jademus, I'm not so sure that global variables and script bytecode are separate limits. I have tested this; raising a variable's array size to something retarded caused the map to hit the script limit much earlier than normal.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on To put things in perspective ... how big is yours?

    Mafia. The following sizes are compressed sizes.

    Data: 0.01 MB
    English Text: 0.04 MB
    MapScript.galaxy After Optimization: 0.10 MB (0.97 MB uncompressed)
    MapScript.galaxy (not uploaded to Battle.net): 0.13 MB (2.14 MB uncompressed)
    Terrain: 0.51 MB
    Loading/Minimap Art: 0.52 MB
    Models/Textures: 1.95 MB
    UI Art: 2.66 MB
    Triggers (not uploaded to Battle.net): 4.65 MB
    Music: 29.42 MB

    Mods Size (one-time download): 32.62 MB
    Map Size (download for each update): 2.54 MB

    Total Size (on disk): 39.22 MB

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    @Eiviyn: Go

    This has nothing to do with your original topic.

    You know, some churches actually embrace science because they believe that anything they discover through experimentation must be part of god's intended truth.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Diablo III Release Date Annouced

    Blizzard has been running awfully late with the release schedule and really had to get it out the door. I'm surprised it looks as solid as it does now, all things considered. They made lots of drastic changes for the beta (which I did participate in from the early-middle up until now) and, quite frankly, it has gotten better. Some of the old gameplay decisions made no sense, and the artwork looks pretty solid to me. The fidelity is nowhere near cutting edge but the game still looks pretty good, and it has some amazing art direction. The game really looks like a moving painting.

    Some of the interface is a little less polished than it used to be, but it's not that big of a deal. It's the kind of thing that can be patched out. The only thing I'm actually worried about is the uselessness of whites. I hope it's just part of the first act that the whites are useless to sell because I'd like to see some nonmagical items that are worth keeping to sell or in rare cases equip. It's like they were originally intended to be part of the Mystic's enchantment stuff, but when the Mystic was removed the purpose of the whites were lost.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    Actually, evolution and Christianity are reconcilable.

    Christian Belief: God created Man in his image and created all life on Earth.

    Technicality: It is not shown how God does this, meaning a variety of methods are possible.

    Scientific Theory: Life evolves through natural selection via random gene mutations and many selection pressures and extinction cycles.

    Christian Belief: God intends for most or all things to happen as part of his master plan.

    Logical Conclusion: Forcing the hand of evolution by causing extinctions, etc. is a viable method for God to design life on Earth, because effectively all actions leading up to evolution can be attributed to his plan. Isn't this how aliens "play god" in science fiction novels?

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    2/10, got me to reply.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    To be Christian is to believe that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, that dinosaurs co-existed with humanity, that fossils were placed by the devil and that evolution is a lie.

    I'd argue that "Christian" and "moron" are synonymous.

    There are many sects of Christianity and you are showing yourself to be a moron for thinking that all Christians are alike. The majority of Christians believe in evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old; it's just the crazy and very vocal minority that believes otherwise. Hell, I know some very devout Catholics who teach evolution.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    You'd think that if one of the publishers decided to sell everything at $50 AUD, they would just about double or triple their Australia sales volume.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on So, 1.5.0 ... Has anyone been "reached out"?

    Ooh, ooh, I was contacted by Blizzard! Talked directly to one of their guys!

    It was a Blizzard lawyer who asked me to cease and desist with the in-game donor benefits.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Getting New Graphics Card

    @TacoManStan: Go

    Video cards should always be bought from eBay if you have to worry about your money. You can get some GREAT deals on eBay and the video card selection and availability is phenomenal. You are buying used, so it will end up making your product have a shorter lifespan than what you would normally have, but someone sporting 3 monitors should never have to keep the same video cards for more than 18 months, so the point is moot.

    As for crossfire, it's gotten a lot better since when it was first introduced. Crossfired 6950s are, in nearly all modern games, better than a single 7970, and you get more than enough cables to plug in all of your monitors. Anyway, on eBay you can get them for about $200-$230 each (2GB version).

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Getting New Graphics Card

    Dual HD 6950 (2GB version). You want tri-monitor support so it's best to get two cards with lots of memory. The only other option is a 7970, but that's more money.

    Wait for the next nVidia release if you can wait 8 months, though.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Solved] Non-square image in a dialog

    Fortunately for you, if you need 100 values of precision, all you need to do is have a 100degree arc. SC2 dialogs can rotate on integer values of degrees, so all you need is a base health ring and a cover-up image that you can rotate around it.

    Alternatively, make a flash script that does this. If Blizzard added that support in yet.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Math problem II

    Remember people, cut down the multiplications as much as possible. Optimal calculation:

    -0.35355339059327376220042218105242 +/- sqrt(y + 0.125) = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485x

    As you can see, there is one square root and two additions. I saved you a multiplication! All you have to do is assume the X is actually higher than what you get from this calculation.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Bnet 0.2 Owned By Husky!!!

    A lot of people (but not all...) seem to be forgetting the basics.

    I can sum up the biggest shortcoming of the battle.net 2.0 interface. It's not the lack of features or the failed custom games system, it's something much more fundamental.

    Battle.net 2.0 is clunky.
    It is unwieldy: everything is too large.
    It is slow: if you aren't at your monitor's refresh rate you will see a lot of delay on everything from window edge clicking and typing.
    It is bland: everything is just a shade of blue (and the occasional green) with the same bland design style; there are few interface elements that look interesting.
    It is limited: you can't type as many messages as on WarCraft III (spam filter), you can't view many friends at the same time because each list item is so huge, you can't view many people in the channel for the same reason, you can't expand a channel to fill the whole screen (on my monitor I can get it to 2/3 but not the whole area), you can't see more than like 10 people in a custom game lobby, you can't see more than 8 messages in a custom game lobby (far fewer if the messages are more than a few words long), basic convenience functions don't exist, common tasks take lots of button clicks, etc.

    Even if Battle.net 2.0 had every single feature of Battle.net 1.0 as well as the new/improved features, it would STILL BE WORSE because the interface is just bad.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on donothing() or waste time inside a while

    There are times in C programming where waits in an infinite loop are appropriate.

    Galaxy is different; play it safe and play it stupid because the language does not work like C under the hood.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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