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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    Eh. I really just lost all of my ambition to flesh out a new plot point creatively given my current situation. I had a relatively good post lined up, but was rejected. Follow this up with my avid refusal to flesh out something sub-par, and i'm really just in this spiral of repetition and self-pity.

    Once I can think of something that could either A: work with my situation or B: get out of my current situation; I'm sure I'll go back to posting. Either way it will be in about a month because of my upcoming Euro-trip. Originally I had it planned to flesh out most of my story before the trip and see a nice repercussion once I got back, but all well.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - In Character Thread

    Character: Yi'fury

    {This planet is absolutely devoid of any sentient life...} Yi'fury was beginning to get irritated at this. {The She-bitch exiled me out here, and there is nothing to do on this god-forsaken rock!} He had managed to scout about half of the planet since starting the exploration, but only a few things were interesting and none had held his interest for very long. Nothing had fought back, let alone given him a challenge. {There has to be....something... here of interest. Something to give to the she-bitch for favor.} But then there it was, a feeling. An impulse. Something pulled him not outward, to the planet, but upward.

    Only then did he realize that he was exiled to the system. Not the planet. Only then did he focus his attention to the star, and realized how many planets there were. Only then did he realize the scope of the galaxy, how massive it was. It was pointless to scout the planet in the degree he was currently doing so, as he could have scouted several planets by now using similar techniques. The tunnels he was digging? While they may prove to be useful in the future, the best course of action was through numbers. The more forces he had scouting, the more information he could process. The more information he had, the more power he had. He could sell information to the she-bitch...but to that he would need to change his current methods.

    {Yes...this must have been what they sent me out here for. To learn from my mistakes. Territory is not power. Knowledge and strength is power.} Yi'fury directed his mutalisks to dispatch to the other planets, in hopes of finding some more interesting. While this planet had taught him much, it was obvious it held no secrets. Through a series of mental impulses, he ordered his zerglings and drones to collect what resources they had, and started to prepare The Husk for planetary excursion.

    {I can see now how humans have survived. They thrive on information. The Protoss as well, albeit in a different manner. If one could combine the technological superiority of the protoss with the commitment and determination of the terrans alongside the Zerg instinct and brute strength....

    {One could rule the galaxy...}

    SoA: Yi'fury has learned how to evolve past the current Zerg state-of-mind, and now has a goal.

    He has also sent out mutalisk scouts into the system, ordered to maintain in space and send the data received to Yi'fury.

    He has also prepped “The Husk” for planetary excursion. This means that the entire base surrounding Yi'fury is being transported and prepared.

    He has also ordered all resources found to be put into the Husk's cargo bay for transportation (+13 points, 15 total)

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - In Character Thread

    Character: Yi'fury

    The morning had proved eventful. Several days had passed since the execution of the plan, and as each day came and went Yi'fury sped up the process of increasing his territory. It was currently three-fold of what it was before, and it was still accelerating. Alas, this had also proved to be an impasse – he was having troubles effectively guarding the compound. Ultimately, he decided the best course of action was to “hotwire” the creep directly to his neural system. This gave him the ability to locate any intruders that were not zerg the moment they touched on the living earth, and for the skies he set his mutalisks on patrols.

    It had proven to be an effective strategy, as many of his minions were gorging on fresh food caught from the Jungle of the Bird (named for his mishap with the noise a few days past). Even his humans were eating well. {Perhaps they are eating....too well....I believe I should teach them a lesson in fidelity...} Having cataloged his newest promise, he proceeded to go over the surrounding area. {Everything is too familiar...even at this accelerated growth nothing is happening. I don't believe the zerg were ever meant to be static. My minions are growing complacent and I am growing bored. Perhaps there is another brood nearby that I could ransack for resources...or there may be some terrans or protoss that are looking to be enslaved....}

    That must be it. That must be the reason they sent him out here. This must be a proving ground of sorts, where the winner takes all. {I must send out my scouts further to locate my enemies. Surely this will please the she-bitch of a leader...} Yi'fury sent out the mental impulse to his zergling squads (He loved categorizing his units into squads) and then pictured a map of the planet as he knew it. Relatively simple, plenty of trees, plenty of water. Nothing truly amiss. Aside from the immediate vicinity, his knowledge of the planet was limited. He didn't even know if there were any other broods on this rock. He didn't even think about scouting whilst in space with the husk. {Next time, I will need to remember to do that...}

    SOA: Yi'fury begins to expand his territory at an accelerated rate.

    He is also scouting the planet, looking for something to ransack and cause general chaos.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    Ah, okay than. I think I searched for about half an hour on how to do it, though >.>

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - In Character Thread

    Location: EOM734

    Character: Yi'fury and surrounding Zerg




    This is what Yi'fury awoke to, after relaxing to a dreamless sleep for what seemed an eternity. He searched his expansive body for the source of the emotion, and found a rather persistent, annoying, larvae gnawing at his flesh. With a surge of his mental link with the little beast, it scurried off in search of easier food.

    {When next we are in need of a scourge, that one will be it.} Having cataloged his promise, he then expanded his mind to touch upon the Zerg in the area. He was exiled for disputing territory with the others in his brood, and he would make sure to avoid the mistake of getting caught again. {Territory is power, and power is always good.} He briefly glanced at the borders, browsing through the eyes of a zergling. {Nothing can beat the sensation of walking...Is it bad to envy my creature?} A split second after having the thought, he dismissed the notion as foolish. It is better to control than be controlled. Still, he maintained his control over the puppet, and emphasized to the rest of the brood to stay away from it.

    Walking to the edges of his territory, He gazed into the distance; actively searching for an enemy scout who might witness what he had planned. While he did not dream in his slumber, he still thought. He had been planning this for what seemed an eternity...now he just had to do it. {There!} He found the object he was searching for. It was inanimate, but just to be sure he sent a mental impulse through it, hoping to arouse a response. {Nothing...that is just as good}. He picked up the heavy object, and proceeded to move it three or four feet away from the edge of his territory. {This is even better than I thought, the object should roll once I drop it...}

    A sound appeared, and Yi'fury retreated from his puppet. Only then did he realize that he had heard the sound from the zergling. He quickly berated himself for being so foolish, and reconnected the link. {Good, it didn't drop it.} He searched in the vicinity of the sound he heard, and found nothing. {Must have been a bird....I'll have my pets run down the trees when this is over.} Adequately satisfied that he was no longer being watched, he set his plan into motion. He dropped the object. More precisely, he `rolled` it. It had been at the northern edge of his territory since he got here, and as such believed that to be the marker. {Still rolling...} Time began to slow, as he focused his consciousness on the object. One, two, three more feet and then it capsized on itself. {Six more feet of territory, and no one saw. Success.}

    Having completed his objective, he then sent his army to expand his creep in that direction; and to subsequently cut down all of the trees. Only then did he realize that he had other matters to attend to. Several of his soldiers were squabbling over rights to a kill; another was already injured and limping back to the security of his body. He quickly settled the dispute by giving the food to the puppet who killed it, and that was the end of it. The injured zergling would be healed soon enough, and his list of woes wasn't even close to being finished. One of the tunnels he had commissioned his “Tunneling Squad” to dig had collapsed, and a member of the squad was trapped. He set the rest of the squad to clearing the debris, and sent an impulse to the trapped member to sleep; as to conserve energy. {If i'm to execute more plans like today's in the future, I will need every soldier I can get. The more I have, the more territory I can sustain. Territory is power.} He quickly rooted what caused the cave-in, cataloged it, and moved on. The humans he had captured before his exile were doing well enough to leave be, and there were no more pressing matters to attend to.

    Having accomplished his goal, he proceeded to return to dreamless sleep. Before he was committed, however, he located the larvae that awoke him and emphasized what would happen if he tried to gnaw at his flesh again. {And now I sleep...}

    SOA: Yi'fury awakens from sleep and performs his grand master plan. He subsequently returns back to sleep. (Essentially introduces Yi'fury as a character)

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    I hear and obey.

    Okay I give up. My first action is all typed up...I just don't know how to make the spoilers to show/hide stuff.

    The typical [spoiler] [/spoiler] doesn't work.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @Orloth7: Go

    If truth be told, I think I set a precedent by being a cerebrate. Mobile heroes are nice, but they are just that. Mobile. Kerrigan is cool and all, but I don't want to be some psionic superhero. I find more enjoyment on electing a demi-hero to do my bidding in battle, and controlling things in the background, then risk losing something that my entire army revolves around.

    As per infested terrans or mutants, I did think about pulling a Samir Duran and being an infested ghost. While I may do this further down the road (for a demi), I decided that it would be much easier to roleplay as a massive force. Sure, I could be some dark templar wantabe who can stay cloaked forever, or I could be the guy who sits still, lets the dark templar come to me, and then spring a trap (You know who you are. You've been warned).

    Ontop of this, I had thought of "The Husk" before I thought of my hero, and I really liked the idea of being something like a reaper from mass effect. Having a mobile base just sounds amazing. People can have all of the planetary defense that they want, I'll just hurl myself to the planet Overmind style and (pardon my language) fuck shit up.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @Mozared: Go

    So whats the ETA on starting?

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    Ya know, I'm thinking about it now....and the only explanation I could come up with is that Yi'fury is a unique mutation. Most cerebrates were created by the overmind (cannon), while Yi'fury was a mutation of a hive cluster strain. As this happened after the fall of the swarm, AFTER the overmind broke off contact, the explanation I can give is that the overmind is curious, and cautious, about this new cerebrate. I cannot speak for the overmind's reason to do this, as that is not my character :P

    From Yi'fury's perspective, the overmind is its creator, it's father. Allegiance is expected.

    If you guys are hell-bent on making me change this, I'm sure I can come up with something else. Alot of what I want to do with this character revolves around getting information about the past and present state of the zerg. The easiest way to do that is to have made contact with the overmind. The information available by the leaders of the Fenrir brood, from my perspective, is not enough.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    @Orloth7: Go

    No worries, I'll make the changes in this post (so that I can more easily encode some of my stuff). I plan on playing a villain. As per my bff status with the overmind, I was playing on the concept that all cerebrates only wanted to do the overminds bidding. This was broke after Kerrigan killed the last overmind (in cannon). As Yi'fury was born after the fall of the swarm (non-cannon), he did not have any reason to not support the overmind, who in his mind is his creator. As I am playing a villain, I figured this could make an interesting backstory and provide various plot elements that could be taken advantage of. Also, I will change my faction to the Fenrir brood...the playstyle I have in mind this fits a little better.

    I would relate Yi'fury's connection to the current overmind to Kerrigan's connection to the first overmind. Loyal, but not overly zealous.

    At the same time, I would relate the overmind's connection to Yi'fury to that of an owner and a pet. If the pet dies yea it sucks, but no big deal.

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    posted a message on [Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation

    Race: Zerg

    Faction: The Fenrir Brood

    Primary Hero: Cerebrate Yi'fury

    Backstory on Yi'fury: Yi'fury is one of the newest cerebrates to come into existence, shortly after the fall of the swarm. This was accomplished via a new strain in a hive cluster arising, causing a mutagen that allowed Yi'fury to gain consciousness. Yi'fury is, for all purposes, a Hive cluster. His internal organs require a symbiotic relationship with the Zerg he commands, otherwise he would soon wither and die. While he doesn't have physical means of protecting himself, he has allowed several other Zerg structures to attach themselves to his form which are more than capable of defending their host.

    Yi'fury is very young, even for zerg standards. Currently, he is one standard galactic year old. Due to this, he is very rash, headstrong, and cruel to his enemies. He would sooner rush into a situation than hatch an evil grand plan, unless given prior council. This has gotten him into many disputes in territory with the other leaders among the Fenrir brood, ultimately leading to his exile to the planet EOM734, where he receives a lesson in patience and cunning.

    Hero Stats:

    Health: 1000 40 points

    Energy: 300 10 points

    Armor: 2 6

    Sight: 15 28

    Abilities: 2 5

    Range: 0 0

    AoE: 0 0

    Move Speed: 0 0

    DPS: 0
    Dam Type: 0
    Dam Hit: 0
    Dam Speed: 0

    Unit Structure: Armored, Biological, Heroic, Structure

    Total: 89

    Mind Control: Take control of target group of units. Control success/length depends on the strength of the mind. As such, characters with "Plot Immunity" are unaffected.

    Energy: Activation Cost: 20/unit, maintain cost: 0.9/unit. Range: 13. Cooldown: 0. Time in seconds.

    Mass Displacement: Yi'fury channels all of his energy into creating an anomaly at target location, causing him to transplant himself to that location. Requires creep and sight.

    Energy: Yi'fury's Total Energy

    Ship Details: The Husk

    The Husk is a term referring to the collective base around Yi'fury. The husk cannot be "Flown" without Yi'fury, and Yi'fury cannot move without the Husk.

    Husk Appearance (As reported in: "The Zerg, a Colonial Marine's Perspective"):

    "The husk is a massive collection of zerg mass, diameter unknown. Length unknown. Weight unknown. Estimates to contain somewhere between three and fifteen km area. Reports differ. All I know is that when it came, spore colonies massed at our 'cruiser. God, I barely had enough time to get to the escape pods before they breached the hull around the fusion reactor. Parts of the ship....the husk, as we called it....it broke off, man. It broke off and attached itself to the command deck. The captain was up there...he was a good man. Alexai, I think his name was. The creep began to spread after it attached, and that was when we started to head to the pods. This was may'be...ten or fifteen seconds after the initial attack? It covered the hull...but oddly enough it didn't enter the ship. It was doing...doing something...but we didn't wait to find out. We high-tailed it out of there, me and my marine buddies. Six of us. We were all that were left of our ship, who was piloted by a crew of two-hundred. We never found out what happened after the fusion reactor blew, our warp drives kicked in."

    Ship Stats:

    Weapons: 6

    Armor: 6

    Maneuverability: 2

    Security: 6

    Speed: 3

    Cargo: 4

    Total: 137


    Army Details:


    Swarm Host
    Spine Crawler,
    Spore Crawler,

    Total: 64


    Total: 0


    Zergling: 80 4
    Baneling: 20 1
    Hydralisk: 0 0
    Mutalisk: 10 2
    Scourge: 20 1
    Spine Crawler: (1 = 1 supply) 0 0
    Spore Crawler: (1 = 1 supply) 20 2

    Notes: Spores/Spines attach to either the Husk or Yi'fury for defense.

    Total: 10

    Remaining: 0.

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    posted a message on Xeno Crisis - Need Testers

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Sure thing, name is HalfDead.696

    I am running on ultra-low settings, though, so if this game is fps intensive I can't play.

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    posted a message on Angry Angry Templar

    @Stealthsam: Go

    After playing this, I feel as though the unit collision needs to be higher. Targeting people is moderately difficult (as compared to the wc3 version).

    My recommendation? Make the model stay the same, just increase the area that the mouse can select it. Oh, and mortal combat music :p

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    posted a message on Angry Angry Templar

    @Stealthsam: Go

    I know there was skyrim/lotr music in legends ORPG. Also, if you own the rights to it it shouldn't be a problem (just buy the song legally).

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    posted a message on Angry Angry Templar

    @Stealthsam: Go

    I dug out my account just to say that I love you.

    Also, I humbly request mortal combat music.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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