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    posted a message on Voliar's Revenge

    Amazing mod, looking more forward to this then the next FF. And it already looks better then FF13 lol. Biggest waste of 60$ ever. Keep working on this you can finish.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [WIP] Planetside Mod

    WoW I never thought of this, I loved Planetside. The game was so fun even though it was laggy lol. Definitely waiting for a playable version this looks awesome. The weapon effects look good. This end up being really cool dont give up lol.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Farmlings - Lings of Liberty] My new project

    Any more news on this Farmlings?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Nexus Trolls: The Anti-Popularity System League

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    lol i knew it, you do like nexus wars. ahahahahahhhahahahah

    Nexus Wars Dev: HEY GUYS i came up with this crazy map idea, you just place buildings and units will automatically come out of them. It would be too much work to make custom races lets just use SC2 units. YES WE DID IT GUYS NUMBER 1!!!! And to believe it only took me 1 afternoon to make this piece of crap.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Trolls: The Anti-Popularity System League

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Gold basically means you are better then 50% of the population good job. Diamond league son. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1002712/1/Railtracer/

    Also i could still beat you at dota son. Though you probably would kick my ass at Nexus Wars hahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Suggestions for Improving The Popularity System, discuss here!

    There is no reason they cant use both the warcraft 3 system and the blizzard content nazi's. Here is how, make it so you still have to upload your map to battle.net in order to play it. Then the popularity list should only be to DL maps not to play them. Make a warcraft 3 custom games list. If blizzard is too worried about swear words in server name just force server names to be like this. RailTracer's Sorcerer TD, or BudSMoken's Raynors Party. There is no need for this popularity list. All it does is scare away people who liked custom games in warcraft 3.

    My brother wont even play custom games because he knows the popular ones suck. Back in warcraft 3 we would play them all the time. Because the warcraft 3 system worked games filled up there. AND there was thousands of games to play not just the top 20 or 30. A lot more people would be playing the custom games if there was a warcraft 3 system. The popularity system only scares people away. I for one havent loaded up any SC2 custom games in over a month, I have actually been going back to warcraft 3 because it has funner maps and a wider variety. And there is no reason for this SC2 is a better engine a better editor why must we change the delivery system.

    I know the nazi content control cant go away, no one wanted to see goatse when they were 13 but war 3 made it happened. And on a side note I don't think it fucked me up in any way it was just an image. If anything it taught me about the world, and the fact that there is sick people out there who make stuff like goatse/tubgirl. If blizzard polices there content its not going to change that fact about the world. And where was blizzard to protect the world from 2 girls 1 cup? That's right they couldn't stop that because now people are going to see this shit regardless because of friends pressuring them to.

    Basically to sum this all up, bring back warcraft 3 custom game lists with nazi content control or the only custom games that will exist will be the god awful Tug of War maps.

    Also this is just a note for anyone making a map, plz plz use custom units and races, NEXUS WARS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Nexus Trolls: The Anti-Popularity System League

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I cancelled Wow long ago, and I have no interest in Diablo 3. SC2 is the last bit of money bobby kotick will ever receive from me. And I think you are a fool to think the system has been improved, its downgraded, its like they tried to make a console game. They are treating us like we all own those waste of money consoles. And screw black ops I am waiting for Battlefield 3.

    I have news for you this is the PC we don't like consoles. They suck, its why we bought SC2 because blizzard is suppose to be PC developers however it seems like they've been catching bobby kotick's hate for computer games. Ever since WoW blizzard has been going down and down. SC2 is a great game(the core game not custom maps), but they screwed map makers so much with there list that no one even wants to make a custom game.

    I ask SouLCarveRR how is this system an upgrade over Warcraft 3? Besides no porn which is still possible because you could still require to upload maps so blizzard could still ban certain ones. All they needed to do was add the upload to blizzards database. They didnt need to make a popularity list. They could have made both and the popularity list today would be 100x different. Nexus wars would definitely not be the top map.

    You probably enjoy maps like nexus wars SouLCarveRR well good for you, i bet your in copper league lol.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Trolls: The Anti-Popularity System League

    I agree we shouldn't be moaning on sc2mapster. However it is a big problem. WC3 gave every map a chance because no matter how bad your map was it made it to the top, and if someone try's and they don't like it they never play it again. There is no reason that they cant combine the 2 games together, they just don't want people naming there own servers like on war 3. They should give us an option for popularity list and war 3 list. But either way you have to host your map on bnet the same way.

    They could do it like war 3 but have servers be automatically named; RailTracers Nexus Wars, or SouLCarveRR's Nexus Wars. Not that any of us play that crappy map but its just an example. That way if a map sucks balls everyone will try and it realize it. If a map is new people will want to try it if its on the top of the list for a second. The whole stationary lists makes it seem like there is no maps when like u said there is 50k maps on NA. 50 thousand and only 30 of them even get played. How is that fair at all when there is probably 500 really nicely made maps that get no play time at all. The system is broken and categories is not going to fix it. It will help but it will not fix it in any way. And on that page neither will a search option.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I should revise that, I broke galaxy it cant even do simple math anymore. =D

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    @RailTracer: Go

    OK here is the map file for anyone wanting to see if u can fix it, i broke the editor somehow. It cant even do simple math anymore....


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    @RailTracer: Go

    OK so i just tried this, made it so when i sold it gave me 2x the minerals, and walla it worked for sell everytime it would give me double minerals. But heres the weird part when i hit buy it gave me 1x minerals when clearly in the trigger it says subtract not add.

    So does anyone know why it would be adding and not subtracting?

    OK so i delete buy and load map, and the first time i sell it sells for 1075? the trigger says add stim pack price, however stim pack price is 375, i have no idea how its comming up with 1075. Did i break the editor? The second time it sells it sells for 375. its like the editor cant handle all my variables and im not even using that many. It also seems to not be able to grasp the idea of simple math.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    @Eiviyn: Go

    oh weird well that is awesome u found it ill try and fudge with it see if i can fix it. Thank you so much for identifying the problem.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    Chem Wars

    Korhal, a city ravaged by chemical addiction. There is lots of money to be made selling chemicals. You are a chemical salesmen, go around to the different chemical shops around town buying in bulk. Prices always change buy low, sell high. You arrive in the city with 3 stim packs in your inventory. Go sell those, and start making money finding good deals! Beware there is other chemical salesmen(other players) who will get jealous of your success they will try and rob you. Addicts will also try and rob you, although they are pretty weak from there chemical addictions.

    5 Different Fictional Chemicals

    • Stim-Packs - Used commonly by military types.
    • Liquid Vespene - Protoss love this liquefied form of vespene.
    • Zergling Adrenaline - Gain the strength and speed of a zergling.
    • Blood of Kerrigan - Now synthesized no longer actual blood of kerrigan, causes profound hallucinations.
    • Nitro-Packs - Reapers used these in the war, they have since broken out of the military's control.

    Upgrade you Weapons and Vehicles

    • 3 different weapon upgrades
    • 3 different speed upgrades

    Automatically hire mercenary at every landmark mineral level

    First at 10k minerals, Second at 50k minerals, Third at 200k minerals, Fourth at 500k minerals.

    PVP with skills!

    Kill and enemy player to receive 30% of the chemicals he is carrying, an EZ way to get ahead of the competition. Kill addicts(NPC) to receive a easy 100 minerals! I havent decided if im going to add police yet.

    How do you win?

    After 15 minutes, any remaining chemicals in a players inventory will get sold at a average amount. Player with the most money wins! If i can get this map working i will also put up a leaderboard for the top scores of the game across all of bnet.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?


    I have found out if I leave the shop and come back I can use the button once more? After a price fluctuation happens. I haven't been able to use it a third time.

    I need to be able to buy 100 stim packs within 15 seconds and then sell 100 stim packs within 15 seconds, not 1 ever 15 seconds. =?

    Here is my price fluctuation trigger:

    • EVENT
    • Timer - Every "15" seconds of Game Time
    • ACTION
    • Set "stim-pack price" : "random integer" between "200" and "440"

    Also keep in mind this is only 1 price, i have 10 chemical dealers with 5 different price fluctuations so 50 in total. But all under same trigger of Timer - Every 15 seconds.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did i break editor?

    I have shops(GUI type is Modal) that get created when you enter a region, and destroyed when you leave the region. This works flawlessly. However in my shops there is 10 buttons buy and sell x 5. Just working on getting the first one working however it only lets me sell Stim-Packs once, even though when the map starts your Stim-Packs variable is at 3. I should be able to sell 3 times.

    "Stim-Pack1" is the variable that starts at 3. This is also only player 1's stockpile of stimpacks. "stim-pack price" is the variable that changes ever 15 seconds. (price fluctuation so you can make moneys)

    Trigger looks like this.

    • EVENT:
    • (relative dialog item "sell Stim" for player "1") is used by any "player" with event type "clicked"
    • ACTION:
    • Modify player "1" minerals "add": "stim-pack price"
    • Variable: Modify "stim-pack1" "subtract": "1"
    Posted in: Triggers
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