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    posted a message on Do You Want A Photon Tower Defence or DoTA Map?

    Posts like this worry me. Go for the thing where you have the most inspiration and motivation to create a great map. Don't just "make" something.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Finding the Last 2 Players...

    @CosmaOne: Go

    Something like this?

        Local Variables
            Heroics = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group>
            p1 = 0 <Integer>
            p2 = 0 <Integer>
            Variable - Set Heroics = (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Heroic; Excluded: Dead, with at most Any Amount)
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Number of Any units in Heroics) == 2
                    Variable - Set p1 = (Owner of (Unit 1 from Heroics))
                    Variable - Set p2 = (Owner of (Unit 2 from Heroics))
                    UI - Display (Combine ((Name of player p1), " versus ", (Name of player p2))) for (All players) to Subtitle area

    Tell me if something is not clear.
    Note that it doesn't work when 1 player has 2 heroic units. That's a bit more complicated but still not impossible.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on IRC is no more!

    Lol I never noticed it was a super old thread ... but the weird thing was that it showed in the list of "Active Forum Threads" on the main page, must be a bug that they don't take into account the year of the post.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on IRC is no more!

    IRC server are multiple ones connected to each other. Once that a group of server is no longer connected to another group, you get a net split. This means that in general in netsplits that everyone seems to "survive".

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit dies in Region?

    Maybe this can help?

            Unit - Any Unit dies
        Local Variables
            ((Triggering unit) is in Region [1]) == True
            UI - Display (Combine ("Unit of ", (Name of player (Triggering player)), " got killed by ", (Name of player (Killing player)))) for Player Group - Region [1] to Subtitle area
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit Group Dies then. . .

    @DARKCRONOjr: Go

    Simply stated, each of the
    Trigger - Wait for Round Ends to execute, and Wait until it completes
    actions require you to fill the UnitGlobalGroup again and to the trigger named "Turn Wait for Rounds Ends" back on (This is because everytime it does run, it turns itself off).

    So you are either missing the adding of your next waves to the UnitGlobalGroup
    you have written too many wait for trigger to executes.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved]Can't destroy/hide text tag via variable

    It will bug when you do the following:
    - Build Gateway 1
    - Build Gateway 2
    - Morph Gateway 1 into Warpgate 1 (Will remove the Gateway 2 texttag)
    - Morph Gateway 2 into Warpgate 2 (Will not do anything visible anymore ... it will actually try to destroy the same texttag again)

    This is because your texttag global variable can only save 1 texttag ... namely the texttag of the last created gateway.

    If it happens like this it will work though:
    - Build Gateway 1
    - Morph Gateway 1 into Warpgate 1
    - Build Gateway 2
    - Morph Gateway 2 into Warpgate 2

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved]Can't destroy/hide text tag via variable

    It doesn't work because when each time the trigger is run, a new local variable is made.

    There are several ways to solve this.

    A hard but clean way is to add global variables with all texttags and all gateways and if one of them changes you would search the gateway that changed and modify its corresonding the texttag.

    An easy but unclean way is to keep the local variable but after creating the gateway you would do a loop with a 1 second delay that checks if the unit changed to a warpgate, then changing the local texttag variable.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit Group Dies then. . .

    Could you post your triggers / actions here? (This can be done easily by selecting and then right clicking "Copy as text".)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Group Dies then. . .

    Well I'm not sure what you mean. Could you try to explain it again in more detail?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit Group Dies then. . .

    Ok, if you have a lot of local variables you might be better of using the following action:
    Trigger - Wait for Trigger to execute, and Wait until it completes
    To use it you will still need to still use the unit group as a global variable and create the trigger as said before. The difference will be that instead of putting the code (that needs to run when the zergling group died) in the new trigger, you will add the code in the existing trigger behind the "Trigger - Wait for Trigger to execute, and Wait until it completes". This will allow you will keep your local variables.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Is map making so hard ?
    1. Making up an idea is much quicker then implementing it and most people that have the capacity to create maps have ideas of their own they want to create. So it's up to you to make the ideas into reality. You are the one that best understands your own idea anyway.
    2. If you post a question related to data editing in the "map suggestions/requests" forum then you should not be amazed that you get little amount of response.
    3. Please remember that people around here are not paid to answer your question, they do it on their own will. Every answer you do get should be greatly appreciated. On top of that not everyone knows the answer to your question, so be patient and grateful, why would anyone want to help someone that is ungrateful?
    4. If you need a lot of help you might be working on something too ambitious. Try something simple first, it's more rewarding to find something simple yourself and see it work then to ask others to make it for you. Looking at some beginner tutorials will help you on the way and might give you some ideas that are cool in the map that you just learned how to to!
    5. In the end all those that now are experts in map making are the ones that explored it themselves and through trial and error managed to figure it out. Don't be afraid to explore yourself or be afraid to fail a couple of time. It's part of the process.
    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit Group Dies then. . .

    @DARKCRONOjr: Go

    You need to put your Unit Group in a global variable. Then you need to add a new trigger in the following form:

    Unit Group Dies
            Unit - Any Unit dies
        Local Variables
            (Number of Living units in Unit Group) == 0
            Trigger - Turn (Current trigger) Off
            ------- Your code here

    Do note that if you don't turn your trigger off it will trigger again every time a unit dies so you need to either make sure that you turn the trigger off, or you need to fill the unit group again with (non dead) units.

    Also note that if these zerglings are not created at the start, this trigger should be off at the start and only when you have created the zerglings and filled them into the unit group then you should turn this trigger on (with the "Turn <name of trigger> on" action).

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Multiple periodic triggers vs single trigger

    Stuff like this will not cause your map to perform badly except if you have so many of them (100+ triggers) that you probably should question why you need so many in the first place.

    If the 3 triggers do make your pc lag it is because of the heaviness of the actions in the trigger, not because it's 1 or 3 threads.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on My application @ Blizzard just got denied
    Quote from Aenigma: Go

    I think to get into Blizzard using an internship as experience would require a map thats popularity is legendary... like DOTA. Not some short campaigns and not even a map thats all the rage for a little while on Bnet before dying.

    Popularity is not a requirement nor will a certain amount of popularity mean you get a job at Blizzard.

    Imagine you would make an epic campaign map that has the same quality as the ones from Blizzard, it can be really fun but you will never play it more then once. Also the Blizzard custom maps are made by Blizzard people who got a job there. However their maps don't have crazy popularities.

    On the other hand if you make a super popular map but your map making skills are lacking then it means they will have someone who can't do any of the actual work. Also there is a chance that your next idea might not be as good as your previous one which means they can't really use you at all.

    Of course this is just my opinion as an outsider so feel free to reject it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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