• 0

    posted a message on Auto Turret Construction Model

    Ok, so I figured it out. It looks like you can't just create units, you have to duplicate pre-existing ones and just change every aspect of them.

    I got it working, but what's weird is the lv 2 and lv 3 version of the EXACT same settings the turret is not rotating....

    How do I fix this?

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    posted a message on Auto Turret Construction Model

    Ok what the hell am I doing wrong... I don't see where the problem is...

    This is the actor I created for the construction animation. I copied the construction animation from a bunker being built and changed the model/name/ ETC:

    Field	Auto Turret Build
    Actor - Add To Proximity System	Enabled
    Actor - Aliases	(_Snapshot|_TerranBuildModel)
    Actor - Copy Source	
    Actor - Filter	
    Actor - Flags	
    Actor - Fog Visibility	Snapshot
    Actor - Local Offset For 2nd Visibility Test	(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
    Actor - Sharing	None
    Animation - Animation Blend Time	-1.0000
    Art - Auto Scale Factor	0.0000
    Art - Model	Auto Turret Build
    Art - Model Flags	Allow Hit Test, Needs Volume Monitor, Use Synchronous Seed
    Art - Scale	(1.000000)
    Editor - Editor Categories	DoodadType:NotDoodad
    Editor - Editor Comment	
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Name	Auto Turret Build
    Editor - Editor Prefix	
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Event - Event Footprint +	
    Event - Event Sound +	
    Event - Events +	(UnitConstruction.*.Finish|UnitConstruction.*.Cancel|ActorOrphan|ActorCreation):(|||):(Destroy|Destroy|Destroy|Create TerranConstructionAttached)
    Event - Macros	
    Event - Remove +	
    Event - Terms	
    Hosting - Host +	_Selectable:Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Host For Properties +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Host Site Operations +	SOpShadow TerranBuildingFacing:Disabled:Disabled
    Hosting - Host Supporter +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Hosted Attachments +	
    Properties - Accepted Property Transfers	Cloak Effect, Local Tint Color, Opacity, Physics State, Scale, Scale Variance, Team Color, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group
    Properties - Accepted Transfers	Position, Rotation
    Properties - Inherit Type	Continuous
    Properties - Inherited Properties	Cloak Effect, Opacity, Scale, Team Color, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group

    This is the unit's actual ACTOR:

    Field	Auto Turret
    Actor - Add To Proximity System	Enabled
    Actor - Aliases	(_Unit|_Selectable)
    Actor - Copy Source	_Unit
    Actor - Filter	
    Actor - Flags	
    Actor - Fog Visibility	Snapshot
    Actor - Local Offset For 2nd Visibility Test	(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
    Actor - Portrait Actor	PortraitActor (Unknown)
    Actor - Sharing	None
    Animation - Animation Blend Time	-1.0000
    Animation - Animation Turn Duration	0.0000
    Animation - Baselines +	(Stand|Walk):(-1.0000|-1.0000):(-1.0000|-1.0000)
    Animation - Glossary Animation	Stand
    Animation - Stand Animation Turn Time Scale Minimum	0.0000
    Animation - Variance Window Stand	1.0000
    Animation - Variance Window Stand Intro	0.3300
    Animation - Variance Window Walk	1.0000
    Animation - Variance Window Walk Intro	0.3300
    Animation - Variance Window Walk Outro	0.3300
    Animation - Walk Animation Movement Speed	3.75
    Art - Auto Scale Factor	0.0000
    Art - Model	Auto Turret
    Art - Model (Build)	Auto Turret
    Art - Model (Editor)	Auto Turret
    Art - Model (Placement)	Auto Turret Placement
    Art - Model (Portrait)	Portrait - Adjutant
    Art - Model Flags	Allow Hit Test, Has Player Decals, Needs Volume Monitor, Use Synchronous Seed
    Art - Placement Model	PlacementModel
    Art - Random Scale Range	(1.000000,1.000000)
    Art - Scale	(1.000000)
    Combat - Custom Death +	(||):(Protoss Small Unit Death|Terran Small Unit Death|Zerg Small Unit Death):(||):((-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)):(||):(AntiGravProtoss|AntiGravTerran|AntiGravZerg)
    Combat - Death Actor Model	UnitDeathModel
    Combat - Death Actor Model Low	UnitDeathModelUnscaled
    Combat - Death Actor Sound	UnitDeathSound
    Combat - Death Actor Voice	UnitDeathVoice
    Combat - Death Effects +	(Death||||Death, Eat||Death, Eviscerate|Death, Fire||||Death, Silent Kill|Death, Squish|||Death|):(Auto Turret Death|||||||||||||||Terran Building Death|):(Raven_AutoTurretExplode|||||||||||||||Raven_AutoTurretExplode|):((-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)):(AutoTurretDeathVoice (Unknown)||||||||||||||||)
    Editor - Editor Animation	
    Editor - Editor Categories	DoodadType:NotDoodad
    Editor - Editor Comment	                                                                                         
     Auto Turret ........................................................................... 
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Name	Auto Turret
    Editor - Editor Prefix	
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Event - Event Footprint +	():(UnitFootprint (Unknown)):(AutoTurretFootprint (Unknown))
    Event - Event Sound +	():(UnitSound (Unknown)):()
    Event - Events +	(UnitBirth.AutoTurret|UnitBirth.Engineer|UnitRevive.Engineer|UnitConstruction.Engineer.Start|UnitConstruction.Engineer|AnimDone.*.Missing; AnimName ConstructionDeath|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[e_actorUnitFlagShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[e_actorUnitFlagShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|CursorUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|CursorUpdate.*.Stop; ValidateUnit IsFlying|StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelperEnabled|StatusOff.*.FlyerHelper; ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelperEnabled; HasStatus FlyerHelper|FlyerHelperChange; !FlyerHelperEnabled; HasStatus FlyerHelper|UnitBirth.*.Normal|UnitFidget|UnitMovementUpdate.*.Walk|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.On; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.Off; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravProtoss|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravTerran|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravZerg|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.On|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.Off|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt Dance|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt Dance|Abil.attack.ReadyStart|WeaponStart.*.AttackStart|WeaponStop.*.AttackStop|Abil.attack.ReadyStop|Behavior.Precursor.Off|Behavior.Precursor.Off|WeaponStart.*.AttackStart):(|||||||||ModelPretargetGround||GroundPreSelection||||FlyerHelperSplat||FlyerHelperSplat||||_HallucinationTinter|_HallucinationTinter||||||||||||||||):(Create SoundEmitter AutoTurret_Ambience|Create|Create|Create AutoTurretBuild|AnimPlay ConstructionDeath Stand,Birth,Death FullMatch|Destroy|Create FlyerShadow|Create GroundShadow|Create ModelPretargetGround|Destroy|Create GroundPreSelection|Destroy|StatusSet FlyerHelper 1|StatusSet FlyerHelper 0|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|AnimPlay Birth Birth 0 0.000000|AnimPlay Fidget Fidget|AnimClear Fidget|Signal HallucinationTintOn|Signal HallucinationTintOff|DeathCustomize AntiGravProtoss|DeathCustomize AntiGravTerran|DeathCustomize AntiGravZerg|ModelSuddenMotionStart|ModelSuddenMotionStop|AnimPlay Cheer Stand,Victory|AnimClear Cheer|AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance|AnimClear Dance|AnimGroupApply Ready|AnimBracketStart Attack Attack|AnimBracketStop Attack|AnimGroupRemove Ready|Create AutoTurretReleaseMissileImpact|AnimPlay Birth Birth|AnimClear Birth)
    Event - Macros	(GlobalLoopMacro|DeadAnimationMacro)
    Event - Remove +	
    Event - Terms	
    Hosting - Host +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Host For Properties +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Host Site Operations +	Disabled:Disabled
    Hosting - Host Supporter +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Hosting - Hosted Attachments +	
    Properties - Accepted Property Transfers	Cloak Effect, Local Tint Color, Opacity, Physics State, Scale, Team Color, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group
    Properties - Accepted Transfers	Animation Properties, Position, Rotation, Textures, Status
    Properties - Inherit Type	Continuous
    Properties - Inherited Properties	Warp Group
    Sound - Ability Sounds +	
    Sound - Group Sound Threshold	2
    Sound - Group Sounds	(|||AutoTurret_GroupWhat (Unknown)|AutoTurret_GroupYes (Unknown)|AutoTurret_GroupAttack (Unknown)||||AutoTurret_GroupBoard (Unknown)||||)
    Sound - Placement Sound	Terran_BuildingPlacement
    Sound - Sounds	(Raven_AutoTurretBirth|Raven_AutoTurretReady|AutoTurret_Help (Unknown)|Raven_AutoTurretWhat|AutoTurret_Yes (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Attack (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Pissed (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Movement (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Turning (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Board (Unknown)||AutoTurret_Click (Unknown)|AutoTurret_ClickError (Unknown)|AutoTurret_Highlight (Unknown))
    UI - Bar Distance	34
    UI - Bar Height	7
    UI - Bar Offset	50
    UI - Bar Width	60
    UI - Cooldown Display	
    UI - Errors +	(Can't place, location invalid):():(Raven_Pissed):()
    UI - Group Icon Layer	(Assets\Textures\Wireframe-Terran-AutoTurret.dds)
    UI - Hero Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-building-terran-autoturret.dds
    UI - Highlight Tooltip	Raven-Auto-Turret
    UI - Life Armor Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-upgrade-terran-buildingarmor.dds
    UI - Minimap Icon	
    UI - Name Offset	30
    UI - Select Ability Command	
    UI - Shield Armor Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-upgrade-protoss-shieldslevel0.dds
    UI - Shield Layer	
    UI - Status Bar Flags	Shields, Life, Energy, Cargo, Progress, Duration
    UI - Status Colors +	((255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)):((255,80,80,80)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,77,60,15)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,80,80,80)):(((255,0,0,255))|((255,208,34,0)|(255,208,34,0)|(255,229,129,0)|(255,229,129,0)|(255,229,221,0)|(255,229,221,0)|(255,22,229,0)|(255,22,229,0))|((255,150,40,220))|((255,255,200,50))|((255,0,200,200))|((255,200,200,200)))
    UI - Unit Border Normal Color	(NULL)
    UI - Unit Border Subgroup Color	(NULL)
    UI - Unit Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-building-terran-autoturret.dds
    UI - Unit Kill Rank +	
    UI - Wireframe Layer	(Assets\Textures\Wireframe-Terran-AutoTurret.dds)
    Unit - Unit Flags	Stand Animation Birth Variation

    The events in the actor for the construction is:

    The construction event is:

    Msg Type: Construction
    Source Name: Auto-Turret
    Sub Name: Start
    Then below that:
    Target = blank
    Msg Type = Create
    Name: AutoTurretBuild (Type is Actor)
    Content: (||)

    What am I doing wrong as this is seriously driving me crazy!!!!!

    ALSO, what's weird is when the unit shows up, it's not rotating, but when I create a auto turret with triggers or place it on the editor, it spins.

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    posted a message on Trying to add an abilites effect to an attack

    Ok, well how do you add those actors listed above to my unit?

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    posted a message on Auto Turret Construction Model

    @zifoon: Go

    Ok, so when you say duplicate a random building are you talking about a random building actor or the actual unit?

    I duplicated the armory actor and changed it to:

    Field	Auto Turret Build
    Art - Model	Auto Turret
    Art - Model (Build)	Auto Turret
    Art - Model (Editor)	
    Art - Model (Placement)	Armory Placement
    Art - Model (Portrait)	Portrait - Adjutant
    Art - Model Flags	Allow Hit Test, Has Player Decals, Needs Volume Monitor, Use Synchronous Seed
    Art - Placement Model	PlacementModel
    Combat - Death Actor Model	UnitDeathModel
    Combat - Death Actor Model Low	UnitDeathModelUnscaled
    Event - Events +	(UnitBirth.Armory|UnitBirth.Armory|UnitRevive.Armory|UnitConstruction.Armory.Start|UnitConstruction.Armory.Finish|AnimDone.*.Missing; AnimName ConstructionDeath|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[e_actorUnitFlagShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[e_actorUnitFlagShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|CursorUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|CursorUpdate.*.Stop; ValidateUnit IsFlying|StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelperEnabled|StatusOff.*.FlyerHelper; ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelperEnabled; HasStatus FlyerHelper|FlyerHelperChange; !FlyerHelperEnabled; HasStatus FlyerHelper|UnitBirth.*.Normal|UnitFidget|UnitMovementUpdate.*.Walk|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.On; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.Off; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravProtoss|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravTerran|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravZerg|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.On|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.Off|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt Dance|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt Dance|Abil.attack.ReadyStart|WeaponStart.*.AttackStart|WeaponStop.*.AttackStop|Abil.attack.ReadyStop|UnitConstruction.Armory.Start|UnitConstruction.Armory.Start|UnitConstruction.Armory.Cancel|UnitConstruction.Armory.Finish|UnitConstruction.Armory.Start|UnitBirth.Armory.Normal|UnitBirth.Armory.Suppressed|UnitBirth.Armory.EditorPlaced|UnitDeath.Armory|Behavior.ColonyInfestation.On|Abil.que5.Start|Abil.que5.Stop):(|||||||||ModelPretargetGround||GroundPreSelection||||FlyerHelperSplat||FlyerHelperSplat||||_HallucinationTinter|_HallucinationTinter||||||||||||||||_BuildingTerrainFlatten|_BuildingTerrainFlatten|||||_BuildingTerrainFlatten|||):(Create SoundEmitter Armory_Ambience|Create|Create|Create|AnimPlay ConstructionDeath Stand,Birth,Death FullMatch|Destroy|Create FlyerShadow|Create GroundShadow|Create ModelPretargetGround|Destroy|Create GroundPreSelection|Destroy|StatusSet FlyerHelper 1|StatusSet FlyerHelper 0|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|AnimPlay Birth Birth 0 0.000000|AnimPlay Fidget Fidget|AnimClear Fidget|Signal HallucinationTintOn|Signal HallucinationTintOff|DeathCustomize AntiGravProtoss|DeathCustomize AntiGravTerran|DeathCustomize AntiGravZerg|ModelSuddenMotionStart|ModelSuddenMotionStop|AnimPlay Cheer Stand,Victory|AnimClear Cheer|AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance|AnimClear Dance|AnimGroupApply Ready|AnimBracketStart Attack Attack|AnimBracketStop Attack|AnimGroupRemove Ready|Create ArmoryBuild|Create BuildingTerrainFlatten|Destroy|Destroy|QueryRadius 1.750000 BuildingCrushQueryResponse|Create BuildingTerrainFlatten|Create BuildingTerrainFlattenInstant|Create BuildingTerrainFlattenEditor|Destroy|Create InfestationArmory|AnimSetTimeScale ::Baseline 5.000000|AnimSetTimeScale ::Baseline 1.000000)

    Does it matter that there is still ton's of other model's attached to this actor and if so, how do you remove them?

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    posted a message on Trying to add an abilites effect to an attack

    Lol ya just searched again... Don't know how I missed those the 1st time. What's weird though is the ability and the unit don't use these actors...

    I'm assuming the 1st one "HunterSeekerAttack (Unnamed) Liberty.SC2Mod Action GenericAttack Not Doodad" is what I need to add?

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    posted a message on Auto Turret Construction Model

    Ok I don't understand. When you create an actor. What do I do?

    Field	AT Construct
    Actor - Action Flags	
    Actor - Aliases	
    Actor - Beam Scope	Caster
    Actor - Copy Source	
    Actor - Filter	
    Actor - Flags	
    Actor - Fog Visibility	Snapshot
    Actor - Lifetime	0.0000
    Actor - Sharing	None
    Art - Accuracy Half Arc	-1
    Art - Acquisition Half Arc	-1
    Art - Acquisition Pitch Half Arc	-1
    Art - Beam	
    Art - Container Model	
    Art - Impact Model	
    Art - Impact Model Reaction	
    Art - Launch Model	GenericAttackLaunchModel
    Art - Missile	
    Art - Shield Flash Type	Full
    Art - Shield Ripple Scale Factor	1.0000
    Attachment - Container Attachment Query +	Ignored
    Attachment - Container Site	
    Attachment - Container Site Operations +	Disabled:Disabled
    Attachment - Damage Attachment Query +	AMFilterTargetVolumes AMArcTestWeapon AMVolumesWeightedPick:Center
    Attachment - Damage Reattachment Query +	Ignored
    Attachment - Impact Attachment Query +	Ignored
    Attachment - Impact Reattachment Query +	Ignored
    Attachment - Launch Attachment Query +	Ignored
    Combat - Container Assets +	(1.000000)
    Combat - Damage Map +	(||||||||||):((1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)):(||||||||||):(UnknownActorDamage (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageDirt (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageRock (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageSnow (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageSand (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageWater (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageFlesh (Unknown)||UnknownActorDamageMetal (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageShield (Unknown)|):(UnknownActorDamageReaction (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionDirt (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionRock (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionSnow (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionSand (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionWater (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionFlesh (Unknown)||UnknownActorDamageReactionMetal (Unknown)|UnknownActorDamageReactionShield (Unknown)|):(||||||||||):((1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000))
    Combat - Damage Model	GenericAttackModel
    Combat - Damage Model Reaction	GenericAttackDamageModelReaction
    Combat - Damage Site	GenericAttackDamageSite
    Combat - Damage Site Operations Reaction +	Disabled:Disabled
    Combat - Damage Site Ops +	SOpAttachHarness SOpForwardLaunchGuideDamage SOpPatch10:Disabled:Disabled
    Combat - Launch Assets +	UnknownActorLaunch (Unknown):(1.000000):UnknownActorLaunch (Unknown)
    Combat - Weapon Fire Tracking Time	1.0000
    Editor - Editor Categories	
    Editor - Editor Comment	
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Name	AT Construct
    Editor - Editor Prefix	
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Event - Events +	
    Event - Macros	
    Event - Remove +	
    Event - Terms	
    Hosting - Host Supporter +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Properties - Accepted Property Transfers	Cloak Effect, Local Tint Color, Opacity, Physics State, Scale, Scale Variance, Team Color, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group
    Properties - Accepted Transfers	
    Properties - Inherit Type	Continuous
    Properties - Inherited Properties	Warp Group
    Sound - Container Sound	
    Sound - Damage Sound	GenericAttackSound
    Sound - Impact Sound	
    Sound - Launch Sound	GenericAttackLaunchSound
    Target - Impact Guide Alias	
    Target - Impact Map +	(||||||||||):((1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)):(||||||||||):(||||||||||):(||||||||||):(||||||||||):((1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000)|(1.000000))
    Target - Impact Point Site	
    Target - Impact Point Site Operations +	Disabled:Disabled
    Target - Impact Site	
    Target - Impact Site Fallback	
    Target - Impact Site Operations Reaction +	Disabled:Disabled
    Target - Impact Site Ops +	Disabled:Disabled
    Target - Launch Guide Alias	
    Target - Launch Request +	Implicit:Implicit:Disabled
    Target - Launch Site	
    Target - Launch Site Fallback	GenericAttackLaunchFallbackSite
    Target - Launch Site Ops +	Disabled:Disabled

    These are the things I can edit. I don't know what I need to do and I can't figure out how to attach a model to the actor.

    Also, what's weird is when the unit shows up, it's not rotating, but when I create a auto turret with triggers or place it on the editor, it spins... So don't get this :\

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    posted a message on Trying to add an abilites effect to an attack

    The only actors I found for Hunter Seeker Missile was "HunterSeekerLaunchSound."

    If you look under the raven unit, there is no actor for the missile and where I found that above was under the Hunter Seeker Missile was under the actual ability.

    So still stuck.

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    posted a message on Auto Turret Construction Model

    I successfully made it so my unit can build an auto turret, but when he goes to construct it, there is no model. It looks like he is just building nothing...

    How do I make it so there is a model there?

    I know this can be done, because on the map Overrun, he has it working.

    Please help :D

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    posted a message on Controllable Disguise - How?

    Hmmmm. I really need to learn how to use this Data Editor. WC3 was so much easier... I don't know how to do what you did.

    If it's not too much trouble, do you think you could put this system in a test map so I can see how it's done. I learn better from seeing how things work. If not, I'll try to figure it out :\

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    posted a message on Trying to add an abilites effect to an attack

    This is how I have it setup:


    Field	Demoman
    Ability - Abilities +	(Stop|Attack|Move)
    Ability - Command Card +	():((Move|Stop|Hold Position|Attack|Patrol|Use Stimpack)):((Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command)):((Move|Stop|Hold Position|Attack|Patrol|Use Stimpack)):((|||||)):((None|None|None|None|None|None)):((|||||)):((|||||)):((Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)):((Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)):((0|0|0|0|0|2)):((0|1|2|4|3|0))
    AI - AI Build Category	Center
    AI - AI Evaluation	Demoman
    AI - AI Evaluation - Constant	0
    AI - AI Evaluation - Factor	1
    AI - AI Notify Effect	
    AI - AI Override Target Priority	0
    AI - Tactical AI	Marine (Unknown)
    AI - Tactical AI Channel	
    AI - Tactical AI Filters	Excluded: Player, Ally, Neutral
    AI - Tactical AI Function	
    AI - Tactical AI Range	
    Behavior - Add On Offset X	0
    Behavior - Add On Offset Y	0
    Behavior - Added On Units +	
    Behavior - Behaviors +	(Marine - Marine Shield)
    Behavior - Built On	
    Behavior - Damage Dealt (Veterancy)	1
    Behavior - Damage Taken (Veterancy)	1
    Behavior - Resource Drop Off	
    Behavior - Resource State	e_resourceStateUnknown
    Behavior - Resource Type	e_resourceTypeUnknown
    Behavior - Response	Acquire
    Combat - Attack Target Priority	20
    Combat - Death Reveal Duration	4.0000
    Combat - Death Reveal Radius	3
    Combat - Default Acquire Level	Offensive
    Combat - Energy Gained by Damage Taken	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Energy Leeched by Damage Dealt	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Kill Experience	10
    Combat - Kill Resource	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Life Gained from Damage Taken	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Life Leeched from Damage Dealt	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Shields Gained from Damage Taken	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Shields Leeched from Damage Dealt	(0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Weapons +	(Marine - Grenade Launcher):()
    Cost - Powerup Cost +	None:(0|0|0|0):(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):(0|0|0):(0|0|0):0:0:0:Disabled:Ability:0.0000:0.0000:Ability:0.0000:0.0000
    Cost - Powerup Effect	
    Cost - Powerup Filters	
    Cost - Repair Resource	(50|0|0|0)
    Editor - Description	General-purpose infantry.<n/><n/><c val="#ColorAttackInfo">Can attack ground and air units.</c>
    Editor - Editor Categories	ObjectType:Unit,ObjectFamily:Melee
    Editor - Editor Comment	
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Flags	Block Structures
    Editor - Editor Prefix	
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Movement - Acceleration	1000
    Movement - Collide	Ground, Unused (Land 09)
    Movement - Creep Speed Bonus	0
    Movement - Creep Speed Multiplier	1
    Movement - Deceleration	0
    Movement - Inner Radius	0.375
    Movement - Lateral Acceleration	46.0625
    Movement - Mover	Ground
    Movement - Pathing Footprint	
    Movement - Pathing Footprint - Dead	
    Movement - Pathing Footprint - Placement	
    Movement - Plane Array	Ground
    Movement - Push Priority	10
    Movement - Radius	0.375
    Movement - Radius - Dead	0
    Movement - Separation Radius	0.375
    Movement - Speed	1.8007
    Movement - Stationary Turning Rate	999.8437
    Movement - Strafe Radius	0
    Movement - Turning Rate	999.8437
    Stats - Cargo Size	1
    Stats - Death Time	0.0000
    Stats - Energy Maximum	0
    Stats - Energy Regeneration Delay	0.0000
    Stats - Energy Regeneration Rate	0
    Stats - Energy Starting Amount	0
    Stats - Facing	270.000000
    Stats - Item	
    Stats - Life Armor	0
    Stats - Life Armor Level	0
    Stats - Life Maximum	175
    Stats - Life Regeneration Delay	0.0000
    Stats - Life Regeneration Rate	0
    Stats - Life Starting Amount	175
    Stats - Mass	0.4
    Stats - Mob	Multiplayer
    Stats - Pawn Item Reduction	1
    Stats - Race	Terran
    Stats - Repair Time	20.0000
    Stats - Revive Delay	0.0000
    Stats - Revive Time	0.0000
    Stats - Score - Kill	100
    Stats - Score - Lost	0
    Stats - Score - Produce	50
    Stats - Shield Armor	0
    Stats - Shield Armor Level	0
    Stats - Shield Maximum	0
    Stats - Shield Regeneration Delay	0.0000
    Stats - Shield Regeneration Rate	0
    Stats - Shield Starting Amount	0
    Stats - Sight Bonus	(0|0)
    Stats - Sight Radius	13
    Stats - Supplies	-1
    Tech Tree - Glossary Alias	
    Tech Tree - Glossary Category	Terran
    Tech Tree - Glossary Priority	30
    Tech Tree - Glossary Strong Array	(Soldier|Immortal|Hydralisk)
    Tech Tree - Glossary Weak Array	(Siege Tank (Siege Mode)|Colossus|Baneling)
    Tech Tree - Tech Alias	
    Tech Tree - Tech Tree Unlocked Units	
    UI - Equipment Array +	
    UI - Fidget +	(33|33|33):30.0000:10.0000:90:90
    UI - Fog Visibility	Hidden
    UI - Height	0
    UI - Kill Display	Default
    UI - Life Armor Display Flags	
    UI - Life Armor Name	Terran Infantry Armor
    UI - Minimap Radius	0.375
    UI - Occlusion Height	0.75
    UI - Shield Armor Display Flags	
    UI - Shield Armor Name	
    UI - Synchronous Model Data	
    UI - Tooltip Priority	0
    Unit - Attributes	Light, Biological
    Unit - Flags	Turnable, Movable, Cannot Be Clicked, Cannot Be Highlighted, No Tooltip, Prevent Destroy, Use Line of Sight, Kill Credit, Show Resources
    Unit - Leader Alias	Demoman
    Unit - Loot	
    Unit - Name	Demoman
    Unit - Revive Type	Demoman
    Unit - Score Result	Build Order
    Unit - Select Alias	Demoman
    Unit - Subgroup Alias	Demoman
    Unit - Subgroup Priority	15
    Unit - Taunt Duration	(5.0000|5.0000)
    Unit - Vision Height	0


    Field	Raven - Seeker (Damage)
    AI - AI Notify Flags	
    Combat - Amount	120
    Combat - Armor Reduction	0
    Combat - Attribute Bonus	(0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Attribute Factor	(0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0)
    Combat - Shield Bonus	0
    Combat - Shield Factor	0
    Editor - Editor Categories	Race:Terran
    Editor - Editor Comment	
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Name	Seeker (Damage)
    Editor - Editor Prefix	Raven -
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Effect - Death	Normal
    Effect - Flags	Notification
    Effect - Kill Hallucination	Disabled
    Effect - Kind	Splash
    Effect - Leech Fraction	(0|0|0)
    Effect - Race	
    Effect - Random	0
    Effect - Recycle Count	0
    Effect - Response Flags	Acquire, Flee
    Effect - Total	Maximum
    Effect - Validators	
    Effect - Visibility	Visible
    Effect - Vital Bonus	(0|0|0)
    Effect - Vital Fraction Current	(0|0|0)
    Effect - Vital Fraction Maximum	(0|0|0)
    Search - Area +	(360|360|360):(-1|-1|-1):(0.5|1|2):(0|0|0):(0|0|0):(1|0.5|0.25):(||)
    Search - Exclude +	():(Target)
    Search - Include +	
    Search - Maximum Count	-1
    Search - Minimum Count	0
    Search - Minimum Count Error	CantFindEnoughTargets
    Search - Search Filters	Excluded: Missile, Stasis, Dead, Hidden, Invulnerable
    Search - Search Flags	Same Cliff Level
    Target - Impact Location +	Target Unit/Point
    Target - Impact Unit Validator	
    Target - Launch Location +	Target Unit
    Target - Marker +	1:(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):Effect/HunterSeekerDamage
    Target - Target Sorts +	0:0
    Tech Tree - Tech Aliases	
    UI - Display Flags	
    Field	Raven - Seeker (Launch Missile)
    AI - AI Notify Flags	
    Behavior - Transferred Behavior	
    Editor - Editor Categories	Race:Terran
    Editor - Editor Comment	
    Editor - Editor Description	
    Editor - Editor Name	Seeker (Launch Missile)
    Editor - Editor Prefix	Raven -
    Editor - Editor Suffix	
    Effect - Death Type	Impact
    Effect - Finish Effect	
    Effect - Flags	Point Fallback, Validate Ability, Weapon
    Effect - Impact Effect	Raven - Seeker (Damage)
    Effect - Launch Effect	
    Effect - Race	
    Effect - Response Flags	
    Effect - Retarget Filters	
    Effect - Retarget Range	0
    Effect - Return Delay	0.0625
    Effect - Transfer Count	0
    Effect - Validators	(HunterSeekerLaunchMissileTargetFilters (Unknown))
    Effect - Visibility	Snapshot
    Movement - Mover Execute Jump	0
    Movement - Mover Execute Pattern	Stripe
    Movement - Mover Execute Range	0
    Movement - Mover Rolling Jump	0
    Movement - Mover Rolling Pattern	Stripe
    Movement - Movers +	
    Movement - Return Movers +	
    Target - Impact Location +	Target Unit
    Target - Impact Offset	(0,0)
    Target - Impact Range	0
    Target - Launch Location +	Source Unit
    Target - Launch Offset	(0,0)
    Target - Marker +	1:(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):Effect/HunterSeekerLaunchMissile
    Tech Tree - Tech Aliases	
    Unit - Ammo Life	0.0000
    Unit - Ammo Unit	Weapon - Seeker
    Unit - Placeholder Unit	

    And I have no idea how to add a model to a unit... Also, what behavior would I add? The only one I could find was Raven-Seeker Missle Timeout and this doesn't sound right.

    What do I have setup wrong in the above code?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making a flying unit be a ground unit

    Wow thanks. Apparently I didn't have the show advanced values displaying! Thanks a bunch it's fixed

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Controllable Disguise - How?

    I also would like to know how to turn the Disguise into an actual ability. I want to make it so you can click the ability, then choose what unit you want to disguise yourself into.

    This can probably be done threw triggers and doing replace unit and make a unit for each disguise you want to make... Hmmm might try this.

    Is there a way to do this though, threw the unit editor so I don't have to use triggers?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making a flying unit be a ground unit

    This is how I currently have the Medivac unit setup:

    Field	Medic
    Ability - Abilities +	(Medivac - Heal|Stop|Move)
    Ability - Command Card +	():((Move|Stop|Hold Position|Patrol|Attack|Scan-Move|Heal)):((Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command|Ability Command)):((Move|Stop|Hold Position|Patrol|Attack|Scan-Move|Heal)):((||||||)):((None|None|None|None|None|None|None)):((||||||)):((||||||)):((Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)):((Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)):((0|0|0|0|0|0|2)):((0|1|2|3|4|4|0))
    Behavior - Behaviors +	
    Combat - Weapons +	
    Cost - Repair Resource	(100|100|0|0)
    Movement - Acceleration	2.3125
    Movement - Collide	Ground, Unused (Land 09)
    Movement - Deceleration	0
    Movement - Inner Radius	0.375
    Movement - Pathing Footprint	
    Movement - Pathing Footprint - Dead	
    Movement - Pathing Footprint - Placement	
    Movement - Plane Array	Ground
    Movement - Radius	0.75
    Movement - Radius - Dead	0
    Movement - Separation Radius	0.375
    Movement - Speed	2.25
    Movement - Turning Rate	999.8437
    Stats - Cargo Size	0
    Stats - Energy Maximum	200
    Stats - Energy Regeneration Rate	0.5625
    Stats - Energy Starting Amount	200
    Stats - Facing	270.000000
    Stats - Life Armor	3
    Stats - Life Armor Level	0
    Stats - Life Maximum	150
    Stats - Life Regeneration Rate	0.5
    Stats - Life Starting Amount	150
    Stats - Race	Terran
    Stats - Score - Kill	600
    Stats - Score - Lost	0
    Stats - Score - Produce	300
    Stats - Shield Armor	0
    Stats - Shield Armor Level	0
    Stats - Shield Maximum	0
    Stats - Shield Regeneration Rate	0
    Stats - Shield Starting Amount	0
    Stats - Sight Radius	11
    Stats - Supplies	-2
    UI - Equipment Array +	
    UI - Fidget +	(0|100|0):30.0000:10.0000:90:90
    UI - Fog Visibility	Hidden
    UI - Height	0
    UI - Kill Display	Default
    UI - Life Armor Name	Terran Ship Plating
    UI - Minimap Radius	0.75
    UI - Occlusion Height	0.75
    UI - Shield Armor Name	
    UI - Tooltip Priority	0
    Unit - Attributes	Armored, Mechanical
    Unit - Flags	Turnable, Movable, Cannot Be Clicked, Cannot Be Highlighted, No Tooltip, Prevent Destroy, Use Line of Sight, Kill Credit, Show Resources
    Unit - Name	Medic
    Unit - Vision Height	0

    The above settings does in fact make the unit travel on the ground and even look like a ground unit, but the unit's pathing is messed up. Like if you issue the medivac to move up a hill, instead of going around, it will just run into the wall and like try to fly over it...

    How do I make it act just like a ground unit, as in the pathing/ai ?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trying to add an abilites effect to an attack

    I'm trying to make it so a marine shoots out a seeker missile as his attack.

    I figured out everything but getting the sound and the actual effect to go off. Currently, he shoots slow and the splash is setup, but no effect of the missile flying or the sound.

    Someone plz help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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