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    posted a message on Ui - Talent tree?
    Quote from Neonsz: Go

    @Lamarq: Go

    To make it simple would require intermediate skill. To make it actually look GOOD would require a lot of work and a lot of skill.

    Or just use my N's Talent System :p

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Does the editor crash a lot for you, too?

    I noticed That after longer period of time like few hours it goes crazy. Like melts down. Hard to describe, it's like graphic stop from being drawn, can't click much, modules are showing big black square etc.

    (it noticed that usually when i have SC2 minimized at the same time)

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Trigger Problem - Units Unally When Killed

    killing unit = the unit that killed the dying unit (triggering unit).

    why you just don't use region? explanation is very poor. Hard to guess what you try to achieve with the wait etc.

    if you mean that for 5 seconds after unit dies there's an area that will kill everything you need to make wait and move back action within the unit dies trigger. But it may also mess up when another unit dies in meantime. then it also depends can region, point move when another unit dies in meantime, or should it crate another of those areas etc

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Event - Unit within range of unit, Getting original unit
    Quote from Juxtapozition: Go

    So I started working with your region idea, but I can't get it to properly find the unit that enters the region now. Here's the portion of the code that has it:

    void MakeParticleCollidable(unit u)
        region R = RegionCircle(UnitGetPosition(u), UnitGetCustomValue(u, 6));
        UnitGroupAdd(ActiveParticles, u);
        UnitSetCustomValue(u, 0, ParticleCount);
        checkParticleCollision = TriggerCreate("checkParticleCollisionFunc");
        TriggerAddEventUnitRegion(checkParticleCollision, null, R, true);
    bool checkParticleCollisionFunc (bool testConds, bool runActions) 
        unit u = RegionGetAttachUnit(EventUnitRegion());
        if (libNtve_gf_PlayerIsEnemy(UnitGetOwner(u), UnitGetOwner(EventUnit()), 4))
            Collide(u, EventUnit());
            PrintValue(StringToText("Collision"), 5); //To print a value to see if this ran.
            UnitKill(u); //Just to make sure the right unit is being selected.
            UnitKill(EventUnit()); //Just to make sure the right unit is being selected.
        return true;

    You checked the map i attached earlier?

    r = RegionCircle(Point(0.0, 0.0), UnitGetCustomValue(u, 6));
    RegionAttachToUnit(r, u, Point(0.0, 0.0));

    Attach means attach. What you currently doing is just creating region at current position of unit.
    Also add EventUnit() != RegionGetAttachUnit(EventUnitRegion()) to your trigger to prevent unit triggering itself initially

    • EventUnit() = unit entering/leaving
    • RegionGetAttachUnit(EventUnitRegion()) = unit to which region is attached
    • so initially first time this unit enters the region since it's in middle of it.

      Just check the map. In triggers click Data -> View Script if you prefer galaxy
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Event - Unit within range of unit, Getting original unit

    there is easily missable search box when choosing function. For functions with return, create local variable of given type, click it's value and search, all listed will return this type.

    There's no list as it's fairly sorted already by categories

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Event - Unit within range of unit, Getting original unit

    i don't understand what moving a unit have to do with attaching region to it. Attached is attached. it moves with unit.

    just add some unit filter condition to trigger to exclude missiles and other crap.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Event - Unit within range of unit, Getting original unit

    you could attach new region to created unit, add simple unit enters region event and use 'Unit attached to trigerring region'

    see the map

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Condition: X divided by 5 = true number?
    Quote from Zanryu1337: Go

    X mod 5 determ the rest of the integer division of X divided through 5.

    3 mod 5 = 3
    10 mod 5 = 0
    11 mod 5 = 1
    14 mod 5 = 4
    15 mod 5 = 0
    1337 mod 666 = 5

    and so on.

    where did you get those numbers? :p

    3 / 5 = 0.6 so mod = 6
    11 / 5 = 2.2 so mod = 2
    14 / 5 = 2.8 so mod = 8
    1337 / 666 = 2.00(750) so mod = 00(750)

    or is not how it works ? :p

    EDIT: actually it does not. lol and i thought it works that way.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom health bars - how to?

    here, i made it just for sake of it. The visual part is basic tho

    both versions.

    • UI-like which is static, quite light
    • Per unit attached. Dynamic storing to prevent leaks

      Second uses my List <T> so you need to get familiar with it
    Quote from Simoneon: Go

    thanks! I'll try this asap and tell you the results :) where is your List?

    in my sig or libraries section
    (sigs are by default shown only in first post per thread)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom health bars - how to?
    Quote from Simoneon: Go

    @Nerfpl: Go

    I got confused at what you wrote, can you comment on what each variable does?

    How I understood: first I get variable count parts, which is like max units hp/200; then I got confused what is current parts variable and part*x calculation... what is x? Anything else I quite got :) Thanks!

    current parts would be global int variable holding last index of last health bar part dialog item (ofc per player/unit)
    part*x was actually offset part*x where x would be offset X of image from left. For example first bar part would be at offset 0*20 = 20, another at 1*20=20, so they all position themselves right next to each other. Yes you would have to calculate offset from 'parts' amount and resize old ones or simply create another part of code to resize and reposition all bars. It's just one way of doing it, also i didn't put much effort into this, it was more of pseudo code.

    EDIT: Actually now i realized it should not be shown when exist.

    You could use my List <T> library if your familiar with it. Since dialog item is integer it would be a lot easier to add/remove and iterate thru them all.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom health bars - how to?
    Quote from Oparcus: Go

    It would be best to wait for HotS to come out, it will simplify things like this a lot.

    How? You expect function like "Create health bar dialog with separate health blocks" ?
    Whatever added will just provide more core functionality. Blocks for you to build from, not prebuilt structures.

    I could build this and it would be not much larger than what i already typed here but in case like this i really don't feel to do someone's homework when he just neglects any suggested ideas.

    No matter what problem you have to solve it you need to think in steps.

    • Identify the problem (or design)
    • Split it into basic steps. What should happen first from code perspective, what's next and so on.
    • Type it in code form step by step task after task.

    The only limitation ever you can hit is if the language does not support something, but we are at stage were any language provides more than enough functionality to create anything, It's just matter of design.
    Games on NES had such health bars and they didn't had "HotS"

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Event - Unit within range of unit, Getting original unit

    I guess it's assumed you know the source unit because the event itself only allows for direct unit reference.

    Otherwise you could try to pick all units around triggering unit and check is distance between triggering and picked == your trigger distance. This obviously could be inaccurate in rare scenarios.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom health bars - how to?
    Quote from Simoneon: Go

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Even though that is nothing that I want, I will probably use it, if no one really knows the good way to accomplish that. Thing is (I dunno if you're unable to understand or I fail at explaining, in which case I'm very sorry) - what if a unit suddenly gets another 200hp, and now has 6 bars instead of 5? The solution you said counts % of HP per bar, and I need flat amount, PLUS fit them all in a fixed width.

    I know some programming, but I just can't find the right events/actions.

    concept is similar, it would just require some additional dynamic check and setup, something like:

    • count parts: simply by max hp / 200 rounded up
    • WHILE: (current parts amount < parts)
      • IF: bar[current parts amount] == no dialog item
        • create new image ... at offset part*x
        • save last dialog item as bar[part]
      • ELSE: set show bar[part]
      • modify current parts amount + 1
    • while (current parts amount > parts)
      • hide bar[current parts amount]
      • modify current parts amount -1

    Something like that, it would probably require some tweaks. After this you go into setting part where you first set up width of each bar up to 'bar[current parts amount]' to dialog (width / current parts amount) and then check the health and hide/show it in similar way i shown in my last code.

    The only limitation is initial bar[] array size

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Remove a force field \ vortex

    you can detect 'triggering effect point' and use Destroy effects action

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom health bars - how to?
    Quote from Simoneon: Go

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Thanks. But that seems like it changes the total width of the main health bar, doesn't it? I want the width to be the same, but to increase the amount of small bars in the big bar. Like that:

    No it does not. It just hide/show given health block.
    so at 60% it will be [###__] and at 100% [#####]
    you can simply put some background image behind the area of bar

    Posted in: Triggers
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