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    posted a message on What was on the front page when you found SC2mapster?

    I've joined quite late and i'm very sad about it. Modding must have been way more fun when scene was alive and there was a lot stuff to discover.

    By browsing some of the projects from 2010 make me realize, that i'm way more impressed by what people were able to make at that time, than what i'm seeing those days from "new generation".

    Though.. the current projects on frontpage from 2015 are also impressively good. Yet, on open games in arcade you always see the same shit :|

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Issues rendering minimap above custom dialog

    I'm not sure what's wrong with your setup cause you didin't provide any snippets of your code.
    But that's what works for me:

    <Frame type="MinimapPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/MinimapPanel" file="GameUI">
            <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="-5"/>
            <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="5"/>
            <Width val="280"/>
            <Height val="260"/>
            <Frame type="Minimap" name="Minimap">
                <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="10"/>
                <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="10"/>
                <Width val="260"/>
                <Height val="240"/>
            <Frame type="Image" name="MinimapFrame">
                <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent/Minimap" pos="Min" offset="-10"/>
                <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent/Minimap" pos="Min" offset="-10"/>
                <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent/Minimap" pos="Max" offset="10"/>
                <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent/Minimap" pos="Max" offset="10"/>
                <Texture val="Assets/Textures/ui_battlenet_challenge_frame_achievement.dds"/>
                <TextureType val="HorizontalBorder"/>
                <AcceptsMouse val="false"/>

    btw. Is that ice escape you are making here? :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for a good coder (actual project)

    The problem is you're hacking over the game you have no rights on. And apparently without much clue on what you're doing.

    I really think Star Battle would do better without all those forks. They are simply spliting the community, while not achieving anything - just dumb changes to the ships that disturb the balance.

    V3.1 by Eta was somewhat promising, but the others.. meh.

    I still hope that someday this project will be picked up by competent person (i don't even mean technical skills).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Pause / Unpause the game through code

    Good stuff.

    I thought about the same concept in the past, but at that time i wasn't certain whether it'll work good. Glad to see it does.

    Now, in LotV campaign there's Orbital Strike ability, that pauses the game to let user aim the targets. I wonder if they as well register all the timers manually. Or perhaps there's better way to do it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Sublime Text plugin

    Thanks for feedback guys.

    @LucidIguana: Go

    Yes, i plan to get it into Package Control at some point.

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go

    Yes, i'm aware that majority of mappers are just people unfamiliar with programming, nor needing it for anything as trigger editor serves them in every aspect.

    However, there are also people that work with code on daily basis - to that group i refered. Despite their familiarity with programming, it's simply hard to setup proper workflow to work with Galaxy code. There's no IDE.. projects like Andromeda and Galaxy++ are dead. You are simply left without much choice and go on implementing things via GUI.

    Trigger editor despite being convenient in many ways will always be inferior for certain group of people. Who find pure code easier to read and write. Even though Galaxy language is lacking in many ways..


    range limits on function calls, to prohibit you from accidentally using a parameter with a value outside a range

    Actually, that's one of the features i would like to add to this plugin. Type hinting for native calls and constants (via tooltips), auto completion with type checking and respecting scope of the presets - i.e. for native `UnitTestState` i will want it to limit completions to c_unitState* constants.

    Though, there are indeed many more areas in which auto completion should be smarter/more interactive. But that's certainly possible to get done.


    it can use various preprocessor macros to autogenerate a lot of boilerplate script (if else, switch, loops, etc.).

    For sublime, this is where snippets kicks in. And overall sublime has a lot to offer to speed up coding as a process. Especially with third party packages.

    The analogy to Visual Studio is indeed a bit misguided :) This plugin is meant to serve as an addition, replace/extend only one of the components - trigger editor. The whole environment is still based around SC2 editor.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Sublime Text plugin


    It's a plugin for sublime text editor that introduces support for galaxy script. More informations at its github page.

    Currently features

    • Syntax highliting
    • Code linting (just syntax checking for now)
    • Natives completions
    • Few snippets for repetative code


    I hope you will find it useful. Even though there are not many people coding in plain galaxy. I believe that's because of lack a proper IDE - maybe this plugin will help with that.

    In the future i might add complete validation of the galaxy script with its includes to report various problems - type checking, unused symbols etc.
    Also mapping symbols from the project so it can provide better auto completions.
    This package is already capable of parsing code into an AST. But it doesn't do anything with it yet..

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Ling Slayers - Need feedback

    Yo, i tried to load up the game and noticed that it requires to spent points again, but i cannot do that..
    I also don't have my abilities (had just +1 point at the load up)... and my gold is lost. All i have left are those useless orbs ;D And btw. why there's no rpg like inventory - bag, with more slots than just those 6.

    I agree that default camera is too annyoing. You should drop that feature (or do something that will make it less awkward as it is now). I liked more auto camera rotate at certain areas. Like the mission with mutalisk, while going up the hill camera was rotating at every corner. It felt nice. There should be more points like that. So you get to see the world from different angle, without annoying cam that rotates every second.

    Any plans on tweaking numbers? Gameplay related - hp, damage etc. Or you rather polish what you have already without doing bigger rework?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Help me trigger debug

    Yeah.. that's wrong place.

    In actions section: Action -> Add. Choose "custom script" from the list and copypaste code above.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help me trigger debug

    Those are triggers from hots campaign library. You've based your map on SwarmStory depedencies, was that intentional? If no, just rebase it on standard campaign depedencies. But it might screw up some things in your map, if you've used something else that comes from Story depedencies.

    You can also just manually destroy those triggers at map initialization. Like this (custom script):

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] XML File won't compile. Find my error?

    It's funny because your mistake is actually highlighted in your post if you look at it :)

    You've mixed some curly quote marks ( ), while the only legitimate quotation mark is the straight one ( ").

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2 Dialog Designer - Seek for developers

    That's pretty massive project. Isn't it too much in terms of amount of work that it requires? Especially now, when SC2 modding is in pretty bad shape..
    I would expect some serious improvements from blizzard for their UI editor at lotv release. Considering all the work they've put into heroes of the storm.

    I wish you the best on this project anyway. It would surely be a useful time-saving tool.

    btw. What's with that simcity like background? Seems completely out of place :)

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on Need help installing PrintIn's Blender m3 export/import addon (Solved)

    I don't know why you don't see it but it's just a filter - you can get away without it if you filter the list by name (type m3).

    Also, you could just simply use "install from file" and point it to the .zip of downloaded m3addon. No manual copying files required then.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Allow this system to Queue Orders

    Your trigger looks good to me. I believe the lack of unit vision is a concern here. Though it's indeed interesting that it worked without it on your first video.

    Does the example from second video works good if you queue those orders while maintaining unit's vision?

    Or.. as a wild guess, i'd try to modify this part:

            Variable - Set order = ((Ability command for order) targeting Ghost [19.94, 59.93])

    Replacing ((Ability command for order) with manually new created attack command.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Exclusive targetting

    Haha, i suspected that you might be using linux wine combo. I do myself so i feel your pain actually :) Though it's sometimes not that bad. Filtering entries seems to be the worst..
    And yeah editor runs better through VM for me too. But it's just too annyoing to keep switching.. I do it only for longer data work.

    So firstly save map in unpacked format. In editor it's called (.SC2 components) in save dialog.
    This way you won't have to deal with manual imports and can write scripts directly through the filesystem by just saving to the map directory. Inside a trigger editor just include those scripts in custom blocks.

    Syntax check can be run through trigger editor, there's an option for it somewhere in the menu. Shorcut is CTRL+F11 (or F12 - not sure). It will check all the scripts, also those included from the filesystem. If everything is allright you will hear a cool beep :p If no, window with details will popup.

    There's no need to re-opening map, editor will refresh files from filesystem on demand. Not the core files though (terrain, data .xml's etc.) as those will always be overwritten during the save.

    And that's it. I also keep SC2 open when working. So when i re-run it loads map faster.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Exclusive targetting

    I'm unsure about data solution as this is not my area of my experience.

    But if you ask for galaxy solution, here's idea: Every created marine shall have its own trigger for arresting units. As event provider use:

    native void     TriggerAddEventUnitRange (trigger t, unitref u, unit fromUnit, fixed range, bool state);

    fromUnit - marine
    u - null for any unit. you can filter friendly units inside trigger function.

    There's a small chance that it can be better to attach multiple events with unitref set to the unit you want to track. However i think in this particular map, units you want to track will consist 90% of the total units on the map.. so no point.

    When trigger hits you do the same logic you've proposed - custom values for filtering etc. If unit is matched and "arrested" you temporaily destroy the trigger for tracking.
    You also need a trigger for UnitDies, global one or created on the run using unitrefs. So you'll know when marine/arrested unit dies.
    If marine survives you gotta recreate the trigger for UnitRange.

    So basically the main difference is using EventUnitRange instead of EventAcquiredTarget.


    The main problem for me is the Data editor is sooooooo laggy. When I click something it takes literally 5+ seconds before anything happens.

    Yeah data editor is pretty slow. Though the 5 seconds you mention is way too much. Even for maps with full campaign depedencies it shouldn't be so slow. Unless you have shit hardware :p

    Aside from the topic, you should stop writing galaxy code in editor. Don't you feel annoyed by poor syntax highlight and lack of basic features? You seem to have experience with coding so you must know that working with a proper editor (autocomplete etc.) makes you much more effiecent and saves your nerves :P

    There's atom package for galaxy (syntax highlight + snippets for native functions). I don't use it myself but i'm sure it's good.

    To use sc2 editor in good workflow with external editor few more things are needed though. I could describe it in details if you are interested.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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