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    posted a message on Psionic Warfare: TOTAL DESTRUCTION (Trailer included)

    Presentation is certainly nice, but in MP it probably still controls like ass, due to how the engine is set up. Input lag aplenty, same shit that made Project Vector and TSOF near unplayable.

    Good bit of fun though, shame the engine screw it up so much.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Warcraft: Armies Of Azeroth

    Well the sound problem has solved itself with the new PTR patch for SC2.

    That should greatly help with filesize.

    Hell, as an ol' WC3 mapper I'd probably make some stuff down the line when I'm less busy.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Warcraft: Armies Of Azeroth
    Quote from sgtnoobkilla: Go

    That's pretty damn impressive for just an alpha.

    How do you plan on implementing Blight though? As far as I'm aware, no one has succeeded yet [citation needed].

    As far as I recall it's pretty much mechanically similar to how creep works. I can't really remember if there was even anything different about the two besides movement speed.

    So you'd just have to change how it interacts with certain models, that's about it, I think.

    Looks quite good. I hope this could give SC2 a much needed boost in map making, because of all the new particles you guys will hopefully bring along.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Advice on making mountains
    Quote from ScrinKing: Go

    omigosh its gorandor, hiiiiiiiiii gorandor!

    • waves* Ello :P
    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #174: The Scope of Things
    Quote from Nebuli2: Go

    @Gorandor: Go

    Might I ask what model you were using for those ceilings?

    I think that's actually a custom one. We made it back when we still did ModCraft. Otixa never uploaded it, as I recall. My alternate go-to is those zerg cages for ceilings.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #174: The Scope of Things
    Quote from Scbroodsc2: Go

    @JacktheArcher: Go

    Interiors are "easy" to do but the good doodad searching is hard. You can't just throw a bunch of tree somewhere to make a forest. You have to place specefic doodads one by one in specefic places to create a good terrain. And I must say, Joecab got it quite nicely. Simple yet epic terrain.

    Interior Terrain without making custom assets is a pain in the ass. Seriously. One of the better pieces I could pull off (when I still did SC2 stuff) was this (pre HOTS): Labs_01 Labs_06

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Advice on making mountains

    Woosh. Suddenly a forum skeleton posting out of boredom (anyone still know me? :P)

    Something a bit more professional of an idea (it's basically a slightly crazy version of how it works for CE3/UE4):

    1. Generate a landscape with the free version of world machine (www.world-machine.com) and use some exported SC2 textures for it to keep the artstyle.
    2. Import the heightmap & texture into zBrush/Mudbox. From there make it a new mesh the scale of your level.
    3. Place the asset in sc2 and resculpt the terrain plate to fit it in terms of movement height and then paint the blocking on it.
    4. Then hide the terrain plate entirely, so you just got the collision (no idea if SC2 supports custom collision boxes yet :p)
    5. Decorate it properly with scaling and...

    ...Tada, you just got dead-sexy terrain that's pretty unique in terms of SC2 and you got a nice civ-like map with unique and pretty promo shots you can spread on reddit, liquid, etc.

    It's a bit of a learning curve obviously, but hey, nobody said you don't have to work for quality :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Whiteout - My Blizzcon 2013 movie contest entry [Machinima]

    Extremly well done. There is quite a few things you can improve on, but I enjoyed it. It's nice to see you using the cinematic tool and some custom work, your entry last time had the editing via AE, but lacked the quality of the assets used.

    Voice-wise you should've probably tried to get Mike Dunahee. He voiced Mograine in Tales of the Past 3.

    And Blizzard ALWAYS picks their "pseudo-comedy" shit. Remember a few years back when "I am Forsaken" was 2nd place and the far worse quality 'love comedy' Gnome thing made first place? I know both people who made those, but we all were in agreement that the placement seemed wrong - even if we were happy for the guys.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #119: Umoja

    Welp, my idea didn't work out at all. Tried around for over 2 hours now and it just doesn't seem to fit well together.

    Gonna see if I can come up with something else.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #119: Umoja

    @Mozared: Go It's basically evolved out of castanar. They use a ton of the same assets with a new texture as well. From the greyish tint to a white one.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #119: Umoja


    Just kiddin' I got a pretty decent idea. It's no installation though, I made so many of those that I could just load up old maps, that's no fun :P

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Don't like the Campaign, here's the why...

    Flash Freezes disappear after 1 mission as well. Funny. It's like we switched planets there.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #118: HOTSHIT

    @FruitNinjazz: Go You can add it into the Foliage Table of the Zerus Tileset in the Data Editor. It's the best way to deal with these types of issues for low end PCs, since it's more reliable than just assuming models are set to low.

    Also it allows you to remove those stupid flowers from the Agria Tileset >.>

    Or you can set the LOD model to nothing at all for low as Nebuli suggested, but the risk there is obviously that people might still use a setting where it's displayed.

    You could probably do both to be on the secure side.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on The Sleeping Beast - Timelapse Video/Workflow from WTE#118

    Video is processed and up! Enjoy! :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Zerg Interior [WIP]

    When I have some time and patience, I will contribute by making some new Zerg Terrain as well.

    Zerg is among the most fun, but also the most annoying types of terrain to make. Kinda like Tundra and Desert.

    Posted in: Terrain
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