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    posted a message on (Solved) Warcraft 3 build animations

    @nickthegreat2468: Go

    There are some building actor bugs(specially human buildings) its not a true bug it some settings missing, that cause this, and it is not about timing, you can copy the solution from orc buildings. I dont know what model you using but if copyied from a starcraft building I suggest you to recreat it with warcraft building(this requires warcraft III mod 1.0 that can be downloaded from battlenet). I suggest because the solution that I write works with them, I dont know if it works with starcraft ones, because they use different building settings. So solution example:

    Switch to xml view. the xml button is +2 button to right from table view that is default so possibly you are table view in basic.

    when you switch you see the xml code that your custom things created. or on empty page if you dont creat nothing. But you at least creat the building you talking about. so switch to xml view and use this codes for your building:

    Farm actor (This code is the farm actor full code that different from core, except tha last 4 lines, that 4 line is the bug fix for human or any bugged buildings in warcraft III mod 1.0, so you need to copy those to your building, I copy-d the full code to show you which code you can find in your building. for example the unit icon and life armor icon etc lines are 100% that exist, and any other can exist depend on what you modified on the building.) :

    <CActorUnit id="Farm" parent="War3Actor" unitName="Farm">

    <PortraitModel value="Farm"/>

    <AnimBlendTime value="0.150000"/>

    <WalkAnimMoveSpeed value="2.3984"/>

    <SoundArray index="Ready" value="FarmReady"/>

    <SoundArray index="What" value="FarmWhat"/>

    <SoundArray index="Yes" value="FarmYes"/>

    <SoundArray index="Attack" value="FarmYesAttack"/>

    <SoundArray index="Pissed" value="FarmPissed"/>

    <SoundArray index="Construction" value="BuildingConstructionLoop"/>

    <UnitIcon value="Assets\Textures\war3_btnfarm.dds"/>

    <HeroIcon value="Assets\Textures\war3_btnfarm.dds"/>

    <LifeArmorIcon value="$fort"/>

    <On Terms="ActorCreation" Send="Create Splat_Human_Small"/>

    <BarWidth value="113"/>

    <BarOffset value="120"/>

    <On Terms="UnitBirth.*.Normal" Send="AnimClear Birth"/>

    <On Terms="UnitDeath" Send="$Death"/>

    <On Terms="AnimDone; AnimName Death" Send="AnimPlay DeathB Decay"/>

    <On Terms="AnimDone; AnimName DeathB" Send="Destroy"/>


    Important!: if you put warcraft III 1.0 to your dependencies it changes the attributes of starcraft for example psionic is gone, descructabla gone, etc, and you get unarmored, tree, summoned etc. If you use it with starcraft staff then you must delete starcraft building settings in actor and then copy the last 4 lines of the code above.

    Save document.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I make a unit stay in attack animation?

    @kim743: Go

    Your welcome. At present I dont know better editor options, for that. The best way is to make an attack channel animation for the model with a third party model editor and then you dont need the play forever part just to change attack animation to attack channel animation. I use this on wow models, but they have Attack Channel (after a rename) animation already so I can reference to them.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to use war3 mod in starcraft 2 tutorial video

    Here is a tutorial video that show you how to use war3 mod in starcraft 2.

    part 1: Editor settings

    part 2: ingame test.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I make a unit stay in attack animation?

    In dragoon (immortal) actor's event fields you can find two parts, weapon start. attack start. and weapon stop attack stop.

    There are 3 weapon start part because dragon use cannons and he can change the vertical angels of his cannons but dragon dont have it so you don't need them.

    All you need is that every event that starts with weapon start attack start on action that is anime bracket start attack attack. You can put a mark to play forever in a flags field. Hope fully this will work, if dragon stays in attack while you order them to move and it dont stops, then go to weapon stop event and click action anim bracket stop attack, and put a mark to instant in a flag field. If dragon works fine when you give him other orders the last part not required.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Chain Reaction help pls

    @damnedboy88: Go

    On this map Kerrigan uses ghost weapon (Canister C-20A), and the chain lightning abilty you seek is also a weapon (energy blast). If you would like to give her just change the weapons, If you would like to add an ability that Toggle between two weapons make de following things:

    Weapon Toogle Ability

    Creat an ability (type: behavior) name it to chain lightning(or anything you like)

    Creat a behavior (type: buff) name it to chain lightning(or anything you like)

    Set the chain lightning(behavior) field flags: hidden

    Creat or copy a button set its images and tooltips and name it to Chain lightning

    Creat or copy a button set its images and tooltips and name it to C-20A Canister Rifle

    Set chain lightning's (ability) field behavior to Chaing lightning (behavior).

    Set chain lightning's (ability) field Stats flag to Toggle, Transient,

    Set chain lightning's(ability) field commands default button: Turn on: Chain Lightning

    Set chain lightning's(ability) field commands default button: Turn off: C-20A Canister Rifle

    Set energy blast weapon field Options to disabled (let all other things in options in default)

    Let Kerrigan original weapon C-20 Canister Rifle where it is.

    Add energy blast weapon for Kerrigan.

    Now she has 2 weapons, canister rifle is active, chaing lightning is disabled.

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon disable to C-20 A Canister Rifle

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon enable to energy blast

    Add chain lightning ability to Kerrigan,

    Add Turn on and Turn off Buttons to Kerrigan

    Weapon Upgrade (change) Ability

    If you would like to creat an upgrade that changes her weapon than:

    creat a behavior(type buff) name it chaing lightning

    Set the chaing lightning(behavior) field flags: hidden

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon disable to Emty field

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon enable to Emty Field

    Empty field only required if in upgrade you cant modify thes fields, if you can you dont need it.

    creat an upgrade, name it chaing lightning talent(or what you like)

    add a new reference select behavior in roll manu. select Chaing ligtning (behavior)

    Set chain Lightning field max level to 1.

    Set fields within the upgrade not in the bahavior it self:

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon disable to Canister C-20A Rifle

    Set Chain Lightning (behavior) field weapon modification weapon enable to Energy Blast.

    Add the chain lightning (behavior) to Kerrigan.

    Creat requirement name it Ching LIghnint Talent(or whatever you like).

    Set field node link use to: Less then Count upgrade Chain Lightning queued or better constant 1.

    Set field node link show to: Less then Count upgrade Chain Lightning queued or better constant 1.

    Last 3 field requires to when you use this ability once it make the upgrade and hide its button when finished. without it the upgrade icon stays for ever but not repeat the upgrade function, if it has only 1 upgrade level.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on button name id bug, localization bug

    I read on forums to the first part of the topic. The problem was that if I made a button and tooltip for a button it doesn't shown correclty it shown only the name and tooltip path not its text. The solution to this is clearing every localization that we are don't work with, and it is fixed my problem, but since 2.1.9 patch (that couse this problem for me) every time I make a button the default localization seted to EnUS automaticly, and it is crossed with my default enGB that my projects made with. In early version of patches in europe (hungary) enGB was defalut when I creat a new name path for on id in this example for a button, Now every time I open my map or mod file I must choose enGB before creat anything, or it will be automaticly became EnUS. My Question is: Is it possible to set a default that stays default on every editor start up?.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on warcraft shapeshift morph bug

    Triggered solution changed to a data solution based on behavior in Night Elf Druid Normal Form actor:

    <On Terms="Behavior.NormalForm.Create" Send="Create"/>

    <On Terms="Behavior.NormalForm.Destroy" Send="Destroy"/>

    Remove the Unit.Birth and Unit.Revive values. It is neccessary because if dont the unit actor will duplicate if created with triggers, train, or creat abilities.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on warcraft shapeshift morph bug

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Not yet. I use less then 20 abilites yet. but I need 3*9 and more :D, whatever this is another problem, fortunately the 9 is alternative of each other so I can remove the don't needed ones from game so it won't be a problem.

    @ImperialGood: Go

    I think I looked all of the things that can be mistaken, but I will look again later, now I have a solution based on triggers, that make the a same thing that actor did if its work,

    event: unit use an ability(night elf druid hero cancel form) effect (finish)

    action: creat actor(Night Elf Druid Hero) for unit(triggering unit)

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Intresting idea I will look it up.

    Thank to all for helping :).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on warcraft shapeshift morph bug

    Hi all I working on a warcraft project, and I got a trouble with the morph ability. The point is that I made a Night Elf Druid, and a Taurend Druid, they have 4 forms, bear, cat, moonkin, tree, and a cancel form to get back to original form and everything is fine in rts mod where they are normal units.

    Night Elf Normal Form abilities: Cat Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form, Tree Form, (different from tauren forms)

    All other forms abiltie has the same Cancel Form ability. (different from tauren forms)

    Tauren DRuid Normal Form abilities: Cat Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form, Tree Form, (different from night elf forms)

    All other forms abilities has the same Cancel Form ability (different from night elf forms)

    So I made a hero version of them for hero mods, and with Tauren Druid everything is fine with his all forms, but Night Elf Druid Cancel form(that takes him back to normal form) is bugged, because when he come back from cat form, his actor not showing, in other forms it's work fine, I modifiy only change their name to give a hero after their names,


    Working as RTS:

    Night Elf Druid:

    <On index="68" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidCatForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruid" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="69" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruid; MorphFrom NightElfDruidCatForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="70" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidBearForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruid" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="71" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruid; MorphFrom NightElfDruidBearForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="72" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidMoonkinForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruid" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="73" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruid; MorphFrom NightElfDruidMoonkinForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="74" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidTreeForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruid" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="75" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruid; MorphFrom NightElfDruidTreeForm" Send="Create"/>

    Night Elf Druid Cat Form:

    <On index="65" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruid; MorphFrom NightElfDruidCatForm" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="66" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidCatForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruid" Send="Create"/>

    bugged as hero:

    Night Elf Druid Hero:

    <On index="68" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHeroCatForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHero" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="69" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHero; MorphFrom TaurenDruidHeroCatForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="70" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHeroBearForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHero" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="71" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHero; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHeroBearForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="72" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHeroMoonkinForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHero" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="73" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHero; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHeroMoonkinForm" Send="Create"/>

    <On index="74" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHeroTreeForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHero" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="75" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHero; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHeroTreeForm" Send="Create"/>

    Night Elf Hero Cat Form:

    <On index="65" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHero; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHeroCatForm" Send="Destroy"/>

    <On index="66" Terms="AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo NightElfDruidHeroCatForm; MorphFrom NightElfDruidHero" Send="Create"/>

    Any one find this bug? It doesn't matter if I copy it or rename it after changing things it can occure randomly and I didn't find the reason in the data editor or xml. I think it is in source code. I checked the ability it self it is the same as a working one jut a unit changed, and the bugged hero's actor work fine if he used by himself, with every abilities except hero cat form.

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    posted a message on Warcraft: Armies Of Azeroth

    In my opinion if some one remake the wc1 or wc2 storyline they should rewrite the ingame story with canonical happenings, because the original ones, are alternatives of each other.

    new canons (not in time order):

    Stormwind destroyed

    alliance close the darkportal,

    allliance passing to dreanor,

    5 dragon aspects exist not just green

    deathwing is black

    Kerunai and other draenai exiles leaving in dreanor,

    dreanor not just a red world,

    So i think the new canon should be puted in with old ones that not changed. Except if some ona make a full remake like in wc3 there is a warcraft 1 mod with story and warcraft 2 multiplayer mod, (in wc1 only 4 unit can be selected, every wc1 unit with custom model and stats, in wc2 every unit with custom models and stats).

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Requirement Request

    I don't had a problem with it, but these solutions are good for every one, who have similar problems even if the person who open this topic don't required it anymore. I reply to this topic because I had a smiliar work (count cargo unit with behavior count) but being seen in requirment tooltips is not required for my task. I like to help, and even if the original author is afk long ago, I answer the question because some times others could have the same question in later time.

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    posted a message on Warcraft: Armies Of Azeroth

    Nice job. Are you make the campaing too?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Requirement Request

    Thats true, but he need at least a "dummy" (hidden) behavior, to make a requirement for the player requirement validator, but this is a good solution too.

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    posted a message on Requirement Request

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Originaly my way created for battlecruiser/zeppelin to buff or dubuff it depend on cargo number. So that's why I suggested it, but the Iterate Transport is good for cargo count as well, and need less work time. However it is not solves the original problem that it not shows the requirements in the tooltip, that the author of this topic would like to make, if I understand correctly.

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    posted a message on MPQEditor borked after 1.5!?

    @ImperialGood: Go

    I don't tested the mpq since the first appear of this problem, so even they fixed it, I don't use it, but if they did it than the author of this topic could use it again.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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