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    posted a message on Compare Unit vital Validator

    Exactly, so how can I break this? i.e. how can I implement any of the below?


    1 - Prioritize channeling energy to non-pylons then to low energy pylons then to higher energy ones

    2 - Find some way to use multiple validators so that I can effectively add the "value" field to it

    3 - Prevent channeling energy to a pylon that's channeling energy right back

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Compare Unit vital Validator

    So I tried to implement this with Pylons (with an autocast ability to transfer energy from the Pylon to another unit or building or another Pylon, but only if the receiving Pylon has less energy). I notice that at random a pair of Pylons would just transfer energy to each other, indefinitely until they cap out; whenever that happens it basically 'short circuits' my Pylon chain (so that ie. the Shield Battery receiving the energy from the Pylon Chain suddenly stops receiving energy until the two short circuited Pylons top up on energy). I have been using a validator with Validator Type set to Current (says Delta above; but I tried both), Validator Compare set to Greater Than, Validator Unit set to Caster, Validator Other Unit set to Target, and I've tried various values for Validator Value (ie. 0, 20, -20), trying to tell the Pylon to not send energy to another Pylon unless it has at least 20 less energy than the sending Pylon. It just doesn't work. Any idea how to fix this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Then it can't be used on extension mods.. Ah darn... 


    I opened up a map, changed tiling frequency for a second tileset, added it in Map Texture Sets, and changed some of the texture tiles in the map to the second tileset, but it still appears as normal in the editor. Am I doing this wrong?


    Alt with tilde doesn't seem to work either (I saw your post just now on my phone instead of Chrome and wow I would never have suspected that was a tilde! Looks just like a dash in my browser.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Oh wow that's what I'm looking for! Though when I set it from 4 to 1 or 16 or 100 in my extension mod for all the Korhal items (the one used by Atlantica Unlimited, my test map) I don't see any difference. And per this link https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/157200-terrain-tiling-frequency it seems it doesn't work and has to be done via console? Also alt with + doesn't seem to open up the console, is it available for Test Document?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to Implement Freely Rotatable Camera?

    Is there any way to make it so that:


    - Holding down the middle mouse button + dragging left rotates the map clockwise, dragging right rotates the map counterclockwise; and

    - Holding down the middle mouse button + dragging up reduces camera's angle of attack, dragging down increases camera's angle of attack.


    Both should be doable simultaneously and the amount of change should be directly based on how much the mouse moves. So this would be similar to the camera in various modern games like Cities Skylines and Homeworld 2 as well as the Warcraft  3 World Editor's and Starcraft 2 Galaxy Editor's map views.


    Preferably without triggers (so it can be used in an extension mod).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Marines and the like are already at 20% of their default size, they're so small that I had to modify the default camera to zoom in just for them to be recognizable as Marines at all, and zooming in any more causes the ground texture to look terribly aliased (and I'm already on ultra settings).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] AI players on Test Document

    Thanks for the detailed reply!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Invisible Fog of War

    Thanks for the detailed reply! 


    I had thought alpha was transparency, but this makes a lot more sense now.


    Is there a way to set transparency (ie. to make the fog of war's darkening effect less dark or make it completely disappear?)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Well, just trying to create a mod where units are tiny and can shoot enormous distances. But if it can't really be done then that's that :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Removing Black Border around Health Bars

    I am working on a mod with very small units and the ability to zoom out very far (to fit battlecruisers and carriers). I don't want the health bars to get in the way so I've made them very small. I notice that no matter how small the health bar gets or how far zoomed out the camera is, the black border around the health bar remains the same (~2 pixels) which basically turns the health bar into a black 4x4 pixel box when zoomed out far enough. Is there any way to get rid of that border so it's instead a 4x4 color box (which is actually useful as player-owner color coding for when the smaller units are individually too small to be spotted)?


    I'm not familiar with the UI editor at all so a detailed walkthrough/explanation would be much appreciated!

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Invisible Fog of War

    Thanks for the swift reply!


    I think this is what I'm looking for, however I can't make sense out of what 'Black Mask', 'Black Mask (Reduced Radius)', 'CFoW', 'Grey Mask' mean, and what 'Hidden', 'Blend Speed', 'Color', 'Expand', and 'Persistent' mean (and couldn't find any documentation on the internet), would you be able to advise? Like I played around with Color and alpha and most of the other settings, but couldn't get the fog of war to say be blue or totally transparent, it only ever does grey or black, etc.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Ok, I found that Unit: Movement: Radius seems to do this (ie. increasing it from 1.75 to 7.75 allows units to attack it from 6 units further away). Unfortunately it seems to be limited to 7.75 which is still less than half the radius of my Battlecruiser. Anything else I can try?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing Weapons Firing Range by Radius of Attacking and Attacked Units

    Thanks for the swift reply!


    I have Legacy Options: Use Range to Center unchecked for the attacker's weapon. It seems like the attacker hits the Liberator at about <1/2 unit closer than it hits the Battlecruiser. Seems like there might be a field where I can specify a unit's collision radius and it's slightly larger by default for the Battlecruiser, but I can't seem to find it. Any idea where can I adjust this setting?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Scanner Sweep Reveal Range Reduction/Increase.

    So I created an autocast ability (same as the one I had previously so I know it triggers) but replaced its Effect with a new 0.25 duration Create Persistent that 1) calls itself as its Expire Effect and 2) calls a Search Area ability as its Effect. This Search Area ability I've set Search: Revealer Parameters to 0.25 duration with Unfog checked and Shape Expansion set to 100; as well as added a line item to Search: Areas with Radius 150 and no Effect. However nothing seems to happen. I'm wondering how does the Search: Revealer Parameters even know how large an area to reveal?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Invisible Fog of War

    I'm looking to have fog of war present, but for the grayness of the fog to not appear on screen (except in minimap). Thus When enemy units enter sight radius, they should suddenly appear as if they were coming out of hiding, and disappear when they exceed the sight radius. Is there a way to do this?

    Posted in: Data
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