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    posted a message on How to get out of the silver- cesspit
    Quote from 1kyojim >>

    Was gold rank and ranked games within gold were fun, everyone did their part. Accidentally lost a game, demoted to silver one and already my first silver game had a ragequitter. Now I've lost 11 games in a row, just about to be bronze 1 and haven't had a single game in these silver ranks where somebody on my team doesn't https://routerlogin.uno/ https://19216801.onl/ throw the game by ragequitting or feeding heroes like the butcher.

    How to I get out of this pit of self sabotaging teammates and get back into the games where people play like they aren't smooth brains, otherwise quick match is going to have something that resembles team play.

     I got this,..

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on How to get out of the silver- cesspit

    Was gold rank and ranked games within gold were fun, everyone did their part. Accidentally lost a game, demoted to silver one and already my first silver game had a ragequitter. Now I've lost 11 games in a row, just about to be bronze 1 and haven't had a single game in these silver ranks where somebody on my team doesn't throw the game by ragequitting or feeding heroes like the butcher.

    How to I get out of this pit of self sabotaging teammates and get back into the games where people play like they aren't smooth brains, otherwise quick match is going to have something that resembles team play.

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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