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Nice. You planning on doing a Marvel series of models?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
In reply to k3llym0:
Looks good. A fitting tribute to quite a character in WC3.
With Admiral Proudmore, how about some pics of his saber/cutlass? I see it being held away from the point of view in the far right of the pic.
That a WC3 model?
In my opinion the mouth and fingers could do with more detail.
Looking good except for the impaled look of the binding pose.
Just check the civilian male model/actor how blizzard set that up.
So you going to set it up like the civilian model where you just use texture slots?
So a grey skinned and red haired variant?
Looking good mon.
So could you now make one with forward engineering?
@TaylorMouse: Go
Everything is AWESOME!!!
Ah! Could not tell it was an acolyte from just the face and mask. The skulls on the rim need more detail.
Actually no. In the beta they had a different rock golem model used in the demo.
Nice. You planning on doing a Marvel series of models?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
In reply to k3llym0:
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Looks good. A fitting tribute to quite a character in WC3.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
With Admiral Proudmore, how about some pics of his saber/cutlass? I see it being held away from the point of view in the far right of the pic.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
That a WC3 model?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
In my opinion the mouth and fingers could do with more detail.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Looking good except for the impaled look of the binding pose.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Just check the civilian male model/actor how blizzard set that up.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
So you going to set it up like the civilian model where you just use texture slots?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
So a grey skinned and red haired variant?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Looking good mon.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
So could you now make one with forward engineering?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@TaylorMouse: Go
Everything is AWESOME!!!
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@TaylorMouse: Go
Ah! Could not tell it was an acolyte from just the face and mask. The skulls on the rim need more detail.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@TaylorMouse: Go
Actually no. In the beta they had a different rock golem model used in the demo.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?