I need some extremely understanding alpha testers for my final Fantasy 13 map. We will be testing the party system functionality. This test will see if the GUI updates successfully and if teams are being set properly.
I am planning to do the live party system test this sat the 5th at 3pm EST
I ask that anyone participating in the test keeps any systems that they see while testing the system confidential. I also ask that you do not attempt to re-distribute the map in any way. i will be uploading it locked.
i need 11 willing and able people to help with this test and it will be your job to break it. i would like to see the system on a full load. any bugs that you find i ask that you put a bug ticket in here:
Note the map you will be testing with is only a testing map the terrain that you will see is not release terrain, and most other triggers will be disabled.
If you have a EU friend that you trust.. you could make him publish the map for you in EU and rally a EU testing team^.^
If there's actually need for it. Since the main purpose of it is not to let us play, but to let you gather information.
well the test is basically just going to be party functionality. inviting people, leaving a party passing party lead, and kicking people. also to see how the interface reacts to it.
i am having a lot of trouble with this right now and may need to push the test back i cannot get the drop down to work correctly, for some reason only the player you are currently can be clicked on so im looking into that. after this but it should be ready for player test.
Another test is at 4:30 pm EST today (6/5/2010) (in aprox 1/2 hour from the time of this post) it would be nice to get a couple more people on for the test to make multiple parties.
if you still need testers i wouldnt mind helping. i have a NA account, email yc3105@gmail.com and b.net name is gizmachu. im rarely actually on b.net tho so just pm me over mapster for when i should go on or w/e
ok another test at 5:30 it is open to anyone, this should be the last test i need for the party system, after this it should be working 100% (hopefully) as always anyone on the US server want to join me for the testing you are welcome to come!
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Hello folks,
I need some extremely understanding alpha testers for my final Fantasy 13 map. We will be testing the party system functionality. This test will see if the GUI updates successfully and if teams are being set properly.
I am planning to do the live party system test this sat the 5th at 3pm EST
I ask that anyone participating in the test keeps any systems that they see while testing the system confidential. I also ask that you do not attempt to re-distribute the map in any way. i will be uploading it locked.
i need 11 willing and able people to help with this test and it will be your job to break it. i would like to see the system on a full load. any bugs that you find i ask that you put a bug ticket in here:
I will also be taking any feedback during the tests.
please post your battle net info below to reserve your spot, it is first come first serve! My battle.net e-mail is [email protected].
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
You can find out more about our final Fantasy 13 map here:
Note the map you will be testing with is only a testing map the terrain that you will see is not release terrain, and most other triggers will be disabled.
I'm in. Ign is Kaillera. Email is [email protected] if you want to add me in game
I would love to participate! Email is [email protected], IGN is Kimphoe! :)
Uhm, just to throw something in:
Remember that you cannot connect to different Gateways and that we've got many peepz from the USA and EU in here.
If the test is gonna be on EU I'd love to participate. If it's on US then I can't.
@s3rius: Go
It is US gateway
Then I can't either!
@Kimphoe: Go
noooo!! noooooooooo!!!!!!
me wants eu test ;_;
@frasze: Go
i wish there was a way! i have some major bugs i am battling with right now as far as the party system is concerned.
I would love to test out the party system... [email protected] is email, ign is Ryan, i think :P
I'm game. [email protected]
If you have a EU friend that you trust.. you could make him publish the map for you in EU and rally a EU testing team^.^
If there's actually need for it. Since the main purpose of it is not to let us play, but to let you gather information.
Im in, [email protected]
@s3rius: Go
well the test is basically just going to be party functionality. inviting people, leaving a party passing party lead, and kicking people. also to see how the interface reacts to it.
i am having a lot of trouble with this right now and may need to push the test back i cannot get the drop down to work correctly, for some reason only the player you are currently can be clicked on so im looking into that. after this but it should be ready for player test.
I know it ended but sign me up for the next 1 ill PM u my email... i don't want it lurking.....
1 hour left. i'll be on by then.
@DarkForce9999: Go
Another test is at 4:30 pm EST today (6/5/2010) (in aprox 1/2 hour from the time of this post) it would be nice to get a couple more people on for the test to make multiple parties.
my battle net e-mail is [email protected]
if you still need testers i wouldnt mind helping. i have a NA account, email yc3105@gmail.com and b.net name is gizmachu. im rarely actually on b.net tho so just pm me over mapster for when i should go on or w/e
@gizmachu: Go
in 1/2 hour
@Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go
ok another test at 5:30 it is open to anyone, this should be the last test i need for the party system, after this it should be working 100% (hopefully) as always anyone on the US server want to join me for the testing you are welcome to come!