missione 7 magnifica,spaccare tutto con 26 ultra non ha prezzo :D
com'è che nella missione 10 (non so se accade pure nelle altre) gli upgrade dell'evo chamber hanno bisogno di 229 secondi per essere completati???
L' intro della missione 10 è bulla come al solito,ora provo a batterla,anche se sarà una cosa dura come una grigilata testicolare.
Di a telenil che il doodad che blocca l'ultra di immagine 3 è da togliere
Mi fate morire di invidia!!! Arghhh non posso giocarla! Volevo installare SC2 sul pc di un mio amico in sti giorni ma quel pirla ha solo 2 gb liberi sul pc e non riesco. Da domani che non avrò il pc per un pò almeno non mi guarderò sto topic e non vedrò il divertimento altrui!
Let's get some things straight. I don't use these models because I don't want to. I only use custom models for units that don't have any appropriate equivalent in Starcraft 2, I don't think putting them everywhere will improve player experience, and I don't "have" to tell you anything.
These maps and mod are hundreds of hours of work; I'm a bit uncomfortable when players change them as they please, and I am not particularly happy with the fact that you call yourself "sc1 remake" while only The Torrasque and Soulflicher brought something we actually used when making the maps. You can still do whatever you like as long as you stick to the Italian version, and I consider all the suggestions that you make, but when I don't follow them, do not insist. Least of all, do not make comments on our campaign pages claiming you know better than us. I'm fine with suggestions or negative criticism, not with messages "expecting" an answer because we "have" to.
ok i will not ruin your page,i say "have" only for my poor english,the word correct would be "would", i didn't know that "have" was an imperative so powerful,i didn't use arrogance and i never say that i know the campaign better than you,sorry if i offended you Sir. Telenil,king of the remake,me a ilttle inferior scum is really sorry,whatever,with your words you shown me who was the arrogant... ps: i deleted the offensive post right now,sorry again sir.
ps:I don't call me "sc1 remake" i call all the team "sc1 remake ita" and if u read the first post u will see that all credits are given to you,jones,ultraling and the other guys of the english ORIGINAL OFFICIAL remake.
It's okay, "sorry, I didn't realize the word 'have' was so imperative in English" would have been enough. There is no king of the remake and you are certainly not an inferior scum :p
@Zarxiel: I didn't have time to add the triggers you spoke of this week-end, will do at some point during the week.
Ok this incomprension suggest me to use more often my english-italian dictionary...,i will try do a HotS version of the translation,waht do u think about it???
We don't have HotS yet, and I don't want to know what is in the files in case it would spoil the campaign. The only thing I can say it that we will also put the remake on HotS, but you should make a final Wings of Liberty version so that people who don't buy HotS can still play a good remake.
Speaking of which, are you done with the episodes & mod, so that I can update them on the pages?
Of course we will try to "move" (i see that for now i can move all the sc2 (original) mods on hots,but not the LibertyStory.mod,but we will see it at the right time) the ita remake on hots only when we will finish the campaign of HotS,that Zarxiel tried to spoiler me,but i had the strenght to resist and don't watch the campaign data files on the HotS BETA;for wings of liberty version we are trying to fix some little and painfull bugs that don't want to die,when HotS will be released we will put on WoL ita remake ONLY the new hots icons that could be usefull for us (like the hydra speed upgrade that we are still using,or the old viper brown icons).
I think that ep 6 translation is complete,we are only some little problems to add some units on our lore-fanatic-friendly version of Omega (it lag to much to be playable with my potato pc :( )
Senza portare il pc dal tecnico ho formattato e reinstallato tutto, quindi per ora la situazione dovrebbe essere risolta. Devo reinstallare un troiaio di files, ma ho fatto la scelta giusta. Ora installo SC2 anche se ci metterà un'era geologica.
In k senso abitacolo alla minotauro?
missione 7 magnifica,spaccare tutto con 26 ultra non ha prezzo :D
lo dico, cmq noto che hai una versione vecchia della mod in quanto nn c'è l'icona eroe di Duran. Xke nn sei connesso sulla beta Def?
Mi fate morire di invidia!!! Arghhh non posso giocarla! Volevo installare SC2 sul pc di un mio amico in sti giorni ma quel pirla ha solo 2 gb liberi sul pc e non riesco. Da domani che non avrò il pc per un pò almeno non mi guarderò sto topic e non vedrò il divertimento altrui!
Let's get some things straight. I don't use these models because I don't want to. I only use custom models for units that don't have any appropriate equivalent in Starcraft 2, I don't think putting them everywhere will improve player experience, and I don't "have" to tell you anything.
These maps and mod are hundreds of hours of work; I'm a bit uncomfortable when players change them as they please, and I am not particularly happy with the fact that you call yourself "sc1 remake" while only The Torrasque and Soulflicher brought something we actually used when making the maps. You can still do whatever you like as long as you stick to the Italian version, and I consider all the suggestions that you make, but when I don't follow them, do not insist. Least of all, do not make comments on our campaign pages claiming you know better than us. I'm fine with suggestions or negative criticism, not with messages "expecting" an answer because we "have" to.
ok i will not ruin your page,i say "have" only for my poor english,the word correct would be "would", i didn't know that "have" was an imperative so powerful,i didn't use arrogance and i never say that i know the campaign better than you,sorry if i offended you Sir. Telenil,king of the remake,me a ilttle inferior scum is really sorry,whatever,with your words you shown me who was the arrogant... ps: i deleted the offensive post right now,sorry again sir. ps:I don't call me "sc1 remake" i call all the team "sc1 remake ita" and if u read the first post u will see that all credits are given to you,jones,ultraling and the other guys of the english ORIGINAL OFFICIAL remake.
It's okay, "sorry, I didn't realize the word 'have' was so imperative in English" would have been enough. There is no king of the remake and you are certainly not an inferior scum :p
@Zarxiel: I didn't have time to add the triggers you spoke of this week-end, will do at some point during the week.
Ok this incomprension suggest me to use more often my english-italian dictionary...,i will try do a HotS version of the translation,waht do u think about it???
Don't worry Tel, u can do when u have time for the trigger ;)
Finalmente l'ADSL si è rimesso a funzionare.. Cristo, sono giorni che non riesco a connettermi..
Che è successo da queste parti di interessante? C'è stata un po' di tensione o sbaglio?
nnt di ke, cmq l'ep 6 è uscito
We don't have HotS yet, and I don't want to know what is in the files in case it would spoil the campaign. The only thing I can say it that we will also put the remake on HotS, but you should make a final Wings of Liberty version so that people who don't buy HotS can still play a good remake.
Speaking of which, are you done with the episodes & mod, so that I can update them on the pages?
"Che è successo da queste parti di interessante? C'è stata un po' di tensione o sbaglio?"
In out Remake are some bugs, but we don't fix all, when all bugs are fixed u can public our version ;)
Of course we will try to "move" (i see that for now i can move all the sc2 (original) mods on hots,but not the LibertyStory.mod,but we will see it at the right time) the ita remake on hots only when we will finish the campaign of HotS,that Zarxiel tried to spoiler me,but i had the strenght to resist and don't watch the campaign data files on the HotS BETA;for wings of liberty version we are trying to fix some little and painfull bugs that don't want to die,when HotS will be released we will put on WoL ita remake ONLY the new hots icons that could be usefull for us (like the hydra speed upgrade that we are still using,or the old viper brown icons).
zarxiel quando per HotS uscirà un filmato come questo come farò a resistere alla tentazione di guardarlo???Ipnosi?Yoga?? Aaaargh
zarxiel nella wol version la ultra deve usare lo stank per il torrasque,alla fine sai che quel modello non è "pulito" :D
ficata pazzesca, possiamo iniziare la beta quando ti pare Def ;)
Senza portare il pc dal tecnico ho formattato e reinstallato tutto, quindi per ora la situazione dovrebbe essere risolta. Devo reinstallare un troiaio di files, ma ho fatto la scelta giusta. Ora installo SC2 anche se ci metterà un'era geologica.
Buona fortuna Torrasque xD