This might be a dumb question but, how do you increase your reputation rating and what exactly is it?
A lot of people have helped me build my project from this website and I am forever grateful to all of you who've helped me.
It would be nice if I could return the favor if I can to new comers. Obviously my time is limited being a stay at home dad but I love this hobby, making great maps and I'd like to help others out if I can.
This might be a dumb question but, how do you increase your reputation rating and what exactly is it?
A lot of people have helped me build my project from this website and I am forever grateful to all of you who've helped me.
It would be nice if I could return the favor if I can to new comers. Obviously my time is limited being a stay at home dad but I love this hobby, making great maps and I'd like to help others out if I can.
Cheers to all you map makers out there!
@onlyleviathan: Go
Each time you press "like" on someone's post, their reputation increases by 1.
@Nebuli2: Go
Cool thanks!