If lets say in a map of various units, I wanted to make it so whenever a marine dies, a text warning appears on the screen, can I do this by using the method in the image below.
I have been told not to use triggers like Any unit dies, any unit is created, unit takes damage, because they create lag, and I know this is true.
So are there any less laggy alternatives to using the 'any unit dies' event then a condition so the trigger only uses the unit marine (or events like this)?
Lag trigger
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
I have been told not to use triggers like Any unit dies, any unit is created, unit takes damage, because they create lag, and I know this is true.
So are there any less laggy alternatives to using the 'any unit dies' event then a condition so the trigger only uses the unit marine (or events like this)?
I believe you are trying to prematurely optimize... Chances are a single trigger or some badly designed data will be cause for performance degradation before on death unit events like the one you listed above, even with dozens of such triggers.
Such events can cause performance problems however only if an excessive number of such triggers are running at the same time or if the workload is computationally intensive. Unit death is generally such an infrequent event that there is no problem having even 20 such events as long as the workload they run is light weight (eg not iterating through every unit on the map).
If you want this to happen only for marines then your current trigger solution is fine. If you want it for multiple unit types consider combining the triggers into a single trigger and using a case statement to filter for unit type. If you have other generic unit death events you can consider combining the triggers into a single trigger to reduce thread creation overhead.
The most efficient alternative would be to explicitly attach specific unit death events to a trigger for each unit of the type. This requires using the event bind natives as an action, something not part of the standard GUI library and must be manually added or added with a third party extension library. This way the trigger will only fire when those units die.
So i beleave you are saying that is probably not the cause of lag on my map? I tested my map, removed the 500 enemy units (which barely create any lag somehow) and waited until the end of my map, I built a base and about 7-10 mins after the star of the map, the frame rate whent from 25-30fps to 5-9fps! Any ideas?
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Tried using the trigger debugger/profiler? It allows you to see where most of the time is being spent in triggers. At such low frame rates some triggers/functions must be running up significant execution times.
The trigger debugger/profiler can only be run when testing a map from the editor and the game must be in windowed mode for it to be selectable. It can be turned on under the editor preferences (under File menu) when the game is set to test in Windowed mode (not available in full screen mode).
When the map is tested, a new window will pop up which is the trigger debugger/profiler. It works entirely from a galaxy level however within the galaxy trigger names it should be obvious which GUI trigger it corresponds with. If you start to see a trigger running up times such as 300 seconds execution time over 10 minutes there is probably the case of your performance problems. AI functions are also profiled so you can see if AI is the cause.
If no triggers run up high execution times, then it is a data problem.
OK there are 3 main things that pop up on the trigger debugging window.
1st most common: Running gt_Countdown_Func (Event: Timer (0.5712, Periodic: 1))
2nd most common: Running gt_SurvivorFalls_Func (Event: Timer (2, Periodic: 1))
3rd most common: USER: [10a8 29] CActorAction[ArchonAttack2] Data configuration error; ActionDamagePhysics message arrived before [10a8 29] CActorAction[ArchonAttack2] commenced. (this one is in red and I have tried to fix with help but we have been unable to, it happens when a custom structure attacks)
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
No I have not checked the profile tabs, where exactly should I look for a time waster, just so I know exactly what I am looking for?
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
ImperialGood already did a great job answering this question, but I thought I'd throw out that there's a moba map that checks for unit damage to track assists. I've attached a screenshot of the event trigger. I'm in the process of updating and reworking the triggers for this map (haven't gotten to this one yet), so I still need to run the profiler to figure out if the late-game lag we sometimes experience is related to this trigger. However, this map has been out for a while and we've had no consistent problems with lag.
No I have not checked the profile tabs, where exactly should I look for a time waster, just so I know exactly what I am looking for?
Order by execution time total (click header) and after 10 minutes check if there are some insane numbers sticking out. If a trigger/function is running up an execution time of 300 seconds over 10 minutes something is clearly wrong with it.
Late game performance problems are more likely caused by task leaks. This is when a data thread, trigger thread or actor is created and kept running for an extended period of time beyond its usefulness. Eventually enough tasks build up that game performance has to suffer as real time deadlines cannot be met.
Another form of late game performance problems are state complexity. What one might think of as trivial might turn out to be extremely complex to compute. If one uses this too much then eventually performance starts to suffer as game complexity increases. For example stacking a buff with a periodic effect 100 times, so as to allow its effect magnitude to increase, results in the periodic effect firing 100 times for 1 unit, instead of firing 1 time with a stronger effect. Do such a buff to 100 odd units with 100 stack count and performance might easily drop to be unplayable.
Gotcha - thanks for the tip. I'm already aware of a number of things happening on the trigger side that aren't being cleaned up properly, but I haven't found any serious issues. My suspicion has been that the lag we experience is related to a specific late-game weapon. Everytime this weapon fires, it creates like 8 missile actors. We usually start seeing serious lag issues when like 6+ of these weapons are firing at once. I hate working in the data editor, so chances are I won't ever attempt to fix that one. Luckily, 90% of games don't go that long and the lag usually isn't too bad. Honestly, I was hoping it was this trigger that causes the lag spikes (lots of units receiving non-fatal damage lots of times), but I suppose there are other weapons that hit a bunch of units much earlier in the game, without causing lag.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Hmmm so far I have been unable to replicate the FPS drop after removing all the enemy units. I have I am going to try one more thing before I declare the fps with the enemy units gone glitch to be fixed. So right now the other main fps drop is at a certain stage of the game, the ultralisk wave which the game also goes down to like 9 fps (any ideas would be great. I have come up with an idea, I apply a behaviour to the weak units (overlords, drones, swarming and zerglings) that kills them in like 10 seconds. that is going well and I am going to make the game activate the 'kill trigger' a little before the lag starts. The trouble is when the ultra wave is depends on the amount of players on the map. Is there some way to get a trigger that activates the 'kill trigger' only when a 3/4 human controlled players are active?
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Is there some way to get a trigger that activates the 'kill trigger' only when a 3/4 human controlled players are active?
Yes, you do exactly what you wrote in trigger form...
Count number of active human controlled players and if that number is greater than 2 then run "kill trigger" otherwise do nothing. Counting the number of active human controlled players is as simple as counting the number of players that are human controlled and still playing by looping through all players and incrementing a counter if a player meets that condition.
I am having trouble, can you explain more, or take a screenshot?
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Something like the following should do the trick...
Active Player Count Test
Local Variables
active player count = 0 <Integer>
p = 0 <Integer>
Player Group - For each player p in (All players) do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Controller of player p) == User
(Status of player p) == Playing
Variable - Modify active player count: + 1
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
active player count > 2
------- "kill trigger" stuff goes here
The logic to find active player count could be put into any trigger you want or even made into an action for convenience.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Is there some way to get a trigger that activates the 'kill trigger' only when a 3/4 human controlled players are active?
Yes, you do exactly what you wrote in trigger form...
Count number of active human controlled players and if that number is greater than 2 then run "kill trigger" otherwise do nothing. Counting the number of active human controlled players is as simple as counting the number of players that are human controlled and still playing by looping through all players and incrementing a counter if a player meets that condition.
Hey, quick question on this topic. I've noticed that a lot of people perform actions on all active players without using the "Active Players" function. Is there currently any good reason to not use this? For example, in this situation, it seems to me like it would be easier to simply get the number of players in active players. Of course, if you were filtering for some other criteria, you'd want to do that filtering yourself, but I assume that the Active Players function returns a player group of only current human players.
Is there currently any good reason to not use this?
I do not know the exact behaviour of the native/function. As such I cannot suggest it to anyone as I might suggest its use incorrectly.
Specifically "active players" meaning is ambiguous to some extent. Computers could technically be active if they have not been defeated/won and were defined as slot controllers before the start. Like wise players that were active at the start of the game might have been defeated/won/left so might be considered inactive. It obviously has a well defined behaviour with what it returns just I do not know what that is and cannot be bothered to extensively test it and will likely forget it in years to as well.
As such I suggested a for all player loop with filters. These filters I can explicitly define and do know what they do so I can be sure the trigger would work. Performance wise it might not be the most efficient solution or the most compact solution code wise, but none of that matters as it will make no difference to gameplay at all.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
I can make a full test when I get home. Now my last problem is not a trigger problem. I use the coop dependency (which I know is a ad idea) and the dependency makes the 100 mineral crystal pickups, that I changed so they only give 50 minerals, give player 1 and 2 minerals rather than just the player that picked up the minerals. I changed the effects and abilities of the mineral pickup but it is still the same. How do I fix the problem?
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Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Hi all,
If lets say in a map of various units, I wanted to make it so whenever a marine dies, a text warning appears on the screen, can I do this by using the method in the image below.
I have been told not to use triggers like Any unit dies, any unit is created, unit takes damage, because they create lag, and I know this is true.
So are there any less laggy alternatives to using the 'any unit dies' event then a condition so the trigger only uses the unit marine (or events like this)?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
I believe you are trying to prematurely optimize... Chances are a single trigger or some badly designed data will be cause for performance degradation before on death unit events like the one you listed above, even with dozens of such triggers.
Such events can cause performance problems however only if an excessive number of such triggers are running at the same time or if the workload is computationally intensive. Unit death is generally such an infrequent event that there is no problem having even 20 such events as long as the workload they run is light weight (eg not iterating through every unit on the map).
If you want this to happen only for marines then your current trigger solution is fine. If you want it for multiple unit types consider combining the triggers into a single trigger and using a case statement to filter for unit type. If you have other generic unit death events you can consider combining the triggers into a single trigger to reduce thread creation overhead.
The most efficient alternative would be to explicitly attach specific unit death events to a trigger for each unit of the type. This requires using the event bind natives as an action, something not part of the standard GUI library and must be manually added or added with a third party extension library. This way the trigger will only fire when those units die.
So i beleave you are saying that is probably not the cause of lag on my map? I tested my map, removed the 500 enemy units (which barely create any lag somehow) and waited until the end of my map, I built a base and about 7-10 mins after the star of the map, the frame rate whent from 25-30fps to 5-9fps! Any ideas?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
Tried using the trigger debugger/profiler? It allows you to see where most of the time is being spent in triggers. At such low frame rates some triggers/functions must be running up significant execution times.
The trigger debugger/profiler can only be run when testing a map from the editor and the game must be in windowed mode for it to be selectable. It can be turned on under the editor preferences (under File menu) when the game is set to test in Windowed mode (not available in full screen mode).
When the map is tested, a new window will pop up which is the trigger debugger/profiler. It works entirely from a galaxy level however within the galaxy trigger names it should be obvious which GUI trigger it corresponds with. If you start to see a trigger running up times such as 300 seconds execution time over 10 minutes there is probably the case of your performance problems. AI functions are also profiled so you can see if AI is the cause.
If no triggers run up high execution times, then it is a data problem.
OK there are 3 main things that pop up on the trigger debugging window.
1st most common: Running gt_Countdown_Func (Event: Timer (0.5712, Periodic: 1))
2nd most common: Running gt_SurvivorFalls_Func (Event: Timer (2, Periodic: 1))
3rd most common: USER: [10a8 29] CActorAction[ArchonAttack2] Data configuration error; ActionDamagePhysics message arrived before [10a8 29] CActorAction[ArchonAttack2] commenced. (this one is in red and I have tried to fix with help but we have been unable to, it happens when a custom structure attacks)
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
So it is not a trigger problem then as after 10 minutes you checked the profile tabs and saw no major time waster?
No I have not checked the profile tabs, where exactly should I look for a time waster, just so I know exactly what I am looking for?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
ImperialGood already did a great job answering this question, but I thought I'd throw out that there's a moba map that checks for unit damage to track assists. I've attached a screenshot of the event trigger. I'm in the process of updating and reworking the triggers for this map (haven't gotten to this one yet), so I still need to run the profiler to figure out if the late-game lag we sometimes experience is related to this trigger. However, this map has been out for a while and we've had no consistent problems with lag.
Order by execution time total (click header) and after 10 minutes check if there are some insane numbers sticking out. If a trigger/function is running up an execution time of 300 seconds over 10 minutes something is clearly wrong with it.
Late game performance problems are more likely caused by task leaks. This is when a data thread, trigger thread or actor is created and kept running for an extended period of time beyond its usefulness. Eventually enough tasks build up that game performance has to suffer as real time deadlines cannot be met.
Another form of late game performance problems are state complexity. What one might think of as trivial might turn out to be extremely complex to compute. If one uses this too much then eventually performance starts to suffer as game complexity increases. For example stacking a buff with a periodic effect 100 times, so as to allow its effect magnitude to increase, results in the periodic effect firing 100 times for 1 unit, instead of firing 1 time with a stronger effect. Do such a buff to 100 odd units with 100 stack count and performance might easily drop to be unplayable.
Gotcha - thanks for the tip. I'm already aware of a number of things happening on the trigger side that aren't being cleaned up properly, but I haven't found any serious issues. My suspicion has been that the lag we experience is related to a specific late-game weapon. Everytime this weapon fires, it creates like 8 missile actors. We usually start seeing serious lag issues when like 6+ of these weapons are firing at once. I hate working in the data editor, so chances are I won't ever attempt to fix that one. Luckily, 90% of games don't go that long and the lag usually isn't too bad. Honestly, I was hoping it was this trigger that causes the lag spikes (lots of units receiving non-fatal damage lots of times), but I suppose there are other weapons that hit a bunch of units much earlier in the game, without causing lag.
Ok I will try this soon.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
Hmmm so far I have been unable to replicate the FPS drop after removing all the enemy units. I have I am going to try one more thing before I declare the fps with the enemy units gone glitch to be fixed. So right now the other main fps drop is at a certain stage of the game, the ultralisk wave which the game also goes down to like 9 fps (any ideas would be great. I have come up with an idea, I apply a behaviour to the weak units (overlords, drones, swarming and zerglings) that kills them in like 10 seconds. that is going well and I am going to make the game activate the 'kill trigger' a little before the lag starts. The trouble is when the ultra wave is depends on the amount of players on the map. Is there some way to get a trigger that activates the 'kill trigger' only when a 3/4 human controlled players are active?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
Yes, you do exactly what you wrote in trigger form...
Count number of active human controlled players and if that number is greater than 2 then run "kill trigger" otherwise do nothing. Counting the number of active human controlled players is as simple as counting the number of players that are human controlled and still playing by looping through all players and incrementing a counter if a player meets that condition.
I am having trouble, can you explain more, or take a screenshot?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
Something like the following should do the trick...
The logic to find active player count could be put into any trigger you want or even made into an action for convenience.
Ok thanks, that is very helpful, will try soon.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
Hey, quick question on this topic. I've noticed that a lot of people perform actions on all active players without using the "Active Players" function. Is there currently any good reason to not use this? For example, in this situation, it seems to me like it would be easier to simply get the number of players in active players. Of course, if you were filtering for some other criteria, you'd want to do that filtering yourself, but I assume that the Active Players function returns a player group of only current human players.
I do not know the exact behaviour of the native/function. As such I cannot suggest it to anyone as I might suggest its use incorrectly.
Specifically "active players" meaning is ambiguous to some extent. Computers could technically be active if they have not been defeated/won and were defined as slot controllers before the start. Like wise players that were active at the start of the game might have been defeated/won/left so might be considered inactive. It obviously has a well defined behaviour with what it returns just I do not know what that is and cannot be bothered to extensively test it and will likely forget it in years to as well.
As such I suggested a for all player loop with filters. These filters I can explicitly define and do know what they do so I can be sure the trigger would work. Performance wise it might not be the most efficient solution or the most compact solution code wise, but none of that matters as it will make no difference to gameplay at all.
Just so you know it seems to be working so far
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.
I can make a full test when I get home. Now my last problem is not a trigger problem. I use the coop dependency (which I know is a ad idea) and the dependency makes the 100 mineral crystal pickups, that I changed so they only give 50 minerals, give player 1 and 2 minerals rather than just the player that picked up the minerals. I changed the effects and abilities of the mineral pickup but it is still the same. How do I fix the problem?
Stranded on Krydon Renewed- A renewed version of Stranded on Krydon that is being constantly updated, has improved visuals, is more friendly to new players, lots more fun tweaks and much more planned to come.
Stranded on Krydon Renewed EXTREME- A modified version of SoKR with much harder difficulty.