I am currently setting up regions to become playable regions. So if one player walks from region 1 to region 2. It will set the playable region to region 2. The problem is this will also change the region view of another person that did not trigger the region.
Any help with this will be appreciated. I attach the file below.
I found it helps to ad a player number to the trigger... hope it helps
Unit - Any Unit Enters within 2.0 of Point 8
Local Variables
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 12
I am currently setting up regions to become playable regions. So if one player walks from region 1 to region 2. It will set the playable region to region 2. The problem is this will also change the region view of another person that did not trigger the region.
Any help with this will be appreciated. I attach the file below.
@sobatao: Go
I found it helps to ad a player number to the trigger... hope it helps LEAK CHECKER 1 Events Unit - Any Unit Enters within 2.0 of Point 8 Local Variables Conditions (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 12
@sobatao: Go
Well i fix my region problem. It was suppose to be Camera bounds not playable map area. But this works all the better.