Hero might have two random abilities(cant predict which exactly) both abilities has different coldowns (lets say 5 and 7 seconds), the event that triggers use of this abilities is same for each ability(for example unit being hitted 12 times), so i thought that solution will be to give the player opportunity to decide which ability hero will be using first and which next. So this abilities can't be used by player directly, this is just a hidden part of rpg system i'm trying to make. This abils are kind of passive, but should be used automaticaly by index order. I'm having troubles in understanding where to start guys. I can't find actions in trigger editor that is responsible for abil's indexes(probably cuz my editor russian version which is harder to understand than english :)). Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
but what exactly you understand by "Ability index" ? You mean order? or index in command card? or maybe index of ability in units "abilities+" in data editor?
1) how to add ability to unit (abilities can be picked up, so data approach is not the option)
2) i want abilities get indexes while being shuffled by player in custom command card ( so engine will know what use first what next if more than one ability triggers with same event). How to implement this (is it even possible?)
I'm feeling like i need to dig into scripting with that. If someone have knowledge about something similiar help please :)
how can i use show hide ability if i can't predict which skills will drop for player. Or should i add tonn of abils to every unit in a map and then show/hide them. thats too messy...
how can i use show hide ability if i can't predict which skills will drop for player. Or should i add tonn of abils to every unit in a map and then show/hide them. thats too messy...
what you do is first set the hero up to have all of the random abilities....
heres my suggestion
random ability 1 randoms from 4 possible abilities
if 1 then give a "behavior buff to the unit" this behavior is required for the button on the unit to show Ability one
if 2 then give a "behavior buff to the unit" this behavior is required for the button on the unit to show Ability two
these four abilties have thier own complete set ups .... but thier buttons show on the same command card slot. But since only 1 of them can be available at a time. This will not cause a conflict.
random ability 2 randoms from 4 possible abilities (not the same 4 from the first random ability)
if 1 then give a "behavior buff to the unit" this behavior is required for the button on the unit to show Ability 5
if 2 then give a "behavior buff to the unit" this behavior is required for the button on the unit to show Ability 6
Set the buttons of these last 4 abilities on a different command slot then random ability 1
There's another way to do it but its almost more messy and it is very limiting because your stuck with one button with the same base ability and targeting and hotkey commands.
where as if you show/hide the abilities you have full spell/ command control.
I understand what you are talking about. But how about 60-100+ abilities that will be available to player. when i'm adding even 20 abils to every unit it links a shitton of actors and other stuff to this unit, and editor seems like starting blow up. Thanks for your replies guys. But i'm looking for opportunity to keep things clean as possible, probably will w8 for HotS.
Okay, considering my problem guys :D.
Hero might have two random abilities(cant predict which exactly) both abilities has different coldowns (lets say 5 and 7 seconds), the event that triggers use of this abilities is same for each ability(for example unit being hitted 12 times), so i thought that solution will be to give the player opportunity to decide which ability hero will be using first and which next. So this abilities can't be used by player directly, this is just a hidden part of rpg system i'm trying to make. This abils are kind of passive, but should be used automaticaly by index order. I'm having troubles in understanding where to start guys. I can't find actions in trigger editor that is responsible for abil's indexes(probably cuz my editor russian version which is harder to understand than english :)). Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
but what exactly you understand by "Ability index" ? You mean order? or index in command card? or maybe index of ability in units "abilities+" in data editor?
Okay, I'm messing here with two problems:
1) how to add ability to unit (abilities can be picked up, so data approach is not the option)
2) i want abilities get indexes while being shuffled by player in custom command card ( so engine will know what use first what next if more than one ability triggers with same event). How to implement this (is it even possible?)
I'm feeling like i need to dig into scripting with that. If someone have knowledge about something similiar help please :)
how can i use show hide ability if i can't predict which skills will drop for player. Or should i add tonn of abils to every unit in a map and then show/hide them. thats too messy...
nah , just copy paste fields.
I don't know how you "pick" ability in your map but you should attach ability id to this thing for reference
what you do is first set the hero up to have all of the random abilities....
heres my suggestion
these four abilties have thier own complete set ups .... but thier buttons show on the same command card slot. But since only 1 of them can be available at a time. This will not cause a conflict.
Set the buttons of these last 4 abilities on a different command slot then random ability 1
There's another way to do it but its almost more messy and it is very limiting because your stuck with one button with the same base ability and targeting and hotkey commands.
where as if you show/hide the abilities you have full spell/ command control.
I understand what you are talking about. But how about 60-100+ abilities that will be available to player. when i'm adding even 20 abils to every unit it links a shitton of actors and other stuff to this unit, and editor seems like starting blow up. Thanks for your replies guys. But i'm looking for opportunity to keep things clean as possible, probably will w8 for HotS.
turn off object explorer